Table of Contents
Self Care
Scholarly Books
Popular Books (divide into subjects)
Non-Fiction Anthologies
LGBTQ+ Picture Books
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
LGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority Ethnicity
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA Literature
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
Articles (Popular Press)
Archival Collections
State- and Territory-Specific Resources
New York
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Greater Washington, D.C.
Library/Info/Education Organizations
Resources for K-12 School Communities
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Library & Information Studies Resources
LGBTQ Perspectives in US History
History of Gun Control Policy
Activism and Action Steps
Self CareAssessment for self care -
Free app for meditation in five minutes -
10 minute meditation w/ GIF to help with breathing, helps with anxiety and panic attacks- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXItOY0sLRY
After Tragedy, Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope - http://www.npr.org/2013/01/16/168563480/after-tragedy-nonbelievers-find-other-ways-to-cope
Help with tolerating intense and uncomfortable emotions such as grief & anger -
Chödrön, Pema. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult times. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.
Lipsky, Laura van Dernoot. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.
Community of compassion and hope for grieving survivors; counseling, advocacy, research, and education - http://www.missfoundation.org/
Libraries are packed with information & resources. Find one near you - https://www.worldcat.org/libraries
Blog encouraging people to prevent other people’s garbage from taking over their lives - The Law of the Garbage Truck
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Scholarly Books
Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Aching, Gerald. Masking and Power: Carnival and Popular Culture in the Caribbean. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Acosta, Katie L. Amigas Y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2013.
Aldama, Frederick L. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
----. Dancing with Ghosts: A Critical Biography of Arturo Islas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Almaguer, Tomas. "Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 3.2. (1991): 75-100.
Alwood, Edward. Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands = La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print.
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco- 1950-1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Atkins, Gary L. Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging. 2003. University of Washington Press, 2013.
Balay, Anne. Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Steelworkers. 2014, University of North Carolina Press.
Bailey, Marlon M. Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Bausum, Ann. Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights. Viking, 2015. [A history of gay liberation and Stonewall for young adult readers.]
Beachy, Robert. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity. New York: Knopf, 2014.
Bell, David, and Gill Valentine. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London; New York: Routledge, 1994.
Berube, Allan and John D’Emilio. “The Military Lesbians During the McCarthy Years” Estelle Freedman et al., eds. The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. Print.
Brooks, Adrian. The Right Side of History: 100 Years of LGBTQ Activism , 2015. Print.
Brooks, Siobhan. "Staying in the Hood: Black Lesbian and Transgender Women and Identity Management in North Philadelphia." Journal of homosexuality (2016): 1-21.
Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York: Haworth Press, 2002.
Cantú, Lionel. 2009. The Sexuality of Migration: Border Crossings and Mexican Immigrant Men.
Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Castiglia, Christopher, and Christopher Reed. If Memory Serves: Gay Men, AIDS, and the Promise of the Queer Past. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1840-1940. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
Cleves, Rachel Hope. Charity and Sylvia: A Same-sex Marriage in Early America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. On Intersectionality: Essential Writings. New Press, 2016.
Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo and Martin F. Manalansan. Queer Globalizations. Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2003.
Decena, Carlos. Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Gay Men. Duke University Press, 2011.
Del Castillo, Adelaida R. and Gibrán Güido, ed. Queer in Aztlán: Chicano Male Recollections of Consciousness and Coming Out. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic, 2014.
D’Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. 1983. 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1998.
D’Emilio, John. In a New Century: Essays on Queer History, Politics, and Community Life. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2014.
D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Dews, C L. B, and Carolyn L. Law. Out in the South. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Downs, Jim. Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation. New York: Basic Books, 2016.
Duberman, Martin, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York, Penguin Books, 1989.
Duggan, Lisa. Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2000.
---. The Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2003.
Eaklor, Vicki L. Queer America: A People’s GLBT History of the United States. The New Press, 2008. New Press People’s History. [A very accessible, introductory-level textbook on the history of queer America!]
Escobar Cajamarca, Manuel Roberto, Cuerpos en resistencia: experiencias trans en Ciudad de México y Bogotá, Bogotá: Universidad Central, 2016.
Enke, Finn A. Finding the Movement: Sexuality, Contested Space, and Feminist Activism. Duke, 2007
Faderman, Lillian. The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
---. “Who Hid Lesbian History?” The New Lesbian Studies: Intro to the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman and Toni McNarion. New York:The Feminist Press, 1996.
Forrest, Katherine V., ed. Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950-1965. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2005.
Foster, Thomas A, ed. Long Before Stonewall: Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America New York: NYU Press, 2007.
Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol. 1 New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Fields, Jill. An Intimate Affair: Women Lingerie and Sexuality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
Frank, Miriam, Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America. 2014, Temple University Press.
Gallo, Marcia M. Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Gamson, Joshua. Modern Families: Stories of Extraordinary Journeys to Kinship. NYU Press, 2015.
Gieseking, Jen Jack. 2013. “Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008.” In Queer Presences and Absences, edited by Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison, 178–200. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You’ll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America. Indiana University Press, 1989.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
Graves, Karen. And they were wonderful teachers : Florida’s purge of gay and lesbian teachers. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2009.
Grier, Barbara, and Coletta Reid, eds. The Lavender Herring: Lesbian Essays from The Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grzanka, Patrick R., ed. Intersectionality: A Foundations and Frontiers Reader. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2014.
Halberstam, J. M. In A Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2005.
Halperin, David M. How to Do the History of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Hames-Garcia, Michael R, and Ernesto J. Martínez. Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Hancock, Ange-Marie. Intersectionality: An Intellectual History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hanhardt, Christina B. Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. Duke University Press, 2013.
Herek, Gregory M., and Kevin T. Berrill, editors. Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men. Sage Publications, 1992.
Herman, Judith Lewis. Trauma and recovery. Basic books, 1997.
Herring, Scott. Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism. New York: New York University Press, 2010.
Herukhuti. Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality and Spirituality, Volume I. New York: Vintage Entity Press. 2007
Horak, Laura. Girls Will be Boys: Cross-dressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema, 1908-1934. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Jagose, Annamarie. Queer Theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
Jama, Afdhere. Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World. Oracle Releasing, 2008. Print.
Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, eds. Blacktino Queer Performance. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Henderson, Mae G., eds. Black Queer Studies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
King, Rosamond S. Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2014.
Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq. Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oneworld Publications, 2010.
Kulick, Don. Travesti: Sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
La Fountain-Stokes, Lawrence. Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Lawrence, Tim, Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979 Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
Licata, Salvadore J. “The Homosexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History” Journal of Homosexuality 6, Fall/Winter 1980/81.
Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing, 1984.
---. Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1982.
Love, Heather. Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Manalansan IV, Martin F. Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Marhoefer, Laurie. Sex and the Weimar Republic: Homosexuality and the Rise of the Nazis. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Marcus, Eric. Making History; The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 –An Oral History. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Marinucci, Mimi. Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
McConnell, David. American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men. New York: Akashic Books, 2013.
McKenzie, Mia. Black Girl Dangerous: On Race, Queerness, Class, and Gender. Oakland: BGD Press, 2014.
Meeker, Martin. Contacts Desired: Gay and Lesbian Communications, 1940s -1970s. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Meyer, Doug. Violence against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender, and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J. Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J.. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Harvard University Press, 2002.
Moore, Mignon R. Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood among Black Women. University of California Press, 2011.
Morrone, Melissa, ed. Informed Agitation: Library and Information Skills in Social Justice Movements and Beyond. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2014.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity. Duke University Press, 2009.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics. University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2004.
Newton, Esther. Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town. , 2014. Print.
Nkabinde, Nkunzi Zandile. Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life as a Lesbian Sangoma. Jacana Media, 2009. Print.
Ochoa, Marcia. Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
Parrini Rodrigo y Alejandro Brito (coords.) La memoria y el deseo. Estudios gay y queer en México, México: PUEG, UNAM, 2014.
Pasco, C.J. Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. 2nd ed. University of California Press, 2011.
Peña, Susana. Oye Loca: From the Mariel Boatlift to Gay Cuban Miami. University of Minnesota Press.: Minneapolis, MN. 2013.
Perez, Elizabeth. Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions. New York University Press, 2016.
Plant, Richard. Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals. New York: Holt, 1986.
Poucher, Judith G. State of Defiance : Challenging the Johns Committee's Assault on Civil Liberties. 2014.
Puar, Jasbir. Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Queen, Carol. PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality. Jersey City: Cleis Press, 1997.
Quesada, U., Gomez, L., & Vidal-Ortiz, S. (Eds.). (2015). Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quiroga, José. Tropics of Desire: Interventions from Queer Latino America. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Ramos, Juanita. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: an Anthology. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Rechy, John. City of Night. New York: Grove, 1963.
Reddy, Chandan. Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the US State. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. Performing Queer Latinidad: Dance, Sexuality, Politics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Robb, Graham. Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Norton, 2003.
Rodriguez, Juana M. Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces. New York: New York University Press, 2003.
---. Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. New York: New York University Press, 2014.
Rupp, Leila. A Desired Past: A Short History of Same-Sex Love in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
‐ ‐ ‐. Sapphistries: A Global History of Love Between Women. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Shaw, Adrienne. Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2015.
Shawl, Nisi, and Cynthia Ward. Writing the Other: A Practical Approach. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2005. Print.
Shultz, Jackson Wright. Trans/portraits: Voices From Transgender Communities. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2015.
Sifuentes-Jáuregui, Ben. The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2014.
Snorton, Riley C. Nobody is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
Soares, Manuela “The Purloined Ladder: Its Place in Lesbian History.” The Journal of Homosexuality , Vol. 34, No. ¾, Winter 1998: 27-49.
Somerville, Siobhan B. Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
Spade, Dean. Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of the Law. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith (Eds). Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (2nd). AK Press, 2015.
Stein, Marc. City of Sisterly and Brotherly Love: Making Lesbian and Gay History in Philadelphia, 1945-1972. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Stryker, Susan. Transgender History. Seal Press, 2008.
Tillmann, Lisa. In Solidarity : Friendship, Family, and Activism beyond Gay and Straight. Innovative Ethnographies. 2014.
Von Hoffman Nicholas. Citizen Cohn. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Walter, Cori E. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood (2011): Master of Liberal Studies Theses. Rollins College. Web. http://scholarship.rollins.edu/mls/6/
Walters, Suzanna Danuta. All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
---. The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. New York University Press, 2014.
Warner, Michael (ed.). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
Warner, Michael. The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Wilchins, R. (2014). Queer theory, gender theory: An instant primer. Bronx, NY: Magnus Books.
Woods, Gregory. Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Young, Allen, and Karla Jay, editors. Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation. 1972. Twentieth anniversary edition, New York University Press, 1992.
Popular Books (divide into subjects)AdultFictionBaldwin, James. Giovanni’s Room. 1956.
Baldwin, James. If Beale Street Could Talk: New York : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1974.
Bañales, Meliza. Life Is Wonderful, People Are Terrific. Ladybox, 2015.
Bannon, Ann. The Beebo Brinker Omnibus: Ann Bannon’s Pulp Classics. Cleis, 2015.
Barnes, Djuna. Nightwood: Faber, 2001. Print.
Barnett, LaShonda. Jam on the Vine. New York: Grove, 2015.
Bhattacharya, Susmita. The Normal State of Mind. Parthian, 2015.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York: Topside Press, 2013.
Brooks, Carellin. One Hundred Days of Rain. BookThug, 2015.
Bowes, Richard. Dust Devil on a Quiet Street. Lethe Press, 2013.
Brown, R. M. Rubyfruit Jungle. 1973.
Castillo, Ana. Loverboys. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
---. So Far From God. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993.
Chee, Alexander. Edinburgh. New York: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2001.
Capote, Truman. Other Voices, Other Rooms. (1948). New York: Vintage, 1994.
Doctor, Farzana. Stealing Nasreen, 2007.
Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex. 2002
http://thewalrus.ca/rise-of-the-gender-novel/ Casey Plett’s “gender novel”
Erdrich, Louise. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Farris, Julian E. The Sin Warriors : A Novel. Maple Shade, N.J.: Lethe Press, 2012.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand: 1993. (Available as a free PDF here: http://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)
Flagg, Fannie, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe. N.Y. : Random House, c1987.
Forster, E. M. Maurice. 1971.
Frank, Judith. All I Love and Know. New York: William Morrow, 2014
Garcia, Tristan. Hate: A Romance. Translated by Marion Duvert and Lorin Stein. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010.
Gurba, Myriam. Dahlia Season: stories & a novella. Manic D Press, 2007
Haddad, Saleem. Guapa. New York: Other Press, 2016.
Highway, Tomson. Kiss of the Fur Queen. 1999. (Aboriginal, queer.)
Humphreys, Helen, The Lost Garden, 2002.
Jackson, Naomi. The Star Side of Bird Hill. New York: Penguin, 2015.
Kaveney, Roz. Tiny Pieces of Skull. Team Angelica Publishing, 2015.
Krieger, Nick. Nina Here nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender. , 2011. Print.
Lemus, Felicia L. Like Son. New York: Akashik Books, 2007/
---. The Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003. Print.
Logan, Kirsty. The Gracekeepers. Crown Publishing, 2015.
Lowrey, Sassafras. Lost Boi. Arsenal Pulp, 2015.
Merlis, Mark. An Arrow's Flight. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print.
Negrón, Luis. Mundo Cruel. Río Piedras, P.R: La Secta de los Perros, 2010. Print.
Negrón, Luis, and Suzanne J. Levine. Mundo Cruel: Stories. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2013. Print. (English translation)
Okparanta, Chinelo. Under the Udala Trees. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015
Pickney, Darryl. Black Deutschland. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2016.
Puig, Manuel. The Kiss of the Spider Woman. 1984.
Rice-González, Charles. Chulito. 2010.
Rivera, Gabby. Juliet Takes a Breath. Riverdale, N.Y.: Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016.
Sarif, Shamim. I Can't Think Straight. London: Enlightenment, 2008.
Shraya, Vivek. She of the Mountains. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Pissing in a River. New York: Feminist Press, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin. Ithaca: Firebrand, 1994.
Syms, Shawn. Nothing Looks Familiar. Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Tartellin, Abigail. Golden Boy. Atria Books, 2013.
Torres, Justin. We the Animals. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
White, Edmund. The Beautiful Room is Empty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
White, Edmund. A Boy’s Own Story. Boston: E. P. Dutton, 1982.
Non-Fiction Acevedo, David. El Diario de Una Puta Humilde. Erizo Editorial. 2012. Print.
Arnal, Kike. Bordered Lives: Transgender Portraits from Mexico. , 2014. Print.
Connell, Catherine. School's Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom. , 2015. Print.
Diamond, K.D., Moon, Allison, eds. Girl Sex 101. Lunatic Ink, 2015.
Fausto-Sterling. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books, 2000.
Howard, John. Men Like That: A Southern Queer History. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disasters. New York: Viking, 2009.
MemoirBlanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos : A Miami Childhood. First ed. Ecco, 2014.
Cogswell, Kelly. Eating Fire: My Life As a Lesbian Avenger. , 2014. Print.
Cooper, T. Real Man Adventures. San Francisco: McSweeney’s, 2012.
Conigrave, Timothy. Holding the Man, 1995.
Conley, Garrard. Boy Erased: A Memoir. Riverhead Books, 2016.
Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws.
Hernandez, Daisy. A Cup of Water Under My Bed.
Jacques, Juliet. Trans: A Memoir. London: Verso, 2015.
McBee, Thomas Page. Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness and Becoming a Man. San Francisco: City Lights, 2015.
Mock, Janet. Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More. New York: Atria, 2014.
Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.
Moraga, Cherríe L. Loving in the War Years. South End Press, 1983 (2nd ed. 2000). *
Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home.
Road, Cristy C. Spit and Passion.
Spoon, Rae. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
Spoon, Rae & Ivan E. Coyote. Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Wilson, Tabias. Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remebering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance.
Wojnarowicz, David. Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration.
Non-Fiction Anthologies
Conrad, Ryan, ed. Against Equality: Prisons Will Not Protect You.
Erickson-Schroth, Laura, ed. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community.
Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein, ed. That’s Revolting!: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation.
Fray Baroque and Teagan Eanelli Queer Ultraviolence: Bash Back Anthology
Boykin, Keith et al. (eds.) For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home.
Townsend, Johnny. Let the Faggots Burn : The Upstairs Lounge Fire. Bangor, Maine: BookLocker.com, 2011.
Aire Saenz, Benjamin. Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club. Cinco Puntos Press. 2012.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Workin' it! : RuPaul's guide to life, liberty, and the pursuit of style / RuPaul.
Hello, cruel world : 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws / by Kate Bornstein.
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
Shelton, Michael. Family Pride: What LGBT families should know about navigating home, school and safety in their neighborhoods.
The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Margot Canaday
Ochs, R. & Williams, H. S. Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Boston: Bisexual Resource Center. 2014.
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire edited by C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano
Klonaris, Helen & Rabiyah, Amir. Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices. Chapel Hill: Trans-Genre Press: 2016.
Queer Prison Abolition
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex edited by Eric A. Stanley & Nat Smith
Considering Hate: Violence, Goodness, and Justice in American Culture and Politics by Michael Bronski and Kay Whitlock
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey Mogul, Andrea Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
Stonewall Book Awards List from the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table - http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/award/honored
The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender Women in Male Prison by Kristin Lyseggen and Carolyn Bond (2015)
Eisner, Shiri. Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution. 2013.
Xavier, Emanuel. Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry. Mountain View, Calif: Floricanto Press, 2008.
Beam, Cris. Transparent: Love, Family, and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers. Orlando, Fla: Harcourt, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, 2013.
Delany, Samuel. Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York: NYU P,
Delany, Samuel. The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
Blanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood. 2014.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. 1993.
Jennings, Kevin, ed. One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About What’s Gotten Better and What Hasn’t. Boston: Beacon Press, 2015.
Anthropy, Anna. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
Iyer, Deepa, We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future, New York: The New Press, 2015.
ChildrenLGBTQ+ Picture Books
10,000 Dresses by Max Ewert & Rex Ray
All I Want To Be Is Me by Phyllis Rothblatt
All Kinds of Families, 40th Anniversary Edition, Norma Simon, Sarah Brannen (Illustrator)
And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell, Henry Cole (Illustrator)
Call Me Tree: Llámame árbol by Maya Christina González
Daddy, Papa, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Donovan’s Big Day by Lesléa Newman & Mike Dutton
Families by Susan Kuklin
Families by Shelley Rotner
Families, Families, Families! by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan, Danamarie Hosler (Illustrator)
Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesléa Newman & Laura Cornell
Hello, Sailor by Andre Sollie, Ingrid Gordon (Illustrator)
I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings, Shelagh McNicholas (Illustrator)
In Our Mothers' House by Patricia Polacco
Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton, Dougal MacPhearson (Illustrator)
Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah Hoffman, Ian Hoffman, & Chris Case
King and King by Linda de Haan & Stern Nijland
Large Fears by Myles E. Johnson, Kendrick Daye
Made by Raffi by Craig Pomranz & Margaret Chamberlain
Meet Polkadot by Talcott Broadhead
Mommy, Mama, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Monday is One Day by Arthur A. Levine, Julian Hector (Illustrator)
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino & Isabelle Malenfant
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis & Suzanne DeSimone
A Peacock Among Pigeons by Tyler Curry and Clarione Gutierrez
Real Sisters Pretend by Megan Dowd Lambert, Nicole Tadgell (Illustrator)
Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon Coloring Book by Jacinta Bunnell
Square Zair Pair by Jase Peeples and Christine Knopp
Stella Brings the Family by Miriam B. Schiffer & Holly Clifton-Brown
This Day in June by Gayle E. Pittman & Krystina Litten
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg
Worm loves Worm by J.J. Austrian
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister by Charlotte Agell
The Best Man by Richard Peck
Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle and Five, Six, Seven, Nate! by Tim Federle (sequel to Better Nate Than Ever)
The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Family Fletcher series by Dana Alison Levy
Gay & Lesbian History for Kids by Jerome Pohlen
George by Alex Gino
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
Husky by Justin Sayre
Kiss by Jacqueline Woodson
Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
Lumberjanes series by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, & Brooke A. Allen
The Manny Files by Christian Burch
Marco the Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
The Marvels by Brian Selznick
Misfit trilogy by James Howe
My Mixed-Up Berry Blue Summer by Jennifer Gennari
The Popularity Papers series by Amy Ignatow
Pride Celebrating Diversity & Community by Robin Stevenson
Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz & Miriam Klein Stahl
See You at Harry’s by Jo Knowles
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg & Fiona Smyth
Totally Joe by James Howe
YALGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority EthnicityAnything Could Happen by Will Walton
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire
Boyfriends With Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Convict’s Candy by Damon Meadows & Jason Poole
Crash Into Me by Borris Albert
Dramarama by E. Lockhart
Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole
Dreamblood Duology (Killing Moon and Shadowed Sun) by N. K. Jemisin
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
The God Box by Alex Sanchez
God Loves Hair by Vivek Shraya
Happy Families by Tanita Davis
The House You Pass on the Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Huntress by Malinda Lo
I Am J by Cris Beam
If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
M+O 4evr by Tonya Hegamin
Money Boy by Paul Yee
Moon at Nine by Deborah Ellis
More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Necessary Hunger by Nina Revoyr
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz
On the Come Up by Hannah Weyer
Orphea Proud by Sharon Dennis Wyeth
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Proxy by Alex London
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Swimming in the Monsoon Sea by Shyam Selvadurai
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd
Books about Transgender Issues for Teens (New York Public Library)
I am J - Cris Beam
Lizard Radio - Pat Schwartz (genderfluid)
The Symptoms of Being Human - Jeff Garvin (genderfluid)
Luna by Julie Anne Peters
What We Left Behind by Robin Talley (genderfluid)
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman
Beyond Magenta: Transgendered Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Freakboy by Kristin Clark
Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen by Jazz Jenning
Lambda Literary (awards)
Rainbow Book List (The Rainbow List is a bibliography of books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content, and which are aimed at youth, birth through age 18.)
Stonewall Awards (which includes a Children’s and YA Award since 2010)
Derman-Sparks, Louise. (2016). “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books.” Teaching For Change.
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
Am I Blue?: Coming Out of the SIlence edited by Marion Dane Bauer'
Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Ash by Malinda Lo
A Boy Like Me by Jennie Wood
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett
All the Major Constellations by Pratima Cranse
Another Kind of Cowboy by Susan Juby
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Brooklyn Burning by Steve Brezenoff
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio
Nevada by Imogene Binnie
Bi-Normal by M.G. Higgins
Double Exposure by Bridget Birdsall
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
Far From You by Tess Sharpe
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Hold Still by Nina LaCour
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour
Ask the Passengers by A. S. King
Weetzie Bat--Francesca Lia Block
The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Changers series by T. Cooper; Alison Glock-Cooper
About a Girl by Sarah McCarry
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth
Dark Parts of the Forest by Holly Black
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Freak Show by James St. James
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Hold Me Closer: the Tiny Cooper story by David Levithan
How Beautiful the Ordinary edited by Michael Cart
It’s Our Prom (Deal with it) by Julie Anne Peters
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle
Love Drugged by James Klise
My Heartbeat by Garrett Freyman-Weyr
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman
Tessa Masterson WIll Go to Prom by Emily Franklin
Pink by Lili Wikinson
Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy by Bil Wright
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan
With or WIthout You by Brian Farrey
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi
What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
The Space Between by Michelle Teichman
South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo
Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion edited by Ryan Conrad
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remembering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Surivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Kicked Out by Sassafras Lowrey
LGTBQ+ Athletes Claim the Field: Striving for Equality by Kristin Cronn-Mills
LGBTQ families: Ultimate Teen Guide by Eva Apelqvist
The Letter Q: Queer Writers Notes to Their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon
OMG queer : short stories by queer youth edited by Radclyffe and Katherine E. Lynch
Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community by Robin Stevenson
Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Belge and Marke Bieschke
Rethinking Normal: A Memoir in Transition by Katie Rain Hill
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen by Arin Andrews
Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights by Ann Bausum
This Book is Gay by James Dawson
Transgender Lives: Complex Stories, Complex Voices by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Branded by the Pink Triangle by Ken Setterrington
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
A + e 4ever by Ilike Merey
Adrian and the Tree of Secrets by Marie Caillou-Hubert
Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
Draw the Line by Laurent Linn
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince
Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki
Kevin Keller: Welcome to Riverdale by Dan Parent
The Heart of Thomas by Moto Hagio
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson and Shannon Waters
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
Pedro and Me by Judd Winick
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA LiteratureMichelle Abate (website)
Rob Bittner (website)
Michael Cart
Thomas Crisp
Christine Jenkins (website)
Kenneth Kidd
Derritt Mason
Angel Daniel Matos (website)
Jamie Campbell Naidoo (also studies Latinx children’s literature)
Eric Tribunella
Lance Weldy
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell. Rainbow Families: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content. Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. The Heart Has Its Reasons: Young Adult Literature with Lesbian/Gay/Queer Content, 1969-2004. Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. Book Review: Top 250 LGBTQ Books for Teens: Coming Out, Being Out, and the Search for Community. Huron Street Press, 2015.
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
I’m Here, I’m Queer, What The Hell Do I Read?
F Yeah Queer Teen Lit
The Gay YA Tumblr
LGBT YA Reviews
Tru Colorz
Queer YA
Boys on the Brink Blog
YA GLBT (Goodreads Group)
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children: http://decoloresreviews.blogspot.com/
Latinxs in Kid Lit: https://latinosinkidlit.com/
Pura Belpré Medal: http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell (ed). (2010). Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries.
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Literature
Out in the Library: Queer Youth Literature and Its Censors (slide presentation)
Articles (Popular Press)
Aponte, Jack. “American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say "Not in Our Names." Truthout, 14 June 2016.
Cervantes, Vincent. “Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando.” Religion Dispatches. http://religiondispatches.org/sacred-geography-a-queer-latino-theological-response-to-orlando/
Deken, Sebastian. “What I want you to talk about when you talk about the Orlando shooting.” Upworthy. http://www.upworthy.com/what-i-want-you-to-talk-about-when-you-talk-about-the-orlando-shooting
Delgado, Juliana. “Cuentamelo: An Oral History of Queer Latin Immigrants in San Francisco.” SF Weekly, 26 June 2013. http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/cuentamelo-an-oral-history-of-queer-latin-immigrants-in-san-francisco/Content?oid=2826471
Dias, Elizabeth. “The Upstairs Lounge Fire: The Little Known Story of the Largest Killing of Gays in US History.” Time, 21 June 2013.
Dowd, Elle. "Biphobia and the Pulse Massacre." Medium. 13 June 2016. https://medium.com/@elledowd/biphobia-and-the-pulse-massacre-add1dd9b27be#.kv1z4evqz
Flores, Veronica Bayettl. “The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robbed The Queer Latinx Community Of A Sanctuary.” Remezcla, 13 June 2016. http://remezcla.com/features/music/pulse-nightclub-sanctuary/
Kim, Richard. “Please Don’t Stop the Music.” The Nation, 12 June 2016. http://www.thenation.com/article/please-dont-stop-the-music/
Kysia, Alison. "A People's History of Muslims in the United States." Zinn Education Project A People’s History of Muslims in the United States. 07 Apr. 2014.
Kost, Ryan. “In ‘The Q-Sides,’ queer Latinos find place in lowrider culture.” SF Weekly, 19 June 2015. http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/In-The-Q-Sides-queer-Latinos-find-place-6324302.php
Lopez, Alan Pelaez, Bea Esparanza Fonseca, Jorge Gutierrez, Jennicet Gutierrez, and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. “Trans and Queer Latinxs Respond to #PulseOrlando Shooting.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/Familiatqlm/videos/894654677347323/?pnref=story
Noyola, Isa and Amy Goodman. “Activist: Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response.” 14 June 2016. http://www.democracynow.org/2016/6/14/activist_latinx_lgbtq_community_its_stories
One+Love Editorial Staff. “Dr. Herukhuti on Sexual Imperialism, Homonormativity, & Bi-Erasure.” One+Love. 10 June 2014.
Onion, Rebecca. “What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists.” Slate. 15 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/06/what_gun_control_advocates_can_learn_from_the_abolitionists_who_helped_end.html
Pérez, Roy. “Mark Aguhar’s Critical Flippancy.” Bully Bloggers. 4 August 2012. https://bullybloggers.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mark-aguhars-critical-flippancy/
Pierce, Joseph M. “Travestis, negras, boricas, maricas” Revista Anfibia. 13 June 2016. http://www.revistaanfibia.com/cronica/travestis-negras-boricuas-maricas/
Singh, Maanvi. “Not Your Mother's Catholic Frescoes: Radiant Portraits Of Queer People Of Color.” NPR Code Switch. 28 May 2015.
Sheffield, R. Social Justice Struggles for Rights, Equality & Identity: The Role of LGBTQ Archives (discusses the Upstairs Lounge Fire). https://youtu.be/Lvatk4YXmSw
Stern, Mark Joseph. “There’s an Urgent Need for Blood Donors in Orlando. Most Gay Men Still Can’t Donate.” Slate, 12 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/orlando_pulse_gay_nightclub_shooting_gay_men_can_t_donate_blood.html
Tite, Philip L. “Scripting Acts of Violence: Intersectionality and the Orlando Shooting.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 13 June 2016. http://bulletin.equinoxpub.com/2016/06/scripting-acts-of-violence-intersectionality-and-the-orlando-shooting/
Uwujaren, Jarune. "How White LGBTQIA+ People Can Be More Inclusive of People of Color." Everyday Feminism, 5 February 2013.
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Project Tumblr
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/opinion/the-corrosive-politics-that-threaten-lgbt-americans.html?_r=0 (More than 200 anti-LGBT bill have been introduced in 34 states in 2016 alone)
“Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers as Translator for Victims’ Families” June 14, 2016. Heard on All Things Considered
Articles (Scholarly Press)
Allen, Jafai S. 2012. “Black/Queer/Diaspora at the Current Conjuncture.” GLQ 18(2-3): 211-248.
Boston, Nicholas, and Jan Willem Duyvendak. "People of Color Mobilization in LGBT Movements in the Netherlands and the United states." The Ashgate Research Companion to Lesbian and Gay Activism (2015): 135.
Crowder, Diane Griffin. 2007. “From the Straight Mind to Queer Theory: implications for political movement.” GLQ 13(4): 489-504
Davis, Gerald L. 1996. “’Somewhere over the Rainbow…’: Judy Garland in Neverland.” The Journal of American Folklore. 109(432): 115-128.
DiAngelo, Robin, “White Fragility” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70 http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116
Gorman, E. Michael. 1991. “Anthropological Reflections on the HIV Epidemic among Gay Men.” The Journal of Sex Research 28(2): 263-273.
Halberstam, Judith. 1997. “Mackdaddy, Superfly, Rapper: Gender, Race and Masculinity in the Drag King Scene.” Social Text 52/53: 104-131.
Hersker, Alan L. and William Leap. 1996. “Representation, Subjectivity and Ethics in Urban Gay Ethnography.” City & Society 8(1): 142-147.
Howe, Alyssa Cymene. 2001. “Queer Pilgrimage: The San Francisco homeland and identity tourism.” Cultural Anthropology 16(1): 35-61
Ilkkaracan, Pinar. "Sexual Rights: A Feminist Account from Muslim Societies." The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality 1 (2013): 197.
Irving, D. (2008) Normalized transgressions: Legitimizing the transsexual body as productive. Radical History Review, 2008(100), 38-59. doi:10.1215/01636545-2007-021
Jourian, T. J., Simmons, S. L, & Devaney, K. C. (2015). “We are not expected”: Trans* educators (re)claiming space and voice in higher education and student affairs. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 431-446.
Lorde, Audre. "Keynote Address: The Uses Of Anger." Women's Studies Quarterly 9.3 (1981): 7-10.
Manalansan, Martin. 1995. “In the Shadows of Stonewall: examining gay transnational politics and the diasporic dilemma.” GLQ 2(4): 425-438.
Ocampo, A.C., 2012. Making masculinity: Negotiations of gender presentation among Latino gay men. Latino Studies, 10(4), pp.448-472.
Orne, J., 2013. Queers in the line of fire: Goffman's stigma revisited. The Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), pp.229-253.
Roscoe, Will. 1995. “Was We’Wha a Homosexual? Native American survivance and the two-spirit tradition.” GLQ 2: 193-235.
Vaccaro, A. (2012). Campus microclimates for LGBT faculty, staff, and students: An exploration of the intersections of social identity and campus roles. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 49(4), 429-446. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2012-6473
Warner, Michael. 1999. “Normal and Normaller: Beyond Gay Marriage.” GLQ 5(2): 119-171.
Weston, Kath. 1996. “Get Thee to a Big City: Sexual imaginary and the great gay migration.” GLQ 2: 253-277.
Whitfield, Darren L., et al. "Queer is the new black? Not so much: Racial disparities in anti-LGBTQ discrimination." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 26.4 (2014): 426-440.
Winder, T.J., 2015. “Shouting it Out”: Religion and the Development of Black Gay Identities. Qualitative Sociology, 38(4), pp.375-394.
Archival Collections
The Bil Browning and Jerame Davis Papers, documenting their activism on behalf of LGBT rights in Indiana and Washington, D.C., from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Charles Beard papers at the University of West Georgia
The DC Cowboys Dance Company Records (an all-male, gay, non-profit dance company based in Washington, D.C.), from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Desh Pardesh festival fonds
Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (held at Oregon Historical Society Research Library)
Gay and Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection at Fales Library, New York University
GLBT Historical Society Archives & Museum
Gender Studies Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois University
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives (Chicago)
The Hank M. Tavera Papers at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library
The History Project: Documenting LGBTQ Boston
International Gay Information Center Collections, New York Public Library Manuscripts and Archives Division
The Joan E. Biren Queer Film Museum Collection, relating to lesbian-oriented motion pictures, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
John-Manuel Andriote Victory Deferred Collection, featuring interviews with numerous individuals involved in the AIDS crisis, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lavender Legacies Guide, Society of American Archivists (guide to LGBTQIA resources in repositories in the U.S. and Canada)
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego library collection: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/LambdaArchivesofSD
Las Vegas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, 1955-1997. MS-00251. Special
Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada. https://www.library.unlv.edu/speccol/ead/MS-00251_LVLGBT.pdf
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP)
Leather Archives and Museum (Chicago)
The Leonard P. Hirsch Federal GLOBE [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employee advocacy group for the federal government] Records, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, at the University of Southern Maine
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
The Lesbian Herstory Archives
LGBT Community Center, Bar Guides Collection,
LGBT Community Center, The Center Records Collection
LGBTQ Collections at Duke University (Includes tab with archival collections)
LGBTQ Collections at UCLA
LGBTQI Collections at the University of Washington
LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech
LGBTQ Primary Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries
LGBT Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University Libraries, Washington DC
The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives - University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections:
Manuel Ramos Otero papers at Columbia University: http://library.columbia.edu/news/libraries/2014/2014-3-12_RBML_Acquires_Ramos_Otero_Archive.html
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at Cornell University:
New York Public Library’s Digital Collections: LGBT Materials
ONE Archives
Outfest UCLA Legacy Project for LGBT Film Preservation
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Records, a lobbying and legal assistance organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender servicepersons, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Sexual Minorities Archives
The Shamrock Bar: Photographs and Interviews by Carol Burch-Brown, documenting the Shamrock Bar, Bluefield, West Virginia, a working class “gay” bar 1997-2000, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Stan Henry papers at the University of Washington http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/view?docId=HenryStan5558.xml
Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
Two-Spirited Collection - University of Winnipeg Archives
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project
Georgia State University’s LGBTQ Digital Collection
Utah Pride Center records
Johnny Townsend papers
The World AIDS Institute (WAI) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
David Nelson papers
Angels in America / written by Tony Kushner directed by Mike Nichols produced by Meryl Streep et al., 2003.
Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria / written and directed by Victor Silverman, Susan Stryker, 2005.
Tangerine / directed by Sean Baker, c. 2015.
The Times Of Harvey Milk / directed by Rob Epstein, 2004.
The Cockettes / a documentary directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman
Before Stonewall / a film by John Scagliotti, Greta Schiller & Robert Rosenberg, c. 1984.
A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story / directed by Agnieszka Holland, 2006.
Happy Together / directed by Kar-Wai Wong, 1997.
La aguja / a documentary by Carmen Oquendo Villar, 2012.
Paris is Burning / directed by Jennie Livingston, c.1990
De Colores: Lesbian & Gay Latinos: Stories of Strength, Family and Love = Lesbianas Y Gays Latinos: Historias De Fuerza, Familia Y Amor / directed by Peter Barbosa and Garrett Lenoir, 2001.
The Laramie Project / directed by Moisés Kaufman, 2012.
Mala Mala / a biographical documentary written and directed by Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, 2014.
The Matthew Shepard Story / directed by Roger Spottiswoode, 2002.
Mosquita y Mari / written and directed by Aurora Guerrero, 2012.
Elliott Loves / directed by Terracino, 2012.
Daddy and Papa / directed by Johnny Symons, 2002.
Taxi zum Klo / directed by Frank Ripploh, 1980.
Fresa y Chocolate / directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, 1994
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / directed by Stephen Elliott, 1994.
But I’m A Cheerleader / directed by Jamie Babbit, 1999.
How to Survive a Plague / directed by David France, 2012.
Boys Don’t Cry / directed by Kimberly Peirce, 1999.
Longtime Companion / directed by Norman René, 1989.
Freeheld / directed by Peter Sollett, 2015.
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP / directed by Jim Hubbard, 2012.
Pride / directed by Matthew Warchus, 2014.
Bent / directed by Sean Mathias, 1997. [about gay men and Nazi Germany]
Happy Birthday, Marsha! / directed by Reina Gossett and Sasha Wortzel, 2016.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch / directed by John Cameron Mitchell, 2001.
Beautiful Thing / directed by Hettie Macdonald, 1996.
Portrait of Jason / directed by Shirley Clarke, 1967.
Quinceañera / directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Al Nisa: Black Muslim Women in Atlanta's Gay Mecca / directed by Red Summer, 2013.
Gun Hill Road / directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green, 2011.
Southern Comfort / directed by Kate Davis, 2001
Lola und Bildikid/ directed by Kutluğ Ataman, 1999
It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school by Debra Chasnoff; Helen S Cohen; Sue Chen; Fawn Yacker; Stephen McCarthy, (Cinematographer); Shirley Thompson; Jon Herbst; Miriam Cutler; New Day Films.; Women's Educational Media, Inc.; Respect for All Project.; Groundspark (Firm); 2008.
It's still elementary : the movie and the movement
by Debra Chasnoff; Sue Chen; Johnny Symons; Helen S Cohen; Kate Stilley; Miriam Cutler; Groundspark (Firm),; Respect for All Project.; New Day Films; 2007
Queer Zine Archive Project
King, Nia. We Are Not White Lesbians: 2013.
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zine. Ecuador: 2012
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zines (Queer Scribe): http://queerscribe.com/
POC Zine Project: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/
50 Zines by Queer People of Color
Call Out Queen Zine. Juana Peralta and Roy Pérez, 2012.
The Ring of Fire Anthology / ET Russian
GamesLGBT Video Game Archive: https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/
Redshift & Portalmetal by micha cárdenas: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/redshift-and-portalmetal/index
PoetryThe Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética by Maya Chinchilla
The Songs of Antonio Botto by Antonio Botto and Josiah Blackmore
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong
“All The Dead Boys Look Like Me,” Christopher Soto
Writing the Walls Down / QTPOC-centered anthology ed. by Amir Rabiyah & Helen Klonaris
Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams
Boy with Thorn by Rickey Laurentiis
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C Corral
The New Testament by Jericho Brown
Crevasse by Nicholas Wong
Consensual Genocide by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
The Far Mosque by Kazim Ali
Bright Felon by Kazim Ali
Fata Morgana by Reginald Shepherd
Trouble the Water by Derrick Austin
Walking With Ghosts by Qwo-Li Driskill
Ceremonies by Essex Hemphill
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Nepantla: A Journal For Queer Poets of Color
[insert] boy by Danez Smith
Sad Girl Poems by Christopher Soto
i'm alive / it hurts / i love it by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
Black Lavender Milk by Angel Dominguez
Oil and Candle by Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Found Them by Francisco-Luis White
trigger by Venus Selenite
Remains: A Gathering of Bones by Dane Figueroa Edidi
Proxy by R. Erica Doyle
Head Off & Split Nikky Finney
Discipline by Dawn Lundy Martin
Patient. by Bettina Judd
Sympathetic Little Monster by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Transit by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Wanting In Arabic by Trish Salah
Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics ed. by TC Tolbert & Trace Peterson
Anybody by Ari Banias
The Heart’s Traffic by Ching-In Chen
Advice for Lovers by Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Queer Heartache by Kit Yan
Speleology by Duriel E. Harris
Dream of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones
Never Coming Home by Tyler Vile
The Last Generation by Cherrie Moraga
Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pasó por sus labios by Cherrie Moraga
Where the words end and by body begins by Amber Dawn
The Beautifully Worthless by Ali Liebegott
The Halo by C. Dale Young
Torn by C. Dale Young
Don’t Let Me Go to Sleep by Timothy Liu
The Taxidermist’s Cut by Rajiv Mohabir
Seasonal Velocity by Ryka Aioki De La Cruz
The Sum of Two Mothers by Dennis Etzel
Plays Satyricoño by Migdalia Cruz
Siempre Norteada: Always Late, Always Lost by Virginia Grise
Blu by Virginia Grise
The Bull-Jean Stories by Sharon Bridgforth
O, Earth by Casey Llewellyn
Booty Candy by Robert O'Hara
Straight As A Line by Luis Alfaro
Giving Up the Ghost by Cherríe Moraga
Short Eyes by Miguel Piñero
Wig Out by Tarell McCraney
Fur by Migdalia Cruz
Jotos del Barrio by Jesús Alonzo
Hir by Taylor Mac
The Whale by Samuel D. Hunter
Ballast by Georgette V. Kelley
Where Do We Live by Christopher Shinn
The Invention of Love by Tom Stoppard
My Brother’s a Keeper by Herukhuti
Execution of Justice by Emily Mann
Icarus Burns by Christopher Oscar Peña
The Mermaid Hour, David Valdes Greenwood
MusicDifranco, Ani. “I Know This Bar.” To the Teeth. 1999. Live recording via Moshcam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NpL5rYI5N8
Grand, Steve.
G.L.O.S.S Trans Day of Revenge released 13 june 2016
PodcastsWe Want the Airwaves / Nia King
Episode 5: Queers! / Radio Menea
Strange Fruit Podcast / WFPL
Transwaves / Trans Youth Equality Foundation
Waves Breaking / Avren Keating
The Heart / Radiotopia
The Read
Radio Ambulante: Finding the Words / Radiotopia {podcast in Spanish, transcript in English}
Throwing Shade
The BiCast / Podcast for the Bisexual Community
NPR Podcasts:
ComicsNews / Resources / Information
Autostraddle: http://www.autostraddle.com/
Bisexual Resource Center: http://www.biresource.net
The Bi-bliography: A regularly-updated database of bisexual books
Bisexual Books: Views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective.
Black and Pink: http://www.blackandpink.org/
Black Girl Dangerous: www.blackgirldangerous.org
Conscious Style Guide—talking and writing about marginalized communities: http://consciousstyleguide.com/
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston: http://citizenshipandsocialjustice.com/2015/07/10/curriculum-for-white-americans-to-educate-themselves-on-race-and-racism/
Diversity Style Guide – Helping media professionals write with accuracy and authority
Ending the Prison Industrial Complex
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement -- “Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (Familia: TQLM) is the only national organization that addresses, organizes, educates, and advocates for the issues most important to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and Latino communities.” http://familiatqlm.org/
Fuck Yeah Queer People of Color Tumblr
Fetlife: http://www.fetlife.com
GLAAD Media Reference Guide – 9th Edition
Website: http://www.glaad.org/reference
Guide (pdf): http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD%20MRG_9th.pdf
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - In Focus: Covering the Bisexual Community: http://www.glaad.org/reference/bisexual
History: Founding of the Daughters of Bilitis
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project: http://queermuslimproject.tumblr.com/
LGBT Latino Timeline: http://www.latinoglbthistory.org/lgbtq-latino-timeline
LGBT items from the National Museum of American History collections
Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement - American Experience at PBS:
Miss-Major Jay Toole Building for Social Justice: http://mmjt.org/about
Out History: Out History
Queer Migration Resource Network: http://queermigration.com/resources/
Que(e)ry Party Resource Page: http://www.queeryparty.org/resources/
Race Forward: https://www.raceforward.org/
Race Reporting Guide:
Reading Each Other, Our Selves- A Social Justice Reading List
Sacred Sexualities: http://sacredsexualities.org
Smithsonian Collections Search Center results for LGBT:
We are Orlando: http://www.weareorlando.org/
Wearing Gay History- Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-shirts: http://wearinggayhistory.com/
Wikipedia (English) LGBT Portal
Wikipedia WikiProject LGBT Studies
MemesKlion, David. “There will be attempts to pit two vulnerable communities, LGBT and Muslims, against each other. Resist them.” 12 June 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BGkBiM8tUVB/
State- and Territory-Specific ResourcesNationalLGBT Movement Advancement Project http://www.lgbtmap.org/
LGBT Movement Advancement Project - Equality Maps: http://lgbtmap.org/equality-maps
Maps of State Laws & Policies related to LGBT issues from Human Rights Center
CenterLink Member LGBT Community Center Directory http://www.lgbtcenters.org/Centers/find-a-center.aspx
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) http://muslimalliance.org/
AlabamaThe Magic City Wellness Center
2500 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
FloridaCompass Community Center, Lake Worth, FL http://www.compassglcc.com/community-center/
Equality Florida http://www.eqfl.org/
The Center Orlando
The Zebra Coalition http://zebrayouth.org/
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Central Florida, Inc. http://www.glbcc.org
GeorgiaAthens Pride
Charis Books
Columbus, GA LGBT Support Groups
Georgia Equality
The Georgia Voice
In the Life Atlanta
LGBT Atlanta - Your Official Gay Atlanta Guide
LGBT Resource Center for Southwest Georgia
Lost and Found Youth
Illinois(ALMA) Association of Latino/as Motivating Action, Asociación de Latinos para Motivar Acción http://www.almachicago.org/ (LGBTIQ Latin@ Organization)
VIDA/SIDA https://www.facebook.com/vidasida/
Chicago House and Social Service Agency, TransLife http://www.chicagohouse.org/
Project Fierce http://projectfiercechicago.org/
Invisible 2 Invincible, Asian/Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago https://www.facebook.com/i2iAPIPride/ , http://www.chicagoi2i.org/ (Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ community organization)
Trikone Chicago http://www.trikonechicago.org/ (South Asian LGBTQ community organization)
Chances Dances, queer community and collective in Chicago. Chances Dances produces parties, a dance music podcast, and a scholarship for queer artists. http://www.chancesdances.org/
IndianaIndiana Youth Group, http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/
Indiana LGBT Organizations
Indiana Transgender/Gender Variant Resources
PFLAG of Greater Worcester http://www.worcesterpflag.org/lgbt-resources.html
The Theater Offensive/True Colors Out Youth Theatre http://www.thetheateroffensive.org
New York *Ali Forney Center Services for Homeless LGBT Youth (New York)
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English)
The Audre Lorde Project
NYC Resources For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans & Gender Non-Conforming People Of Color
Brooklyn Community Pride Center (New York)
* The Center: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (NYC)
*The Door (NYC)
(212) 601-1938
Brooklyn LGBT Resources (NYC)
* Rainbow Heights Club (NYC)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
IHI (Institute for Human Identity) Therapy Center
*Make the Road NY
Bushwick, Brooklyn office: (718) 418-7690
NYCLU (New York Civil Liberties Union)
*Confirmed Spanish-speaking capacity
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
Pride Center of the Capital Region (Albany area)
The Q Center @ ACR Health (Syracuse area)
Youth groups: up to age 22
Sage Upstate (Syracuse area)
PFLAG Syracuse
Puerto Rico
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Salud LGBTTA
Comité Contra la Homofobia y el Discrimen
Centro Comunitario LGBTT Puerto Rico
COA (Colectivo Orgullo Arcoiris)
IGEA (Instituto del Género y Educación de Avanzada)
Iniciativa Comunitaria
South Carolina
Girls Rock Charleston
Girls Rock Columbia
We Are Family
TennesseeOasis Center (specifically the Just Us, TYME, and Students of Stonewall program) Mental health care available in English and Spanish
TexasALLGO - A Statewide (Texas) Queer People of Color Organization
Greater Washington, D.C.AGLA (Alexandria/Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance)
Rainbow Families DC
The DC Center
SMYAL (Sexual Minority Youth Alliance)
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance
Casa Ruby (trans-inclusive homeless shelter and advocacy, English & Spanish resources)
Whitman-Walker Health
Tacoma Rainbow Center
Equal Rights Washington
GLSEN Washington
Library/Info/Education Organizations
GLBTRT (Gay Lesbian Transgender Roundtable) of the American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/
GLBTRT’s Reviews (for all GLBTQ+ materials)
GLBTRT’s Over the Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for adults)
GLBTRT’s Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for children & teens)
GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network): http://www.glsen.org/
LAGAR (Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA): http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar#.V17X4OYrKRs
Lavendar Legacies Guide from SAA LAGAR: http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar/lavender-legacies-guide#.V17a9OIrLmg
OutTeacher: http://www.outteacher.org/
Que(e)ry Party: queeryparty.org
REFORMA: http://www.reforma.org/
Resources for K-12 School CommunitiesNavigating Orlando Tragedy in School Communities - “A short list of crisis response and emotional support resources that we hope complement your school-based support services and provide you with the guidance and reassurance you need as you navigate your way through the coming days. This resource list was created specifically for the NYC Department of Education, but can be shared with others as only a few of the bullets are NYCDOE specific.” Compiled by Jared Fox, LGBT Community Liaison, NYC DOE
NYC Department of Education Respect for All Educator Resources
Media Smarts Helping Kids Cope with Media Coverage of War and Traumatic Events
Please Talk About Orlando: A Letter to the Nervous Educator (Tolerance.org)
K-12 Lesson Plans from the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)
A variety of lessons centered on teaching respect and inclusion. Anyone who wants to work towards eliminating harmful name-calling, harassment and bullying in their school can be a part of No Name-Calling Week, whether you are a teacher, student, guidance counselor, coach, librarian or bus driver.
Scenarios: Scenarios "uses media, education, and storytelling to support young people in controlling their own narratives and to promote healthy decision making." Check out their REAL DEAL curricula and their library of youth-written films.
Teaching Tolerance - A blog "where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support." Also check out Perspectives for a Diverse America, "a literacy-based curriculum that marries anti-bias social justice content with the rigor of the Common Core State Standards."
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
www.avp.org, 24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English): 212-714-1141
The Trevor Project: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline: http://www.translifeline.org/
The Center in Orlando: http://www.thecenterorlando.org/
Live Oak (Chicago, IL) http://www.liveoakchicago.com/ (Sliding scale LGBTIQ-competent therapists, including a Spanish bilingual therapist)
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Gieseking, J. J. (2014, October 28). On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jen-jack-gieseking/on-the-closing-of-the-las_b_6057122.html
Race, Kane. Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.
Stern, Mark Joseph. "The Long, Tragic History Of Violence At LGBTQ Clubs In America". Slate Magazine. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 June 2016. Available at: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/pulse_nightclub_shooting_and_tragic_history_of_violence_at_lgbtq_clubs_in.html
“Refuge” by Keguro Macharia: https://gukira.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/refuge/
“We Came to Sweat: The Legend of Starlite.” the story of Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Dirs. Kate Kunath, Sasha Wortzel
Club Fly: http://clubfly.com/
Library & Information Studies Resources
ALA President Sari Feldman Issues Statement on Orlando
“Black Caucus of ALA Denounces ALA’s Decision to Hold 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.” March 10, 2014
Changing times: information destinations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Denver, Colorado / by Martin Garnar
“Don’t Say Gay” in the State of Tennessee: Libraries as Virtual Spaces of Resistance and Protectors of Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People / by Bharat Mehra & LaVerne Gray
Power and community: organizational and cultural LGBT responses against homophobia and promotion of inclusion values / by Eduardo da Silvo Alentejo
Reducing the Suicide Risk of LGBTQ Library Users / by Noémi Somarjai
LGBTQ Perspectives in US HistorySouthern Poverty Law Center - Teaching Tolerance
Resources from the Many Pasts collection by American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning (Graduate Center, CUNY)
History of Gun Control Policy
“The Freedom of an Armed Society” by FIRMIN DEBRABANDER - Good essay on how the presence of guns and gun violence disturb and silence our other rights, especially freedom of speech.
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond / Mark Ames
Patrick Blanchfield, “The Gun Control We Deserve”
The Low-Tech Way Guns Get Traced NPR, All Things Considered “Opponents of expanding background checks for gun sales often raise the fear that it would allow the government to create a national gun registry — a database of gun transactions. In fact, federal law already bans the creation of such a registry. And the reality of how gun sales records are accessed turns out to be surprisingly low-tech.”
Jill Lepore, “Battleground America”, The New Yorker 23 April 2012
Fact Sheet - National Tracing Center
Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler
Christopher J. Peters, What are Constitutional Rights For? The Case of the Second Amendment, 68 Okla. L. Rev. 433, 433-95 (2016) (examining the concept of constitutional authority using the Second Amendment and District of Columbia v. Heller as a framework)
Michael Waldman, The Second Amendment: A Biography. 2014
Michael Waldman, “How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment” Politico Magazine, May 19th, 2014
Notes: District of Columbia v. Heller was the 2008 Supreme Court case that struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, which had previously banned DC residents from owning certain types of handguns. This article is a deep-dive law review article examining constitutional theory and would be best suited for law students or college/AP government students.
Activism and Action Steps
Mirk, Sarah. “Here are our resources for turning sadness into action.” Bitch Media. 13 June 2016. https://bitchmedia.org/article/here-are-resources-turning-sadness-action-orlando-pulse-shooting-lgbt-gun-control
Steffen, Suzi and Adrienne Marie Brown. “A few things straight cis or trans and non-straight cis people could do today and every day to support LGBTQIA people.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/adriennemaree/posts/10157220629320314?pnref=story
Cartography“Orlando Neighborhood.” Google Maps.
- Compiled by librarians and teachers.
- A short URL you can use to share it is:bit.ly/orlandosyllabus
- Please remember as you add resources: It was Latinx night at the bar, so let’s compile as many representative resources as we can. Please bold Latinx authors and resources.
- Please retain accent marks, tildes, etc., with the appropriate authors’ names and
- If you add a new section, please format it as “Heading 2.” To add it to the TOC, click inside the table of contents, then click the “refresh” button that appears in the top right.
Table of Contents
Self Care
Scholarly Books
Popular Books (divide into subjects)
Non-Fiction Anthologies
LGBTQ+ Picture Books
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
LGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority Ethnicity
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA Literature
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
Articles (Popular Press)
Archival Collections
State- and Territory-Specific Resources
New York
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Greater Washington, D.C.
Library/Info/Education Organizations
Resources for K-12 School Communities
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Library & Information Studies Resources
LGBTQ Perspectives in US History
History of Gun Control Policy
Activism and Action Steps
Self CareAssessment for self care -
Free app for meditation in five minutes -
10 minute meditation w/ GIF to help with breathing, helps with anxiety and panic attacks- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXItOY0sLRY
After Tragedy, Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope - http://www.npr.org/2013/01/16/168563480/after-tragedy-nonbelievers-find-other-ways-to-cope
Help with tolerating intense and uncomfortable emotions such as grief & anger -
Chödrön, Pema. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult times. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.
Lipsky, Laura van Dernoot. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.
Community of compassion and hope for grieving survivors; counseling, advocacy, research, and education - http://www.missfoundation.org/
Libraries are packed with information & resources. Find one near you - https://www.worldcat.org/libraries
Blog encouraging people to prevent other people’s garbage from taking over their lives - The Law of the Garbage Truck
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Scholarly Books
Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Aching, Gerald. Masking and Power: Carnival and Popular Culture in the Caribbean. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Acosta, Katie L. Amigas Y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2013.
Aldama, Frederick L. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
----. Dancing with Ghosts: A Critical Biography of Arturo Islas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Almaguer, Tomas. "Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 3.2. (1991): 75-100.
Alwood, Edward. Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands = La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print.
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco- 1950-1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Atkins, Gary L. Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging. 2003. University of Washington Press, 2013.
Balay, Anne. Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Steelworkers. 2014, University of North Carolina Press.
Bailey, Marlon M. Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Bausum, Ann. Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights. Viking, 2015. [A history of gay liberation and Stonewall for young adult readers.]
Beachy, Robert. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity. New York: Knopf, 2014.
Bell, David, and Gill Valentine. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London; New York: Routledge, 1994.
Berube, Allan and John D’Emilio. “The Military Lesbians During the McCarthy Years” Estelle Freedman et al., eds. The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. Print.
Brooks, Adrian. The Right Side of History: 100 Years of LGBTQ Activism , 2015. Print.
Brooks, Siobhan. "Staying in the Hood: Black Lesbian and Transgender Women and Identity Management in North Philadelphia." Journal of homosexuality (2016): 1-21.
Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York: Haworth Press, 2002.
Cantú, Lionel. 2009. The Sexuality of Migration: Border Crossings and Mexican Immigrant Men.
Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Castiglia, Christopher, and Christopher Reed. If Memory Serves: Gay Men, AIDS, and the Promise of the Queer Past. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1840-1940. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
Cleves, Rachel Hope. Charity and Sylvia: A Same-sex Marriage in Early America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. On Intersectionality: Essential Writings. New Press, 2016.
Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo and Martin F. Manalansan. Queer Globalizations. Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2003.
Decena, Carlos. Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Gay Men. Duke University Press, 2011.
Del Castillo, Adelaida R. and Gibrán Güido, ed. Queer in Aztlán: Chicano Male Recollections of Consciousness and Coming Out. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic, 2014.
D’Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. 1983. 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1998.
D’Emilio, John. In a New Century: Essays on Queer History, Politics, and Community Life. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2014.
D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Dews, C L. B, and Carolyn L. Law. Out in the South. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Downs, Jim. Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation. New York: Basic Books, 2016.
Duberman, Martin, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York, Penguin Books, 1989.
Duggan, Lisa. Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2000.
---. The Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2003.
Eaklor, Vicki L. Queer America: A People’s GLBT History of the United States. The New Press, 2008. New Press People’s History. [A very accessible, introductory-level textbook on the history of queer America!]
Escobar Cajamarca, Manuel Roberto, Cuerpos en resistencia: experiencias trans en Ciudad de México y Bogotá, Bogotá: Universidad Central, 2016.
Enke, Finn A. Finding the Movement: Sexuality, Contested Space, and Feminist Activism. Duke, 2007
Faderman, Lillian. The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
---. “Who Hid Lesbian History?” The New Lesbian Studies: Intro to the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman and Toni McNarion. New York:The Feminist Press, 1996.
Forrest, Katherine V., ed. Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950-1965. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2005.
Foster, Thomas A, ed. Long Before Stonewall: Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America New York: NYU Press, 2007.
Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol. 1 New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Fields, Jill. An Intimate Affair: Women Lingerie and Sexuality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
Frank, Miriam, Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America. 2014, Temple University Press.
Gallo, Marcia M. Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Gamson, Joshua. Modern Families: Stories of Extraordinary Journeys to Kinship. NYU Press, 2015.
Gieseking, Jen Jack. 2013. “Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008.” In Queer Presences and Absences, edited by Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison, 178–200. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You’ll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America. Indiana University Press, 1989.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
Graves, Karen. And they were wonderful teachers : Florida’s purge of gay and lesbian teachers. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2009.
Grier, Barbara, and Coletta Reid, eds. The Lavender Herring: Lesbian Essays from The Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grzanka, Patrick R., ed. Intersectionality: A Foundations and Frontiers Reader. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2014.
Halberstam, J. M. In A Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2005.
Halperin, David M. How to Do the History of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Hames-Garcia, Michael R, and Ernesto J. Martínez. Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Hancock, Ange-Marie. Intersectionality: An Intellectual History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hanhardt, Christina B. Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. Duke University Press, 2013.
Herek, Gregory M., and Kevin T. Berrill, editors. Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men. Sage Publications, 1992.
Herman, Judith Lewis. Trauma and recovery. Basic books, 1997.
Herring, Scott. Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism. New York: New York University Press, 2010.
Herukhuti. Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality and Spirituality, Volume I. New York: Vintage Entity Press. 2007
Horak, Laura. Girls Will be Boys: Cross-dressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema, 1908-1934. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Jagose, Annamarie. Queer Theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
Jama, Afdhere. Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World. Oracle Releasing, 2008. Print.
Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, eds. Blacktino Queer Performance. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Henderson, Mae G., eds. Black Queer Studies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
King, Rosamond S. Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2014.
Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq. Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oneworld Publications, 2010.
Kulick, Don. Travesti: Sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
La Fountain-Stokes, Lawrence. Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Lawrence, Tim, Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979 Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
Licata, Salvadore J. “The Homosexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History” Journal of Homosexuality 6, Fall/Winter 1980/81.
Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing, 1984.
---. Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1982.
Love, Heather. Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Manalansan IV, Martin F. Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Marhoefer, Laurie. Sex and the Weimar Republic: Homosexuality and the Rise of the Nazis. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Marcus, Eric. Making History; The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 –An Oral History. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Marinucci, Mimi. Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
McConnell, David. American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men. New York: Akashic Books, 2013.
McKenzie, Mia. Black Girl Dangerous: On Race, Queerness, Class, and Gender. Oakland: BGD Press, 2014.
Meeker, Martin. Contacts Desired: Gay and Lesbian Communications, 1940s -1970s. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Meyer, Doug. Violence against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender, and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J. Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J.. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Harvard University Press, 2002.
Moore, Mignon R. Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood among Black Women. University of California Press, 2011.
Morrone, Melissa, ed. Informed Agitation: Library and Information Skills in Social Justice Movements and Beyond. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2014.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity. Duke University Press, 2009.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics. University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2004.
Newton, Esther. Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town. , 2014. Print.
Nkabinde, Nkunzi Zandile. Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life as a Lesbian Sangoma. Jacana Media, 2009. Print.
Ochoa, Marcia. Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
Parrini Rodrigo y Alejandro Brito (coords.) La memoria y el deseo. Estudios gay y queer en México, México: PUEG, UNAM, 2014.
Pasco, C.J. Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. 2nd ed. University of California Press, 2011.
Peña, Susana. Oye Loca: From the Mariel Boatlift to Gay Cuban Miami. University of Minnesota Press.: Minneapolis, MN. 2013.
Perez, Elizabeth. Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions. New York University Press, 2016.
Plant, Richard. Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals. New York: Holt, 1986.
Poucher, Judith G. State of Defiance : Challenging the Johns Committee's Assault on Civil Liberties. 2014.
Puar, Jasbir. Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Queen, Carol. PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality. Jersey City: Cleis Press, 1997.
Quesada, U., Gomez, L., & Vidal-Ortiz, S. (Eds.). (2015). Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quiroga, José. Tropics of Desire: Interventions from Queer Latino America. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Ramos, Juanita. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: an Anthology. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Rechy, John. City of Night. New York: Grove, 1963.
Reddy, Chandan. Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the US State. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. Performing Queer Latinidad: Dance, Sexuality, Politics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Robb, Graham. Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Norton, 2003.
Rodriguez, Juana M. Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces. New York: New York University Press, 2003.
---. Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. New York: New York University Press, 2014.
Rupp, Leila. A Desired Past: A Short History of Same-Sex Love in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
‐ ‐ ‐. Sapphistries: A Global History of Love Between Women. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Shaw, Adrienne. Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2015.
Shawl, Nisi, and Cynthia Ward. Writing the Other: A Practical Approach. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2005. Print.
Shultz, Jackson Wright. Trans/portraits: Voices From Transgender Communities. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2015.
Sifuentes-Jáuregui, Ben. The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2014.
Snorton, Riley C. Nobody is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
Soares, Manuela “The Purloined Ladder: Its Place in Lesbian History.” The Journal of Homosexuality , Vol. 34, No. ¾, Winter 1998: 27-49.
Somerville, Siobhan B. Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
Spade, Dean. Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of the Law. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith (Eds). Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (2nd). AK Press, 2015.
Stein, Marc. City of Sisterly and Brotherly Love: Making Lesbian and Gay History in Philadelphia, 1945-1972. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Stryker, Susan. Transgender History. Seal Press, 2008.
Tillmann, Lisa. In Solidarity : Friendship, Family, and Activism beyond Gay and Straight. Innovative Ethnographies. 2014.
Von Hoffman Nicholas. Citizen Cohn. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Walter, Cori E. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood (2011): Master of Liberal Studies Theses. Rollins College. Web. http://scholarship.rollins.edu/mls/6/
Walters, Suzanna Danuta. All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
---. The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. New York University Press, 2014.
Warner, Michael (ed.). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
Warner, Michael. The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Wilchins, R. (2014). Queer theory, gender theory: An instant primer. Bronx, NY: Magnus Books.
Woods, Gregory. Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Young, Allen, and Karla Jay, editors. Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation. 1972. Twentieth anniversary edition, New York University Press, 1992.
Popular Books (divide into subjects)AdultFictionBaldwin, James. Giovanni’s Room. 1956.
Baldwin, James. If Beale Street Could Talk: New York : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1974.
Bañales, Meliza. Life Is Wonderful, People Are Terrific. Ladybox, 2015.
Bannon, Ann. The Beebo Brinker Omnibus: Ann Bannon’s Pulp Classics. Cleis, 2015.
Barnes, Djuna. Nightwood: Faber, 2001. Print.
Barnett, LaShonda. Jam on the Vine. New York: Grove, 2015.
Bhattacharya, Susmita. The Normal State of Mind. Parthian, 2015.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York: Topside Press, 2013.
Brooks, Carellin. One Hundred Days of Rain. BookThug, 2015.
Bowes, Richard. Dust Devil on a Quiet Street. Lethe Press, 2013.
Brown, R. M. Rubyfruit Jungle. 1973.
Castillo, Ana. Loverboys. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
---. So Far From God. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993.
Chee, Alexander. Edinburgh. New York: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2001.
Capote, Truman. Other Voices, Other Rooms. (1948). New York: Vintage, 1994.
Doctor, Farzana. Stealing Nasreen, 2007.
Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex. 2002
http://thewalrus.ca/rise-of-the-gender-novel/ Casey Plett’s “gender novel”
Erdrich, Louise. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Farris, Julian E. The Sin Warriors : A Novel. Maple Shade, N.J.: Lethe Press, 2012.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand: 1993. (Available as a free PDF here: http://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)
Flagg, Fannie, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe. N.Y. : Random House, c1987.
Forster, E. M. Maurice. 1971.
Frank, Judith. All I Love and Know. New York: William Morrow, 2014
Garcia, Tristan. Hate: A Romance. Translated by Marion Duvert and Lorin Stein. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010.
Gurba, Myriam. Dahlia Season: stories & a novella. Manic D Press, 2007
Haddad, Saleem. Guapa. New York: Other Press, 2016.
Highway, Tomson. Kiss of the Fur Queen. 1999. (Aboriginal, queer.)
Humphreys, Helen, The Lost Garden, 2002.
Jackson, Naomi. The Star Side of Bird Hill. New York: Penguin, 2015.
Kaveney, Roz. Tiny Pieces of Skull. Team Angelica Publishing, 2015.
Krieger, Nick. Nina Here nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender. , 2011. Print.
Lemus, Felicia L. Like Son. New York: Akashik Books, 2007/
---. The Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003. Print.
Logan, Kirsty. The Gracekeepers. Crown Publishing, 2015.
Lowrey, Sassafras. Lost Boi. Arsenal Pulp, 2015.
Merlis, Mark. An Arrow's Flight. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print.
Negrón, Luis. Mundo Cruel. Río Piedras, P.R: La Secta de los Perros, 2010. Print.
Negrón, Luis, and Suzanne J. Levine. Mundo Cruel: Stories. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2013. Print. (English translation)
Okparanta, Chinelo. Under the Udala Trees. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015
Pickney, Darryl. Black Deutschland. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2016.
Puig, Manuel. The Kiss of the Spider Woman. 1984.
Rice-González, Charles. Chulito. 2010.
Rivera, Gabby. Juliet Takes a Breath. Riverdale, N.Y.: Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016.
Sarif, Shamim. I Can't Think Straight. London: Enlightenment, 2008.
Shraya, Vivek. She of the Mountains. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Pissing in a River. New York: Feminist Press, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin. Ithaca: Firebrand, 1994.
Syms, Shawn. Nothing Looks Familiar. Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Tartellin, Abigail. Golden Boy. Atria Books, 2013.
Torres, Justin. We the Animals. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
White, Edmund. The Beautiful Room is Empty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
White, Edmund. A Boy’s Own Story. Boston: E. P. Dutton, 1982.
Non-Fiction Acevedo, David. El Diario de Una Puta Humilde. Erizo Editorial. 2012. Print.
Arnal, Kike. Bordered Lives: Transgender Portraits from Mexico. , 2014. Print.
Connell, Catherine. School's Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom. , 2015. Print.
Diamond, K.D., Moon, Allison, eds. Girl Sex 101. Lunatic Ink, 2015.
Fausto-Sterling. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books, 2000.
Howard, John. Men Like That: A Southern Queer History. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disasters. New York: Viking, 2009.
MemoirBlanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos : A Miami Childhood. First ed. Ecco, 2014.
Cogswell, Kelly. Eating Fire: My Life As a Lesbian Avenger. , 2014. Print.
Cooper, T. Real Man Adventures. San Francisco: McSweeney’s, 2012.
Conigrave, Timothy. Holding the Man, 1995.
Conley, Garrard. Boy Erased: A Memoir. Riverhead Books, 2016.
Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws.
Hernandez, Daisy. A Cup of Water Under My Bed.
Jacques, Juliet. Trans: A Memoir. London: Verso, 2015.
McBee, Thomas Page. Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness and Becoming a Man. San Francisco: City Lights, 2015.
Mock, Janet. Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More. New York: Atria, 2014.
Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.
Moraga, Cherríe L. Loving in the War Years. South End Press, 1983 (2nd ed. 2000). *
Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home.
Road, Cristy C. Spit and Passion.
Spoon, Rae. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
Spoon, Rae & Ivan E. Coyote. Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Wilson, Tabias. Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remebering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance.
Wojnarowicz, David. Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration.
Non-Fiction Anthologies
Conrad, Ryan, ed. Against Equality: Prisons Will Not Protect You.
Erickson-Schroth, Laura, ed. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community.
Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein, ed. That’s Revolting!: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation.
Fray Baroque and Teagan Eanelli Queer Ultraviolence: Bash Back Anthology
Boykin, Keith et al. (eds.) For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home.
Townsend, Johnny. Let the Faggots Burn : The Upstairs Lounge Fire. Bangor, Maine: BookLocker.com, 2011.
Aire Saenz, Benjamin. Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club. Cinco Puntos Press. 2012.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Workin' it! : RuPaul's guide to life, liberty, and the pursuit of style / RuPaul.
Hello, cruel world : 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws / by Kate Bornstein.
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
Shelton, Michael. Family Pride: What LGBT families should know about navigating home, school and safety in their neighborhoods.
The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Margot Canaday
Ochs, R. & Williams, H. S. Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Boston: Bisexual Resource Center. 2014.
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire edited by C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano
Klonaris, Helen & Rabiyah, Amir. Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices. Chapel Hill: Trans-Genre Press: 2016.
Queer Prison Abolition
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex edited by Eric A. Stanley & Nat Smith
Considering Hate: Violence, Goodness, and Justice in American Culture and Politics by Michael Bronski and Kay Whitlock
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey Mogul, Andrea Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
Stonewall Book Awards List from the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table - http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/award/honored
The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender Women in Male Prison by Kristin Lyseggen and Carolyn Bond (2015)
Eisner, Shiri. Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution. 2013.
Xavier, Emanuel. Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry. Mountain View, Calif: Floricanto Press, 2008.
Beam, Cris. Transparent: Love, Family, and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers. Orlando, Fla: Harcourt, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, 2013.
Delany, Samuel. Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York: NYU P,
Delany, Samuel. The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
Blanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood. 2014.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. 1993.
Jennings, Kevin, ed. One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About What’s Gotten Better and What Hasn’t. Boston: Beacon Press, 2015.
Anthropy, Anna. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
Iyer, Deepa, We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future, New York: The New Press, 2015.
ChildrenLGBTQ+ Picture Books
10,000 Dresses by Max Ewert & Rex Ray
All I Want To Be Is Me by Phyllis Rothblatt
All Kinds of Families, 40th Anniversary Edition, Norma Simon, Sarah Brannen (Illustrator)
And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell, Henry Cole (Illustrator)
Call Me Tree: Llámame árbol by Maya Christina González
Daddy, Papa, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Donovan’s Big Day by Lesléa Newman & Mike Dutton
Families by Susan Kuklin
Families by Shelley Rotner
Families, Families, Families! by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan, Danamarie Hosler (Illustrator)
Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesléa Newman & Laura Cornell
Hello, Sailor by Andre Sollie, Ingrid Gordon (Illustrator)
I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings, Shelagh McNicholas (Illustrator)
In Our Mothers' House by Patricia Polacco
Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton, Dougal MacPhearson (Illustrator)
Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah Hoffman, Ian Hoffman, & Chris Case
King and King by Linda de Haan & Stern Nijland
Large Fears by Myles E. Johnson, Kendrick Daye
Made by Raffi by Craig Pomranz & Margaret Chamberlain
Meet Polkadot by Talcott Broadhead
Mommy, Mama, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Monday is One Day by Arthur A. Levine, Julian Hector (Illustrator)
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino & Isabelle Malenfant
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis & Suzanne DeSimone
A Peacock Among Pigeons by Tyler Curry and Clarione Gutierrez
Real Sisters Pretend by Megan Dowd Lambert, Nicole Tadgell (Illustrator)
Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon Coloring Book by Jacinta Bunnell
Square Zair Pair by Jase Peeples and Christine Knopp
Stella Brings the Family by Miriam B. Schiffer & Holly Clifton-Brown
This Day in June by Gayle E. Pittman & Krystina Litten
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg
Worm loves Worm by J.J. Austrian
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister by Charlotte Agell
The Best Man by Richard Peck
Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle and Five, Six, Seven, Nate! by Tim Federle (sequel to Better Nate Than Ever)
The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Family Fletcher series by Dana Alison Levy
Gay & Lesbian History for Kids by Jerome Pohlen
George by Alex Gino
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
Husky by Justin Sayre
Kiss by Jacqueline Woodson
Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
Lumberjanes series by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, & Brooke A. Allen
The Manny Files by Christian Burch
Marco the Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
The Marvels by Brian Selznick
Misfit trilogy by James Howe
My Mixed-Up Berry Blue Summer by Jennifer Gennari
The Popularity Papers series by Amy Ignatow
Pride Celebrating Diversity & Community by Robin Stevenson
Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz & Miriam Klein Stahl
See You at Harry’s by Jo Knowles
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg & Fiona Smyth
Totally Joe by James Howe
YALGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority EthnicityAnything Could Happen by Will Walton
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire
Boyfriends With Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Convict’s Candy by Damon Meadows & Jason Poole
Crash Into Me by Borris Albert
Dramarama by E. Lockhart
Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole
Dreamblood Duology (Killing Moon and Shadowed Sun) by N. K. Jemisin
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
The God Box by Alex Sanchez
God Loves Hair by Vivek Shraya
Happy Families by Tanita Davis
The House You Pass on the Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Huntress by Malinda Lo
I Am J by Cris Beam
If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
M+O 4evr by Tonya Hegamin
Money Boy by Paul Yee
Moon at Nine by Deborah Ellis
More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Necessary Hunger by Nina Revoyr
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz
On the Come Up by Hannah Weyer
Orphea Proud by Sharon Dennis Wyeth
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Proxy by Alex London
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Swimming in the Monsoon Sea by Shyam Selvadurai
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd
Books about Transgender Issues for Teens (New York Public Library)
I am J - Cris Beam
Lizard Radio - Pat Schwartz (genderfluid)
The Symptoms of Being Human - Jeff Garvin (genderfluid)
Luna by Julie Anne Peters
What We Left Behind by Robin Talley (genderfluid)
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman
Beyond Magenta: Transgendered Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Freakboy by Kristin Clark
Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen by Jazz Jenning
Lambda Literary (awards)
Rainbow Book List (The Rainbow List is a bibliography of books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content, and which are aimed at youth, birth through age 18.)
Stonewall Awards (which includes a Children’s and YA Award since 2010)
Derman-Sparks, Louise. (2016). “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books.” Teaching For Change.
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
Am I Blue?: Coming Out of the SIlence edited by Marion Dane Bauer'
Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Ash by Malinda Lo
A Boy Like Me by Jennie Wood
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett
All the Major Constellations by Pratima Cranse
Another Kind of Cowboy by Susan Juby
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Brooklyn Burning by Steve Brezenoff
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio
Nevada by Imogene Binnie
Bi-Normal by M.G. Higgins
Double Exposure by Bridget Birdsall
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
Far From You by Tess Sharpe
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Hold Still by Nina LaCour
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour
Ask the Passengers by A. S. King
Weetzie Bat--Francesca Lia Block
The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Changers series by T. Cooper; Alison Glock-Cooper
About a Girl by Sarah McCarry
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth
Dark Parts of the Forest by Holly Black
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Freak Show by James St. James
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Hold Me Closer: the Tiny Cooper story by David Levithan
How Beautiful the Ordinary edited by Michael Cart
It’s Our Prom (Deal with it) by Julie Anne Peters
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle
Love Drugged by James Klise
My Heartbeat by Garrett Freyman-Weyr
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman
Tessa Masterson WIll Go to Prom by Emily Franklin
Pink by Lili Wikinson
Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy by Bil Wright
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan
With or WIthout You by Brian Farrey
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi
What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
The Space Between by Michelle Teichman
South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo
Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion edited by Ryan Conrad
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remembering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Surivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Kicked Out by Sassafras Lowrey
LGTBQ+ Athletes Claim the Field: Striving for Equality by Kristin Cronn-Mills
LGBTQ families: Ultimate Teen Guide by Eva Apelqvist
The Letter Q: Queer Writers Notes to Their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon
OMG queer : short stories by queer youth edited by Radclyffe and Katherine E. Lynch
Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community by Robin Stevenson
Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Belge and Marke Bieschke
Rethinking Normal: A Memoir in Transition by Katie Rain Hill
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen by Arin Andrews
Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights by Ann Bausum
This Book is Gay by James Dawson
Transgender Lives: Complex Stories, Complex Voices by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Branded by the Pink Triangle by Ken Setterrington
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
A + e 4ever by Ilike Merey
Adrian and the Tree of Secrets by Marie Caillou-Hubert
Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
Draw the Line by Laurent Linn
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince
Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki
Kevin Keller: Welcome to Riverdale by Dan Parent
The Heart of Thomas by Moto Hagio
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson and Shannon Waters
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
Pedro and Me by Judd Winick
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA LiteratureMichelle Abate (website)
Rob Bittner (website)
Michael Cart
Thomas Crisp
Christine Jenkins (website)
Kenneth Kidd
Derritt Mason
Angel Daniel Matos (website)
Jamie Campbell Naidoo (also studies Latinx children’s literature)
Eric Tribunella
Lance Weldy
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell. Rainbow Families: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content. Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. The Heart Has Its Reasons: Young Adult Literature with Lesbian/Gay/Queer Content, 1969-2004. Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. Book Review: Top 250 LGBTQ Books for Teens: Coming Out, Being Out, and the Search for Community. Huron Street Press, 2015.
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
I’m Here, I’m Queer, What The Hell Do I Read?
F Yeah Queer Teen Lit
The Gay YA Tumblr
LGBT YA Reviews
Tru Colorz
Queer YA
Boys on the Brink Blog
YA GLBT (Goodreads Group)
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children: http://decoloresreviews.blogspot.com/
Latinxs in Kid Lit: https://latinosinkidlit.com/
Pura Belpré Medal: http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell (ed). (2010). Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries.
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Literature
Out in the Library: Queer Youth Literature and Its Censors (slide presentation)
Articles (Popular Press)
Aponte, Jack. “American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say "Not in Our Names." Truthout, 14 June 2016.
Cervantes, Vincent. “Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando.” Religion Dispatches. http://religiondispatches.org/sacred-geography-a-queer-latino-theological-response-to-orlando/
Deken, Sebastian. “What I want you to talk about when you talk about the Orlando shooting.” Upworthy. http://www.upworthy.com/what-i-want-you-to-talk-about-when-you-talk-about-the-orlando-shooting
Delgado, Juliana. “Cuentamelo: An Oral History of Queer Latin Immigrants in San Francisco.” SF Weekly, 26 June 2013. http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/cuentamelo-an-oral-history-of-queer-latin-immigrants-in-san-francisco/Content?oid=2826471
Dias, Elizabeth. “The Upstairs Lounge Fire: The Little Known Story of the Largest Killing of Gays in US History.” Time, 21 June 2013.
Dowd, Elle. "Biphobia and the Pulse Massacre." Medium. 13 June 2016. https://medium.com/@elledowd/biphobia-and-the-pulse-massacre-add1dd9b27be#.kv1z4evqz
Flores, Veronica Bayettl. “The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robbed The Queer Latinx Community Of A Sanctuary.” Remezcla, 13 June 2016. http://remezcla.com/features/music/pulse-nightclub-sanctuary/
Kim, Richard. “Please Don’t Stop the Music.” The Nation, 12 June 2016. http://www.thenation.com/article/please-dont-stop-the-music/
Kysia, Alison. "A People's History of Muslims in the United States." Zinn Education Project A People’s History of Muslims in the United States. 07 Apr. 2014.
Kost, Ryan. “In ‘The Q-Sides,’ queer Latinos find place in lowrider culture.” SF Weekly, 19 June 2015. http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/In-The-Q-Sides-queer-Latinos-find-place-6324302.php
Lopez, Alan Pelaez, Bea Esparanza Fonseca, Jorge Gutierrez, Jennicet Gutierrez, and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. “Trans and Queer Latinxs Respond to #PulseOrlando Shooting.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/Familiatqlm/videos/894654677347323/?pnref=story
Noyola, Isa and Amy Goodman. “Activist: Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response.” 14 June 2016. http://www.democracynow.org/2016/6/14/activist_latinx_lgbtq_community_its_stories
One+Love Editorial Staff. “Dr. Herukhuti on Sexual Imperialism, Homonormativity, & Bi-Erasure.” One+Love. 10 June 2014.
Onion, Rebecca. “What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists.” Slate. 15 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/06/what_gun_control_advocates_can_learn_from_the_abolitionists_who_helped_end.html
Pérez, Roy. “Mark Aguhar’s Critical Flippancy.” Bully Bloggers. 4 August 2012. https://bullybloggers.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mark-aguhars-critical-flippancy/
Pierce, Joseph M. “Travestis, negras, boricas, maricas” Revista Anfibia. 13 June 2016. http://www.revistaanfibia.com/cronica/travestis-negras-boricuas-maricas/
Singh, Maanvi. “Not Your Mother's Catholic Frescoes: Radiant Portraits Of Queer People Of Color.” NPR Code Switch. 28 May 2015.
Sheffield, R. Social Justice Struggles for Rights, Equality & Identity: The Role of LGBTQ Archives (discusses the Upstairs Lounge Fire). https://youtu.be/Lvatk4YXmSw
Stern, Mark Joseph. “There’s an Urgent Need for Blood Donors in Orlando. Most Gay Men Still Can’t Donate.” Slate, 12 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/orlando_pulse_gay_nightclub_shooting_gay_men_can_t_donate_blood.html
Tite, Philip L. “Scripting Acts of Violence: Intersectionality and the Orlando Shooting.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 13 June 2016. http://bulletin.equinoxpub.com/2016/06/scripting-acts-of-violence-intersectionality-and-the-orlando-shooting/
Uwujaren, Jarune. "How White LGBTQIA+ People Can Be More Inclusive of People of Color." Everyday Feminism, 5 February 2013.
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Project Tumblr
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/opinion/the-corrosive-politics-that-threaten-lgbt-americans.html?_r=0 (More than 200 anti-LGBT bill have been introduced in 34 states in 2016 alone)
“Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers as Translator for Victims’ Families” June 14, 2016. Heard on All Things Considered
Articles (Scholarly Press)
Allen, Jafai S. 2012. “Black/Queer/Diaspora at the Current Conjuncture.” GLQ 18(2-3): 211-248.
Boston, Nicholas, and Jan Willem Duyvendak. "People of Color Mobilization in LGBT Movements in the Netherlands and the United states." The Ashgate Research Companion to Lesbian and Gay Activism (2015): 135.
Crowder, Diane Griffin. 2007. “From the Straight Mind to Queer Theory: implications for political movement.” GLQ 13(4): 489-504
Davis, Gerald L. 1996. “’Somewhere over the Rainbow…’: Judy Garland in Neverland.” The Journal of American Folklore. 109(432): 115-128.
DiAngelo, Robin, “White Fragility” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70 http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116
Gorman, E. Michael. 1991. “Anthropological Reflections on the HIV Epidemic among Gay Men.” The Journal of Sex Research 28(2): 263-273.
Halberstam, Judith. 1997. “Mackdaddy, Superfly, Rapper: Gender, Race and Masculinity in the Drag King Scene.” Social Text 52/53: 104-131.
Hersker, Alan L. and William Leap. 1996. “Representation, Subjectivity and Ethics in Urban Gay Ethnography.” City & Society 8(1): 142-147.
Howe, Alyssa Cymene. 2001. “Queer Pilgrimage: The San Francisco homeland and identity tourism.” Cultural Anthropology 16(1): 35-61
Ilkkaracan, Pinar. "Sexual Rights: A Feminist Account from Muslim Societies." The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality 1 (2013): 197.
Irving, D. (2008) Normalized transgressions: Legitimizing the transsexual body as productive. Radical History Review, 2008(100), 38-59. doi:10.1215/01636545-2007-021
Jourian, T. J., Simmons, S. L, & Devaney, K. C. (2015). “We are not expected”: Trans* educators (re)claiming space and voice in higher education and student affairs. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 431-446.
Lorde, Audre. "Keynote Address: The Uses Of Anger." Women's Studies Quarterly 9.3 (1981): 7-10.
Manalansan, Martin. 1995. “In the Shadows of Stonewall: examining gay transnational politics and the diasporic dilemma.” GLQ 2(4): 425-438.
Ocampo, A.C., 2012. Making masculinity: Negotiations of gender presentation among Latino gay men. Latino Studies, 10(4), pp.448-472.
Orne, J., 2013. Queers in the line of fire: Goffman's stigma revisited. The Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), pp.229-253.
Roscoe, Will. 1995. “Was We’Wha a Homosexual? Native American survivance and the two-spirit tradition.” GLQ 2: 193-235.
Vaccaro, A. (2012). Campus microclimates for LGBT faculty, staff, and students: An exploration of the intersections of social identity and campus roles. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 49(4), 429-446. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2012-6473
Warner, Michael. 1999. “Normal and Normaller: Beyond Gay Marriage.” GLQ 5(2): 119-171.
Weston, Kath. 1996. “Get Thee to a Big City: Sexual imaginary and the great gay migration.” GLQ 2: 253-277.
Whitfield, Darren L., et al. "Queer is the new black? Not so much: Racial disparities in anti-LGBTQ discrimination." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 26.4 (2014): 426-440.
Winder, T.J., 2015. “Shouting it Out”: Religion and the Development of Black Gay Identities. Qualitative Sociology, 38(4), pp.375-394.
Archival Collections
The Bil Browning and Jerame Davis Papers, documenting their activism on behalf of LGBT rights in Indiana and Washington, D.C., from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Charles Beard papers at the University of West Georgia
The DC Cowboys Dance Company Records (an all-male, gay, non-profit dance company based in Washington, D.C.), from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Desh Pardesh festival fonds
Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (held at Oregon Historical Society Research Library)
Gay and Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection at Fales Library, New York University
GLBT Historical Society Archives & Museum
Gender Studies Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois University
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives (Chicago)
The Hank M. Tavera Papers at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library
The History Project: Documenting LGBTQ Boston
International Gay Information Center Collections, New York Public Library Manuscripts and Archives Division
The Joan E. Biren Queer Film Museum Collection, relating to lesbian-oriented motion pictures, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
John-Manuel Andriote Victory Deferred Collection, featuring interviews with numerous individuals involved in the AIDS crisis, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lavender Legacies Guide, Society of American Archivists (guide to LGBTQIA resources in repositories in the U.S. and Canada)
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego library collection: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/LambdaArchivesofSD
Las Vegas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, 1955-1997. MS-00251. Special
Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada. https://www.library.unlv.edu/speccol/ead/MS-00251_LVLGBT.pdf
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP)
Leather Archives and Museum (Chicago)
The Leonard P. Hirsch Federal GLOBE [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employee advocacy group for the federal government] Records, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, at the University of Southern Maine
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
The Lesbian Herstory Archives
LGBT Community Center, Bar Guides Collection,
LGBT Community Center, The Center Records Collection
LGBTQ Collections at Duke University (Includes tab with archival collections)
LGBTQ Collections at UCLA
LGBTQI Collections at the University of Washington
LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech
LGBTQ Primary Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries
LGBT Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University Libraries, Washington DC
The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives - University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections:
Manuel Ramos Otero papers at Columbia University: http://library.columbia.edu/news/libraries/2014/2014-3-12_RBML_Acquires_Ramos_Otero_Archive.html
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at Cornell University:
New York Public Library’s Digital Collections: LGBT Materials
ONE Archives
Outfest UCLA Legacy Project for LGBT Film Preservation
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Records, a lobbying and legal assistance organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender servicepersons, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Sexual Minorities Archives
The Shamrock Bar: Photographs and Interviews by Carol Burch-Brown, documenting the Shamrock Bar, Bluefield, West Virginia, a working class “gay” bar 1997-2000, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Stan Henry papers at the University of Washington http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/view?docId=HenryStan5558.xml
Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
Two-Spirited Collection - University of Winnipeg Archives
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project
Georgia State University’s LGBTQ Digital Collection
Utah Pride Center records
Johnny Townsend papers
The World AIDS Institute (WAI) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
David Nelson papers
Angels in America / written by Tony Kushner directed by Mike Nichols produced by Meryl Streep et al., 2003.
Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria / written and directed by Victor Silverman, Susan Stryker, 2005.
Tangerine / directed by Sean Baker, c. 2015.
The Times Of Harvey Milk / directed by Rob Epstein, 2004.
The Cockettes / a documentary directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman
Before Stonewall / a film by John Scagliotti, Greta Schiller & Robert Rosenberg, c. 1984.
A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story / directed by Agnieszka Holland, 2006.
Happy Together / directed by Kar-Wai Wong, 1997.
La aguja / a documentary by Carmen Oquendo Villar, 2012.
Paris is Burning / directed by Jennie Livingston, c.1990
De Colores: Lesbian & Gay Latinos: Stories of Strength, Family and Love = Lesbianas Y Gays Latinos: Historias De Fuerza, Familia Y Amor / directed by Peter Barbosa and Garrett Lenoir, 2001.
The Laramie Project / directed by Moisés Kaufman, 2012.
Mala Mala / a biographical documentary written and directed by Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, 2014.
The Matthew Shepard Story / directed by Roger Spottiswoode, 2002.
Mosquita y Mari / written and directed by Aurora Guerrero, 2012.
Elliott Loves / directed by Terracino, 2012.
Daddy and Papa / directed by Johnny Symons, 2002.
Taxi zum Klo / directed by Frank Ripploh, 1980.
Fresa y Chocolate / directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, 1994
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / directed by Stephen Elliott, 1994.
But I’m A Cheerleader / directed by Jamie Babbit, 1999.
How to Survive a Plague / directed by David France, 2012.
Boys Don’t Cry / directed by Kimberly Peirce, 1999.
Longtime Companion / directed by Norman René, 1989.
Freeheld / directed by Peter Sollett, 2015.
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP / directed by Jim Hubbard, 2012.
Pride / directed by Matthew Warchus, 2014.
Bent / directed by Sean Mathias, 1997. [about gay men and Nazi Germany]
Happy Birthday, Marsha! / directed by Reina Gossett and Sasha Wortzel, 2016.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch / directed by John Cameron Mitchell, 2001.
Beautiful Thing / directed by Hettie Macdonald, 1996.
Portrait of Jason / directed by Shirley Clarke, 1967.
Quinceañera / directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Al Nisa: Black Muslim Women in Atlanta's Gay Mecca / directed by Red Summer, 2013.
Gun Hill Road / directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green, 2011.
Southern Comfort / directed by Kate Davis, 2001
Lola und Bildikid/ directed by Kutluğ Ataman, 1999
It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school by Debra Chasnoff; Helen S Cohen; Sue Chen; Fawn Yacker; Stephen McCarthy, (Cinematographer); Shirley Thompson; Jon Herbst; Miriam Cutler; New Day Films.; Women's Educational Media, Inc.; Respect for All Project.; Groundspark (Firm); 2008.
It's still elementary : the movie and the movement
by Debra Chasnoff; Sue Chen; Johnny Symons; Helen S Cohen; Kate Stilley; Miriam Cutler; Groundspark (Firm),; Respect for All Project.; New Day Films; 2007
Queer Zine Archive Project
King, Nia. We Are Not White Lesbians: 2013.
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zine. Ecuador: 2012
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zines (Queer Scribe): http://queerscribe.com/
POC Zine Project: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/
50 Zines by Queer People of Color
Call Out Queen Zine. Juana Peralta and Roy Pérez, 2012.
The Ring of Fire Anthology / ET Russian
GamesLGBT Video Game Archive: https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/
Redshift & Portalmetal by micha cárdenas: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/redshift-and-portalmetal/index
PoetryThe Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética by Maya Chinchilla
The Songs of Antonio Botto by Antonio Botto and Josiah Blackmore
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong
“All The Dead Boys Look Like Me,” Christopher Soto
Writing the Walls Down / QTPOC-centered anthology ed. by Amir Rabiyah & Helen Klonaris
Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams
Boy with Thorn by Rickey Laurentiis
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C Corral
The New Testament by Jericho Brown
Crevasse by Nicholas Wong
Consensual Genocide by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
The Far Mosque by Kazim Ali
Bright Felon by Kazim Ali
Fata Morgana by Reginald Shepherd
Trouble the Water by Derrick Austin
Walking With Ghosts by Qwo-Li Driskill
Ceremonies by Essex Hemphill
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Nepantla: A Journal For Queer Poets of Color
[insert] boy by Danez Smith
Sad Girl Poems by Christopher Soto
i'm alive / it hurts / i love it by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
Black Lavender Milk by Angel Dominguez
Oil and Candle by Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Found Them by Francisco-Luis White
trigger by Venus Selenite
Remains: A Gathering of Bones by Dane Figueroa Edidi
Proxy by R. Erica Doyle
Head Off & Split Nikky Finney
Discipline by Dawn Lundy Martin
Patient. by Bettina Judd
Sympathetic Little Monster by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Transit by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Wanting In Arabic by Trish Salah
Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics ed. by TC Tolbert & Trace Peterson
Anybody by Ari Banias
The Heart’s Traffic by Ching-In Chen
Advice for Lovers by Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Queer Heartache by Kit Yan
Speleology by Duriel E. Harris
Dream of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones
Never Coming Home by Tyler Vile
The Last Generation by Cherrie Moraga
Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pasó por sus labios by Cherrie Moraga
Where the words end and by body begins by Amber Dawn
The Beautifully Worthless by Ali Liebegott
The Halo by C. Dale Young
Torn by C. Dale Young
Don’t Let Me Go to Sleep by Timothy Liu
The Taxidermist’s Cut by Rajiv Mohabir
Seasonal Velocity by Ryka Aioki De La Cruz
The Sum of Two Mothers by Dennis Etzel
Plays Satyricoño by Migdalia Cruz
Siempre Norteada: Always Late, Always Lost by Virginia Grise
Blu by Virginia Grise
The Bull-Jean Stories by Sharon Bridgforth
O, Earth by Casey Llewellyn
Booty Candy by Robert O'Hara
Straight As A Line by Luis Alfaro
Giving Up the Ghost by Cherríe Moraga
Short Eyes by Miguel Piñero
Wig Out by Tarell McCraney
Fur by Migdalia Cruz
Jotos del Barrio by Jesús Alonzo
Hir by Taylor Mac
The Whale by Samuel D. Hunter
Ballast by Georgette V. Kelley
Where Do We Live by Christopher Shinn
The Invention of Love by Tom Stoppard
My Brother’s a Keeper by Herukhuti
Execution of Justice by Emily Mann
Icarus Burns by Christopher Oscar Peña
The Mermaid Hour, David Valdes Greenwood
MusicDifranco, Ani. “I Know This Bar.” To the Teeth. 1999. Live recording via Moshcam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NpL5rYI5N8
Grand, Steve.
G.L.O.S.S Trans Day of Revenge released 13 june 2016
PodcastsWe Want the Airwaves / Nia King
Episode 5: Queers! / Radio Menea
Strange Fruit Podcast / WFPL
Transwaves / Trans Youth Equality Foundation
Waves Breaking / Avren Keating
The Heart / Radiotopia
The Read
Radio Ambulante: Finding the Words / Radiotopia {podcast in Spanish, transcript in English}
Throwing Shade
The BiCast / Podcast for the Bisexual Community
NPR Podcasts:
- LISTEN: Victim, Doctors Describe 'War Zone' Following Shootings In Orlando
- Politics Podcast: Trump And Clinton Respond To Orlando Massacre
- Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers As Translator For Victims' Families
- Orlando Shooting: The Latest Attack Against The LGBTQ Community
ComicsNews / Resources / Information
- Gay League - news and clearinghouse website
- Queer Cartoonists Database - run by cartoonist MariNaomi
- Geeks Out - www.geeksout.org
- LGBT Comics, By The Letters - https://www.richlandlibrary.com/recommend/lgbt-comics-letters
- Impressive list of LGBT representation in comics
- Dykes to Watch Out For / Alison Bechdel
- Fun Home / by Alison Bechdel
- Fires Above Hyperion / Patrick Atangan
- I Love This Part / Tillie Walden
- Love and Rockets (Locas stories) / Jaime Hernandez
- Lumberjanes by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis and Noelle Stevenson
- If This Be Sin / Hazel Newlevant
- No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics / edited by Justin Hall.
- Young Bottoms in Love / edited by Tim Fish
- Beyond: a Queer Sci-fi/Fantasy Anthology
- Stitches / David Small
- Stuck Rubber Baby / Howard Cruse
- The Complete Wendel / Howard Cruse
- 100 Crushes / Elisha Lim
- Pregnant Butch / AK Summers
- Blue is the Warmest Color / Julie Maroh
- Wet Moon / by Sophie Campbell
- Archives of work by Joamette Gil
- Spit and Passion by Cristy C. Road
- Snapshots of a Girl by Beldan Sezen
- QU33R by Robert Kirby (ed.)
- The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
- Most titles by Ariel Schrag
- Antique Bakery by Fumi Yoshinaga
- Calling Dr. Laura by Nicole J. Georges
- Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic
- The Infinite Loop by Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier
- Wandering Son by Shimura Takako
- Flutter by Jennie Wood
- Wuvable Oaf by Ed Luce
- The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by EK Weaver
- Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It edited by Anne Ishii, Graham Kolbeins, Chip Kidd
- Queerville by Tom Bouden
- My Brain Hurts by Liz Baillie
- Kyle’s Bed & Breakfast / Greg Fox
- Batwoman: Elegy / Greg Rucka, J.H. Williams III
- Batwoman New 52 Series / J.H. Williams III et al
- Anything that Loves (anthology)
- Lots of titles from Northwest Press
Autostraddle: http://www.autostraddle.com/
Bisexual Resource Center: http://www.biresource.net
The Bi-bliography: A regularly-updated database of bisexual books
Bisexual Books: Views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective.
Black and Pink: http://www.blackandpink.org/
Black Girl Dangerous: www.blackgirldangerous.org
Conscious Style Guide—talking and writing about marginalized communities: http://consciousstyleguide.com/
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston: http://citizenshipandsocialjustice.com/2015/07/10/curriculum-for-white-americans-to-educate-themselves-on-race-and-racism/
Diversity Style Guide – Helping media professionals write with accuracy and authority
Ending the Prison Industrial Complex
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement -- “Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (Familia: TQLM) is the only national organization that addresses, organizes, educates, and advocates for the issues most important to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and Latino communities.” http://familiatqlm.org/
Fuck Yeah Queer People of Color Tumblr
Fetlife: http://www.fetlife.com
GLAAD Media Reference Guide – 9th Edition
Website: http://www.glaad.org/reference
Guide (pdf): http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD%20MRG_9th.pdf
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - In Focus: Covering the Bisexual Community: http://www.glaad.org/reference/bisexual
History: Founding of the Daughters of Bilitis
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project: http://queermuslimproject.tumblr.com/
LGBT Latino Timeline: http://www.latinoglbthistory.org/lgbtq-latino-timeline
LGBT items from the National Museum of American History collections
Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement - American Experience at PBS:
Miss-Major Jay Toole Building for Social Justice: http://mmjt.org/about
Out History: Out History
Queer Migration Resource Network: http://queermigration.com/resources/
Que(e)ry Party Resource Page: http://www.queeryparty.org/resources/
Race Forward: https://www.raceforward.org/
Race Reporting Guide:
Reading Each Other, Our Selves- A Social Justice Reading List
Sacred Sexualities: http://sacredsexualities.org
Smithsonian Collections Search Center results for LGBT:
We are Orlando: http://www.weareorlando.org/
Wearing Gay History- Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-shirts: http://wearinggayhistory.com/
Wikipedia (English) LGBT Portal
Wikipedia WikiProject LGBT Studies
MemesKlion, David. “There will be attempts to pit two vulnerable communities, LGBT and Muslims, against each other. Resist them.” 12 June 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BGkBiM8tUVB/
State- and Territory-Specific ResourcesNationalLGBT Movement Advancement Project http://www.lgbtmap.org/
LGBT Movement Advancement Project - Equality Maps: http://lgbtmap.org/equality-maps
Maps of State Laws & Policies related to LGBT issues from Human Rights Center
CenterLink Member LGBT Community Center Directory http://www.lgbtcenters.org/Centers/find-a-center.aspx
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) http://muslimalliance.org/
AlabamaThe Magic City Wellness Center
2500 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
FloridaCompass Community Center, Lake Worth, FL http://www.compassglcc.com/community-center/
Equality Florida http://www.eqfl.org/
The Center Orlando
The Zebra Coalition http://zebrayouth.org/
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Central Florida, Inc. http://www.glbcc.org
GeorgiaAthens Pride
Charis Books
Columbus, GA LGBT Support Groups
Georgia Equality
The Georgia Voice
In the Life Atlanta
LGBT Atlanta - Your Official Gay Atlanta Guide
LGBT Resource Center for Southwest Georgia
Lost and Found Youth
Illinois(ALMA) Association of Latino/as Motivating Action, Asociación de Latinos para Motivar Acción http://www.almachicago.org/ (LGBTIQ Latin@ Organization)
VIDA/SIDA https://www.facebook.com/vidasida/
Chicago House and Social Service Agency, TransLife http://www.chicagohouse.org/
Project Fierce http://projectfiercechicago.org/
Invisible 2 Invincible, Asian/Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago https://www.facebook.com/i2iAPIPride/ , http://www.chicagoi2i.org/ (Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ community organization)
Trikone Chicago http://www.trikonechicago.org/ (South Asian LGBTQ community organization)
Chances Dances, queer community and collective in Chicago. Chances Dances produces parties, a dance music podcast, and a scholarship for queer artists. http://www.chancesdances.org/
IndianaIndiana Youth Group, http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/
Indiana LGBT Organizations
- South Bend - www.michianaglbtcenter.org
- Bloomington - www.bloomingtonpride.org
- Bloomington - Prism Youth Community
- Evansville - www.tsagl.org
- Lafayette - www.pridelafayette.org
- Spencer - www.sites.google.com/site/ruralpride
- Fort Wayne - www.fwpride.org
- Columbus - www.pridealliancecolumbus.org
- North West Indiana - www.outaboutnwi.com
- Indianapolis - www.indyprideinc.com
Indiana Transgender/Gender Variant Resources
- www.indianatransgendernetwork.com
- www.INTRAA.org- Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Alliance
- www.indyboyz.org
- www.indygirlz.org
- http://libguides.dbq.edu/LGBTQ (University of Dubuque’s LGBTQ resource guide with local and state-wide resources)
- http://csil.uiowa.edu/multicultural/lgbtrc/ (University of Iowa’s resource center)
- http://www.uilgbtqclinic.com/ (University of Iowa’s LGBTQ Clinic)
- http://www.lgbtss.dso.iastate.edu/library/education (Iowa State University’s resource page)
- http://www.pride.oneiowa.org/
- http://oneiowa.org/
- http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/06/13/481859852/what-queer-latinos-are-saying-about-the-orlando-shooting# (IA Public Radio Queer Latinx reactions)
PFLAG of Greater Worcester http://www.worcesterpflag.org/lgbt-resources.html
The Theater Offensive/True Colors Out Youth Theatre http://www.thetheateroffensive.org
New York *Ali Forney Center Services for Homeless LGBT Youth (New York)
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English)
The Audre Lorde Project
NYC Resources For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans & Gender Non-Conforming People Of Color
Brooklyn Community Pride Center (New York)
* The Center: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (NYC)
*The Door (NYC)
(212) 601-1938
Brooklyn LGBT Resources (NYC)
* Rainbow Heights Club (NYC)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
IHI (Institute for Human Identity) Therapy Center
*Make the Road NY
Bushwick, Brooklyn office: (718) 418-7690
NYCLU (New York Civil Liberties Union)
*Confirmed Spanish-speaking capacity
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
Pride Center of the Capital Region (Albany area)
The Q Center @ ACR Health (Syracuse area)
Youth groups: up to age 22
Sage Upstate (Syracuse area)
PFLAG Syracuse
Puerto Rico
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Salud LGBTTA
Comité Contra la Homofobia y el Discrimen
Centro Comunitario LGBTT Puerto Rico
COA (Colectivo Orgullo Arcoiris)
IGEA (Instituto del Género y Educación de Avanzada)
Iniciativa Comunitaria
South Carolina
Girls Rock Charleston
Girls Rock Columbia
We Are Family
TennesseeOasis Center (specifically the Just Us, TYME, and Students of Stonewall program) Mental health care available in English and Spanish
TexasALLGO - A Statewide (Texas) Queer People of Color Organization
Greater Washington, D.C.AGLA (Alexandria/Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance)
Rainbow Families DC
The DC Center
SMYAL (Sexual Minority Youth Alliance)
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance
Casa Ruby (trans-inclusive homeless shelter and advocacy, English & Spanish resources)
Whitman-Walker Health
Tacoma Rainbow Center
Equal Rights Washington
GLSEN Washington
Library/Info/Education Organizations
GLBTRT (Gay Lesbian Transgender Roundtable) of the American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/
GLBTRT’s Reviews (for all GLBTQ+ materials)
GLBTRT’s Over the Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for adults)
GLBTRT’s Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for children & teens)
GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network): http://www.glsen.org/
LAGAR (Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA): http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar#.V17X4OYrKRs
Lavendar Legacies Guide from SAA LAGAR: http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar/lavender-legacies-guide#.V17a9OIrLmg
OutTeacher: http://www.outteacher.org/
Que(e)ry Party: queeryparty.org
REFORMA: http://www.reforma.org/
Resources for K-12 School CommunitiesNavigating Orlando Tragedy in School Communities - “A short list of crisis response and emotional support resources that we hope complement your school-based support services and provide you with the guidance and reassurance you need as you navigate your way through the coming days. This resource list was created specifically for the NYC Department of Education, but can be shared with others as only a few of the bullets are NYCDOE specific.” Compiled by Jared Fox, LGBT Community Liaison, NYC DOE
NYC Department of Education Respect for All Educator Resources
Media Smarts Helping Kids Cope with Media Coverage of War and Traumatic Events
Please Talk About Orlando: A Letter to the Nervous Educator (Tolerance.org)
K-12 Lesson Plans from the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)
A variety of lessons centered on teaching respect and inclusion. Anyone who wants to work towards eliminating harmful name-calling, harassment and bullying in their school can be a part of No Name-Calling Week, whether you are a teacher, student, guidance counselor, coach, librarian or bus driver.
Scenarios: Scenarios "uses media, education, and storytelling to support young people in controlling their own narratives and to promote healthy decision making." Check out their REAL DEAL curricula and their library of youth-written films.
Teaching Tolerance - A blog "where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support." Also check out Perspectives for a Diverse America, "a literacy-based curriculum that marries anti-bias social justice content with the rigor of the Common Core State Standards."
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
www.avp.org, 24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English): 212-714-1141
The Trevor Project: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline: http://www.translifeline.org/
The Center in Orlando: http://www.thecenterorlando.org/
Live Oak (Chicago, IL) http://www.liveoakchicago.com/ (Sliding scale LGBTIQ-competent therapists, including a Spanish bilingual therapist)
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Gieseking, J. J. (2014, October 28). On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jen-jack-gieseking/on-the-closing-of-the-las_b_6057122.html
Race, Kane. Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.
Stern, Mark Joseph. "The Long, Tragic History Of Violence At LGBTQ Clubs In America". Slate Magazine. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 June 2016. Available at: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/pulse_nightclub_shooting_and_tragic_history_of_violence_at_lgbtq_clubs_in.html
“Refuge” by Keguro Macharia: https://gukira.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/refuge/
“We Came to Sweat: The Legend of Starlite.” the story of Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Dirs. Kate Kunath, Sasha Wortzel
Club Fly: http://clubfly.com/
Library & Information Studies Resources
ALA President Sari Feldman Issues Statement on Orlando
“Black Caucus of ALA Denounces ALA’s Decision to Hold 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.” March 10, 2014
Changing times: information destinations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Denver, Colorado / by Martin Garnar
“Don’t Say Gay” in the State of Tennessee: Libraries as Virtual Spaces of Resistance and Protectors of Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People / by Bharat Mehra & LaVerne Gray
Power and community: organizational and cultural LGBT responses against homophobia and promotion of inclusion values / by Eduardo da Silvo Alentejo
Reducing the Suicide Risk of LGBTQ Library Users / by Noémi Somarjai
LGBTQ Perspectives in US HistorySouthern Poverty Law Center - Teaching Tolerance
Resources from the Many Pasts collection by American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning (Graduate Center, CUNY)
History of Gun Control Policy
“The Freedom of an Armed Society” by FIRMIN DEBRABANDER - Good essay on how the presence of guns and gun violence disturb and silence our other rights, especially freedom of speech.
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond / Mark Ames
Patrick Blanchfield, “The Gun Control We Deserve”
The Low-Tech Way Guns Get Traced NPR, All Things Considered “Opponents of expanding background checks for gun sales often raise the fear that it would allow the government to create a national gun registry — a database of gun transactions. In fact, federal law already bans the creation of such a registry. And the reality of how gun sales records are accessed turns out to be surprisingly low-tech.”
Jill Lepore, “Battleground America”, The New Yorker 23 April 2012
Fact Sheet - National Tracing Center
Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler
Christopher J. Peters, What are Constitutional Rights For? The Case of the Second Amendment, 68 Okla. L. Rev. 433, 433-95 (2016) (examining the concept of constitutional authority using the Second Amendment and District of Columbia v. Heller as a framework)
Michael Waldman, The Second Amendment: A Biography. 2014
Michael Waldman, “How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment” Politico Magazine, May 19th, 2014
Notes: District of Columbia v. Heller was the 2008 Supreme Court case that struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, which had previously banned DC residents from owning certain types of handguns. This article is a deep-dive law review article examining constitutional theory and would be best suited for law students or college/AP government students.
Activism and Action Steps
Mirk, Sarah. “Here are our resources for turning sadness into action.” Bitch Media. 13 June 2016. https://bitchmedia.org/article/here-are-resources-turning-sadness-action-orlando-pulse-shooting-lgbt-gun-control
Steffen, Suzi and Adrienne Marie Brown. “A few things straight cis or trans and non-straight cis people could do today and every day to support LGBTQIA people.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/adriennemaree/posts/10157220629320314?pnref=story
Cartography“Orlando Neighborhood.” Google Maps.
Current influences 16.6.2016:
Table of Contents
Self Care
Scholarly Books
Popular Books (divide into subjects)
Non-Fiction Anthologies
LGBTQ+ Picture Books
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
LGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority Ethnicity
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA Literature
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
Articles (Popular Press)
Archival Collections
State- and Territory-Specific Resources
New York
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Greater Washington, D.C.
Library/Info/Education Organizations
Resources for K-12 School Communities
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Library & Information Studies Resources
LGBTQ Perspectives in US History
History of Gun Control Policy
Activism and Action Steps
Self CareAssessment for self care -
Free app for meditation in five minutes -
10 minute meditation w/ GIF to help with breathing, helps with anxiety and panic attacks- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXItOY0sLRY
After Tragedy, Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope - http://www.npr.org/2013/01/16/168563480/after-tragedy-nonbelievers-find-other-ways-to-cope
Help with tolerating intense and uncomfortable emotions such as grief & anger -
Chödrön, Pema. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult times. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.
Lipsky, Laura van Dernoot. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.
Community of compassion and hope for grieving survivors; counseling, advocacy, research, and education - http://www.missfoundation.org/
Libraries are packed with information & resources. Find one near you - https://www.worldcat.org/libraries
Blog encouraging people to prevent other people’s garbage from taking over their lives - The Law of the Garbage Truck
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Scholarly Books
Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Aching, Gerald. Masking and Power: Carnival and Popular Culture in the Caribbean. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Acosta, Katie L. Amigas Y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2013.
Aldama, Frederick L. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
----. Dancing with Ghosts: A Critical Biography of Arturo Islas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Almaguer, Tomas. "Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 3.2. (1991): 75-100.
Alwood, Edward. Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands = La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print.
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco- 1950-1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Atkins, Gary L. Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging. 2003. University of Washington Press, 2013.
Balay, Anne. Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Steelworkers. 2014, University of North Carolina Press.
Bailey, Marlon M. Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Bausum, Ann. Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights. Viking, 2015. [A history of gay liberation and Stonewall for young adult readers.]
Beachy, Robert. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity. New York: Knopf, 2014.
Bell, David, and Gill Valentine. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London; New York: Routledge, 1994.
Berube, Allan and John D’Emilio. “The Military Lesbians During the McCarthy Years” Estelle Freedman et al., eds. The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. Print.
Brooks, Adrian. The Right Side of History: 100 Years of LGBTQ Activism , 2015. Print.
Brooks, Siobhan. "Staying in the Hood: Black Lesbian and Transgender Women and Identity Management in North Philadelphia." Journal of homosexuality (2016): 1-21.
Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York: Haworth Press, 2002.
Cantú, Lionel. 2009. The Sexuality of Migration: Border Crossings and Mexican Immigrant Men.
Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Castiglia, Christopher, and Christopher Reed. If Memory Serves: Gay Men, AIDS, and the Promise of the Queer Past. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1840-1940. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
Cleves, Rachel Hope. Charity and Sylvia: A Same-sex Marriage in Early America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. On Intersectionality: Essential Writings. New Press, 2016.
Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo and Martin F. Manalansan. Queer Globalizations. Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2003.
Decena, Carlos. Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Gay Men. Duke University Press, 2011.
Del Castillo, Adelaida R. and Gibrán Güido, ed. Queer in Aztlán: Chicano Male Recollections of Consciousness and Coming Out. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic, 2014.
D’Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. 1983. 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1998.
D’Emilio, John. In a New Century: Essays on Queer History, Politics, and Community Life. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2014.
D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Dews, C L. B, and Carolyn L. Law. Out in the South. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Downs, Jim. Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation. New York: Basic Books, 2016.
Duberman, Martin, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York, Penguin Books, 1989.
Duggan, Lisa. Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2000.
---. The Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2003.
Eaklor, Vicki L. Queer America: A People’s GLBT History of the United States. The New Press, 2008. New Press People’s History. [A very accessible, introductory-level textbook on the history of queer America!]
Escobar Cajamarca, Manuel Roberto, Cuerpos en resistencia: experiencias trans en Ciudad de México y Bogotá, Bogotá: Universidad Central, 2016.
Enke, Finn A. Finding the Movement: Sexuality, Contested Space, and Feminist Activism. Duke, 2007
Faderman, Lillian. The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
---. “Who Hid Lesbian History?” The New Lesbian Studies: Intro to the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman and Toni McNarion. New York:The Feminist Press, 1996.
Forrest, Katherine V., ed. Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950-1965. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2005.
Foster, Thomas A, ed. Long Before Stonewall: Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America New York: NYU Press, 2007.
Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol. 1 New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Fields, Jill. An Intimate Affair: Women Lingerie and Sexuality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
Frank, Miriam, Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America. 2014, Temple University Press.
Gallo, Marcia M. Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Gamson, Joshua. Modern Families: Stories of Extraordinary Journeys to Kinship. NYU Press, 2015.
Gieseking, Jen Jack. 2013. “Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008.” In Queer Presences and Absences, edited by Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison, 178–200. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You’ll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America. Indiana University Press, 1989.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
Graves, Karen. And they were wonderful teachers : Florida’s purge of gay and lesbian teachers. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2009.
Grier, Barbara, and Coletta Reid, eds. The Lavender Herring: Lesbian Essays from The Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grzanka, Patrick R., ed. Intersectionality: A Foundations and Frontiers Reader. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2014.
Halberstam, J. M. In A Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2005.
Halperin, David M. How to Do the History of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Hames-Garcia, Michael R, and Ernesto J. Martínez. Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Hancock, Ange-Marie. Intersectionality: An Intellectual History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hanhardt, Christina B. Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. Duke University Press, 2013.
Herek, Gregory M., and Kevin T. Berrill, editors. Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men. Sage Publications, 1992.
Herman, Judith Lewis. Trauma and recovery. Basic books, 1997.
Herring, Scott. Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism. New York: New York University Press, 2010.
Herukhuti. Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality and Spirituality, Volume I. New York: Vintage Entity Press. 2007
Horak, Laura. Girls Will be Boys: Cross-dressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema, 1908-1934. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Jagose, Annamarie. Queer Theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
Jama, Afdhere. Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World. Oracle Releasing, 2008. Print.
Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, eds. Blacktino Queer Performance. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Henderson, Mae G., eds. Black Queer Studies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
King, Rosamond S. Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2014.
Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq. Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oneworld Publications, 2010.
Kulick, Don. Travesti: Sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
La Fountain-Stokes, Lawrence. Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Lawrence, Tim, Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979 Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
Licata, Salvadore J. “The Homosexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History” Journal of Homosexuality 6, Fall/Winter 1980/81.
Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing, 1984.
---. Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1982.
Love, Heather. Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Manalansan IV, Martin F. Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Marhoefer, Laurie. Sex and the Weimar Republic: Homosexuality and the Rise of the Nazis. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Marcus, Eric. Making History; The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 –An Oral History. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Marinucci, Mimi. Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
McConnell, David. American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men. New York: Akashic Books, 2013.
McKenzie, Mia. Black Girl Dangerous: On Race, Queerness, Class, and Gender. Oakland: BGD Press, 2014.
Meeker, Martin. Contacts Desired: Gay and Lesbian Communications, 1940s -1970s. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Meyer, Doug. Violence against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender, and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J. Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J.. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Harvard University Press, 2002.
Moore, Mignon R. Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood among Black Women. University of California Press, 2011.
Morrone, Melissa, ed. Informed Agitation: Library and Information Skills in Social Justice Movements and Beyond. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2014.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity. Duke University Press, 2009.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics. University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2004.
Newton, Esther. Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town. , 2014. Print.
Nkabinde, Nkunzi Zandile. Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life as a Lesbian Sangoma. Jacana Media, 2009. Print.
Ochoa, Marcia. Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
Parrini Rodrigo y Alejandro Brito (coords.) La memoria y el deseo. Estudios gay y queer en México, México: PUEG, UNAM, 2014.
Pasco, C.J. Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. 2nd ed. University of California Press, 2011.
Peña, Susana. Oye Loca: From the Mariel Boatlift to Gay Cuban Miami. University of Minnesota Press.: Minneapolis, MN. 2013.
Perez, Elizabeth. Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions. New York University Press, 2016.
Plant, Richard. Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals. New York: Holt, 1986.
Poucher, Judith G. State of Defiance : Challenging the Johns Committee's Assault on Civil Liberties. 2014.
Puar, Jasbir. Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Queen, Carol. PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality. Jersey City: Cleis Press, 1997.
Quesada, U., Gomez, L., & Vidal-Ortiz, S. (Eds.). (2015). Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quiroga, José. Tropics of Desire: Interventions from Queer Latino America. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Ramos, Juanita. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: an Anthology. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Rechy, John. City of Night. New York: Grove, 1963.
Reddy, Chandan. Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the US State. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. Performing Queer Latinidad: Dance, Sexuality, Politics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Robb, Graham. Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Norton, 2003.
Rodriguez, Juana M. Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces. New York: New York University Press, 2003.
---. Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. New York: New York University Press, 2014.
Rupp, Leila. A Desired Past: A Short History of Same-Sex Love in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
‐ ‐ ‐. Sapphistries: A Global History of Love Between Women. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Shaw, Adrienne. Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2015.
Shawl, Nisi, and Cynthia Ward. Writing the Other: A Practical Approach. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2005. Print.
Shultz, Jackson Wright. Trans/portraits: Voices From Transgender Communities. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2015.
Sifuentes-Jáuregui, Ben. The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2014.
Snorton, Riley C. Nobody is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
Soares, Manuela “The Purloined Ladder: Its Place in Lesbian History.” The Journal of Homosexuality , Vol. 34, No. ¾, Winter 1998: 27-49.
Somerville, Siobhan B. Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
Spade, Dean. Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of the Law. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith (Eds). Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (2nd). AK Press, 2015.
Stein, Marc. City of Sisterly and Brotherly Love: Making Lesbian and Gay History in Philadelphia, 1945-1972. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Stryker, Susan. Transgender History. Seal Press, 2008.
Tillmann, Lisa. In Solidarity : Friendship, Family, and Activism beyond Gay and Straight. Innovative Ethnographies. 2014.
Von Hoffman Nicholas. Citizen Cohn. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Walter, Cori E. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood (2011): Master of Liberal Studies Theses. Rollins College. Web. http://scholarship.rollins.edu/mls/6/
Walters, Suzanna Danuta. All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
---. The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. New York University Press, 2014.
Warner, Michael (ed.). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
Warner, Michael. The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Wilchins, R. (2014). Queer theory, gender theory: An instant primer. Bronx, NY: Magnus Books.
Woods, Gregory. Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Young, Allen, and Karla Jay, editors. Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation. 1972. Twentieth anniversary edition, New York University Press, 1992.
Popular Books (divide into subjects)AdultFictionBaldwin, James. Giovanni’s Room. 1956.
Baldwin, James. If Beale Street Could Talk: New York : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1974.
Bañales, Meliza. Life Is Wonderful, People Are Terrific. Ladybox, 2015.
Bannon, Ann. The Beebo Brinker Omnibus: Ann Bannon’s Pulp Classics. Cleis, 2015.
Barnes, Djuna. Nightwood: Faber, 2001. Print.
Barnett, LaShonda. Jam on the Vine. New York: Grove, 2015.
Bhattacharya, Susmita. The Normal State of Mind. Parthian, 2015.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York: Topside Press, 2013.
Brooks, Carellin. One Hundred Days of Rain. BookThug, 2015.
Bowes, Richard. Dust Devil on a Quiet Street. Lethe Press, 2013.
Brown, R. M. Rubyfruit Jungle. 1973.
Castillo, Ana. Loverboys. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
---. So Far From God. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993.
Chee, Alexander. Edinburgh. New York: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2001.
Capote, Truman. Other Voices, Other Rooms. (1948). New York: Vintage, 1994.
Doctor, Farzana. Stealing Nasreen, 2007.
Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex. 2002
http://thewalrus.ca/rise-of-the-gender-novel/ Casey Plett’s “gender novel”
Erdrich, Louise. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Farris, Julian E. The Sin Warriors : A Novel. Maple Shade, N.J.: Lethe Press, 2012.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand: 1993. (Available as a free PDF here: http://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)
Flagg, Fannie, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe. N.Y. : Random House, c1987.
Forster, E. M. Maurice. 1971.
Frank, Judith. All I Love and Know. New York: William Morrow, 2014
Garcia, Tristan. Hate: A Romance. Translated by Marion Duvert and Lorin Stein. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010.
Gurba, Myriam. Dahlia Season: stories & a novella. Manic D Press, 2007
Haddad, Saleem. Guapa. New York: Other Press, 2016.
Highway, Tomson. Kiss of the Fur Queen. 1999. (Aboriginal, queer.)
Humphreys, Helen, The Lost Garden, 2002.
Jackson, Naomi. The Star Side of Bird Hill. New York: Penguin, 2015.
Kaveney, Roz. Tiny Pieces of Skull. Team Angelica Publishing, 2015.
Krieger, Nick. Nina Here nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender. , 2011. Print.
Lemus, Felicia L. Like Son. New York: Akashik Books, 2007/
---. The Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003. Print.
Logan, Kirsty. The Gracekeepers. Crown Publishing, 2015.
Lowrey, Sassafras. Lost Boi. Arsenal Pulp, 2015.
Merlis, Mark. An Arrow's Flight. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print.
Negrón, Luis. Mundo Cruel. Río Piedras, P.R: La Secta de los Perros, 2010. Print.
Negrón, Luis, and Suzanne J. Levine. Mundo Cruel: Stories. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2013. Print. (English translation)
Okparanta, Chinelo. Under the Udala Trees. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015
Pickney, Darryl. Black Deutschland. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2016.
Puig, Manuel. The Kiss of the Spider Woman. 1984.
Rice-González, Charles. Chulito. 2010.
Rivera, Gabby. Juliet Takes a Breath. Riverdale, N.Y.: Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016.
Sarif, Shamim. I Can't Think Straight. London: Enlightenment, 2008.
Shraya, Vivek. She of the Mountains. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Pissing in a River. New York: Feminist Press, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin. Ithaca: Firebrand, 1994.
Syms, Shawn. Nothing Looks Familiar. Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Tartellin, Abigail. Golden Boy. Atria Books, 2013.
Torres, Justin. We the Animals. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
White, Edmund. The Beautiful Room is Empty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
White, Edmund. A Boy’s Own Story. Boston: E. P. Dutton, 1982.
Non-Fiction Acevedo, David. El Diario de Una Puta Humilde. Erizo Editorial. 2012. Print.
Arnal, Kike. Bordered Lives: Transgender Portraits from Mexico. , 2014. Print.
Connell, Catherine. School's Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom. , 2015. Print.
Diamond, K.D., Moon, Allison, eds. Girl Sex 101. Lunatic Ink, 2015.
Fausto-Sterling. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books, 2000.
Howard, John. Men Like That: A Southern Queer History. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disasters. New York: Viking, 2009.
MemoirBlanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos : A Miami Childhood. First ed. Ecco, 2014.
Cogswell, Kelly. Eating Fire: My Life As a Lesbian Avenger. , 2014. Print.
Cooper, T. Real Man Adventures. San Francisco: McSweeney’s, 2012.
Conigrave, Timothy. Holding the Man, 1995.
Conley, Garrard. Boy Erased: A Memoir. Riverhead Books, 2016.
Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws.
Hernandez, Daisy. A Cup of Water Under My Bed.
Jacques, Juliet. Trans: A Memoir. London: Verso, 2015.
McBee, Thomas Page. Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness and Becoming a Man. San Francisco: City Lights, 2015.
Mock, Janet. Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More. New York: Atria, 2014.
Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.
Moraga, Cherríe L. Loving in the War Years. South End Press, 1983 (2nd ed. 2000). *
Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home.
Road, Cristy C. Spit and Passion.
Spoon, Rae. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
Spoon, Rae & Ivan E. Coyote. Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Wilson, Tabias. Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remebering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance.
Wojnarowicz, David. Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration.
Non-Fiction Anthologies
Conrad, Ryan, ed. Against Equality: Prisons Will Not Protect You.
Erickson-Schroth, Laura, ed. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community.
Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein, ed. That’s Revolting!: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation.
Fray Baroque and Teagan Eanelli Queer Ultraviolence: Bash Back Anthology
Boykin, Keith et al. (eds.) For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home.
Townsend, Johnny. Let the Faggots Burn : The Upstairs Lounge Fire. Bangor, Maine: BookLocker.com, 2011.
Aire Saenz, Benjamin. Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club. Cinco Puntos Press. 2012.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Workin' it! : RuPaul's guide to life, liberty, and the pursuit of style / RuPaul.
Hello, cruel world : 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws / by Kate Bornstein.
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
Shelton, Michael. Family Pride: What LGBT families should know about navigating home, school and safety in their neighborhoods.
The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Margot Canaday
Ochs, R. & Williams, H. S. Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Boston: Bisexual Resource Center. 2014.
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire edited by C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano
Klonaris, Helen & Rabiyah, Amir. Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices. Chapel Hill: Trans-Genre Press: 2016.
Queer Prison Abolition
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex edited by Eric A. Stanley & Nat Smith
Considering Hate: Violence, Goodness, and Justice in American Culture and Politics by Michael Bronski and Kay Whitlock
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey Mogul, Andrea Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
Stonewall Book Awards List from the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table - http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/award/honored
The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender Women in Male Prison by Kristin Lyseggen and Carolyn Bond (2015)
Eisner, Shiri. Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution. 2013.
Xavier, Emanuel. Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry. Mountain View, Calif: Floricanto Press, 2008.
Beam, Cris. Transparent: Love, Family, and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers. Orlando, Fla: Harcourt, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, 2013.
Delany, Samuel. Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York: NYU P,
Delany, Samuel. The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
Blanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood. 2014.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. 1993.
Jennings, Kevin, ed. One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About What’s Gotten Better and What Hasn’t. Boston: Beacon Press, 2015.
Anthropy, Anna. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
Iyer, Deepa, We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future, New York: The New Press, 2015.
ChildrenLGBTQ+ Picture Books
10,000 Dresses by Max Ewert & Rex Ray
All I Want To Be Is Me by Phyllis Rothblatt
All Kinds of Families, 40th Anniversary Edition, Norma Simon, Sarah Brannen (Illustrator)
And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell, Henry Cole (Illustrator)
Call Me Tree: Llámame árbol by Maya Christina González
Daddy, Papa, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Donovan’s Big Day by Lesléa Newman & Mike Dutton
Families by Susan Kuklin
Families by Shelley Rotner
Families, Families, Families! by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan, Danamarie Hosler (Illustrator)
Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesléa Newman & Laura Cornell
Hello, Sailor by Andre Sollie, Ingrid Gordon (Illustrator)
I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings, Shelagh McNicholas (Illustrator)
In Our Mothers' House by Patricia Polacco
Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton, Dougal MacPhearson (Illustrator)
Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah Hoffman, Ian Hoffman, & Chris Case
King and King by Linda de Haan & Stern Nijland
Large Fears by Myles E. Johnson, Kendrick Daye
Made by Raffi by Craig Pomranz & Margaret Chamberlain
Meet Polkadot by Talcott Broadhead
Mommy, Mama, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Monday is One Day by Arthur A. Levine, Julian Hector (Illustrator)
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino & Isabelle Malenfant
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis & Suzanne DeSimone
A Peacock Among Pigeons by Tyler Curry and Clarione Gutierrez
Real Sisters Pretend by Megan Dowd Lambert, Nicole Tadgell (Illustrator)
Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon Coloring Book by Jacinta Bunnell
Square Zair Pair by Jase Peeples and Christine Knopp
Stella Brings the Family by Miriam B. Schiffer & Holly Clifton-Brown
This Day in June by Gayle E. Pittman & Krystina Litten
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg
Worm loves Worm by J.J. Austrian
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister by Charlotte Agell
The Best Man by Richard Peck
Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle and Five, Six, Seven, Nate! by Tim Federle (sequel to Better Nate Than Ever)
The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Family Fletcher series by Dana Alison Levy
Gay & Lesbian History for Kids by Jerome Pohlen
George by Alex Gino
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
Husky by Justin Sayre
Kiss by Jacqueline Woodson
Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
Lumberjanes series by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, & Brooke A. Allen
The Manny Files by Christian Burch
Marco the Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
The Marvels by Brian Selznick
Misfit trilogy by James Howe
My Mixed-Up Berry Blue Summer by Jennifer Gennari
The Popularity Papers series by Amy Ignatow
Pride Celebrating Diversity & Community by Robin Stevenson
Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz & Miriam Klein Stahl
See You at Harry’s by Jo Knowles
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg & Fiona Smyth
Totally Joe by James Howe
YALGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority EthnicityAnything Could Happen by Will Walton
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire
Boyfriends With Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Convict’s Candy by Damon Meadows & Jason Poole
Crash Into Me by Borris Albert
Dramarama by E. Lockhart
Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole
Dreamblood Duology (Killing Moon and Shadowed Sun) by N. K. Jemisin
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
The God Box by Alex Sanchez
God Loves Hair by Vivek Shraya
Happy Families by Tanita Davis
The House You Pass on the Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Huntress by Malinda Lo
I Am J by Cris Beam
If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
M+O 4evr by Tonya Hegamin
Money Boy by Paul Yee
Moon at Nine by Deborah Ellis
More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Necessary Hunger by Nina Revoyr
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz
On the Come Up by Hannah Weyer
Orphea Proud by Sharon Dennis Wyeth
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Proxy by Alex London
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Swimming in the Monsoon Sea by Shyam Selvadurai
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd
Books about Transgender Issues for Teens (New York Public Library)
I am J - Cris Beam
Lizard Radio - Pat Schwartz (genderfluid)
The Symptoms of Being Human - Jeff Garvin (genderfluid)
Luna by Julie Anne Peters
What We Left Behind by Robin Talley (genderfluid)
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman
Beyond Magenta: Transgendered Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Freakboy by Kristin Clark
Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen by Jazz Jenning
Lambda Literary (awards)
Rainbow Book List (The Rainbow List is a bibliography of books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content, and which are aimed at youth, birth through age 18.)
Stonewall Awards (which includes a Children’s and YA Award since 2010)
Derman-Sparks, Louise. (2016). “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books.” Teaching For Change.
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
Am I Blue?: Coming Out of the SIlence edited by Marion Dane Bauer'
Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Ash by Malinda Lo
A Boy Like Me by Jennie Wood
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett
All the Major Constellations by Pratima Cranse
Another Kind of Cowboy by Susan Juby
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Brooklyn Burning by Steve Brezenoff
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio
Nevada by Imogene Binnie
Bi-Normal by M.G. Higgins
Double Exposure by Bridget Birdsall
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
Far From You by Tess Sharpe
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Hold Still by Nina LaCour
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour
Ask the Passengers by A. S. King
Weetzie Bat--Francesca Lia Block
The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Changers series by T. Cooper; Alison Glock-Cooper
About a Girl by Sarah McCarry
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth
Dark Parts of the Forest by Holly Black
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Freak Show by James St. James
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Hold Me Closer: the Tiny Cooper story by David Levithan
How Beautiful the Ordinary edited by Michael Cart
It’s Our Prom (Deal with it) by Julie Anne Peters
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle
Love Drugged by James Klise
My Heartbeat by Garrett Freyman-Weyr
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman
Tessa Masterson WIll Go to Prom by Emily Franklin
Pink by Lili Wikinson
Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy by Bil Wright
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan
With or WIthout You by Brian Farrey
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi
What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
The Space Between by Michelle Teichman
South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo
Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion edited by Ryan Conrad
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remembering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Surivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Kicked Out by Sassafras Lowrey
LGTBQ+ Athletes Claim the Field: Striving for Equality by Kristin Cronn-Mills
LGBTQ families: Ultimate Teen Guide by Eva Apelqvist
The Letter Q: Queer Writers Notes to Their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon
OMG queer : short stories by queer youth edited by Radclyffe and Katherine E. Lynch
Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community by Robin Stevenson
Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Belge and Marke Bieschke
Rethinking Normal: A Memoir in Transition by Katie Rain Hill
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen by Arin Andrews
Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights by Ann Bausum
This Book is Gay by James Dawson
Transgender Lives: Complex Stories, Complex Voices by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Branded by the Pink Triangle by Ken Setterrington
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
A + e 4ever by Ilike Merey
Adrian and the Tree of Secrets by Marie Caillou-Hubert
Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
Draw the Line by Laurent Linn
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince
Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki
Kevin Keller: Welcome to Riverdale by Dan Parent
The Heart of Thomas by Moto Hagio
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson and Shannon Waters
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
Pedro and Me by Judd Winick
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA LiteratureMichelle Abate (website)
Rob Bittner (website)
Michael Cart
Thomas Crisp
Christine Jenkins (website)
Kenneth Kidd
Derritt Mason
Angel Daniel Matos (website)
Jamie Campbell Naidoo (also studies Latinx children’s literature)
Eric Tribunella
Lance Weldy
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell. Rainbow Families: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content. Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. The Heart Has Its Reasons: Young Adult Literature with Lesbian/Gay/Queer Content, 1969-2004. Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. Book Review: Top 250 LGBTQ Books for Teens: Coming Out, Being Out, and the Search for Community. Huron Street Press, 2015.
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
I’m Here, I’m Queer, What The Hell Do I Read?
F Yeah Queer Teen Lit
The Gay YA Tumblr
LGBT YA Reviews
Tru Colorz
Queer YA
Boys on the Brink Blog
YA GLBT (Goodreads Group)
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children: http://decoloresreviews.blogspot.com/
Latinxs in Kid Lit: https://latinosinkidlit.com/
Pura Belpré Medal: http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell (ed). (2010). Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries.
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Literature
Out in the Library: Queer Youth Literature and Its Censors (slide presentation)
Articles (Popular Press)
Aponte, Jack. “American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say "Not in Our Names." Truthout, 14 June 2016.
Cervantes, Vincent. “Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando.” Religion Dispatches. http://religiondispatches.org/sacred-geography-a-queer-latino-theological-response-to-orlando/
Deken, Sebastian. “What I want you to talk about when you talk about the Orlando shooting.” Upworthy. http://www.upworthy.com/what-i-want-you-to-talk-about-when-you-talk-about-the-orlando-shooting
Delgado, Juliana. “Cuentamelo: An Oral History of Queer Latin Immigrants in San Francisco.” SF Weekly, 26 June 2013. http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/cuentamelo-an-oral-history-of-queer-latin-immigrants-in-san-francisco/Content?oid=2826471
Dias, Elizabeth. “The Upstairs Lounge Fire: The Little Known Story of the Largest Killing of Gays in US History.” Time, 21 June 2013.
Dowd, Elle. "Biphobia and the Pulse Massacre." Medium. 13 June 2016. https://medium.com/@elledowd/biphobia-and-the-pulse-massacre-add1dd9b27be#.kv1z4evqz
Flores, Veronica Bayettl. “The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robbed The Queer Latinx Community Of A Sanctuary.” Remezcla, 13 June 2016. http://remezcla.com/features/music/pulse-nightclub-sanctuary/
Kim, Richard. “Please Don’t Stop the Music.” The Nation, 12 June 2016. http://www.thenation.com/article/please-dont-stop-the-music/
Kysia, Alison. "A People's History of Muslims in the United States." Zinn Education Project A People’s History of Muslims in the United States. 07 Apr. 2014.
Kost, Ryan. “In ‘The Q-Sides,’ queer Latinos find place in lowrider culture.” SF Weekly, 19 June 2015. http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/In-The-Q-Sides-queer-Latinos-find-place-6324302.php
Lopez, Alan Pelaez, Bea Esparanza Fonseca, Jorge Gutierrez, Jennicet Gutierrez, and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. “Trans and Queer Latinxs Respond to #PulseOrlando Shooting.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/Familiatqlm/videos/894654677347323/?pnref=story
Noyola, Isa and Amy Goodman. “Activist: Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response.” 14 June 2016. http://www.democracynow.org/2016/6/14/activist_latinx_lgbtq_community_its_stories
One+Love Editorial Staff. “Dr. Herukhuti on Sexual Imperialism, Homonormativity, & Bi-Erasure.” One+Love. 10 June 2014.
Onion, Rebecca. “What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists.” Slate. 15 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/06/what_gun_control_advocates_can_learn_from_the_abolitionists_who_helped_end.html
Pérez, Roy. “Mark Aguhar’s Critical Flippancy.” Bully Bloggers. 4 August 2012. https://bullybloggers.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mark-aguhars-critical-flippancy/
Pierce, Joseph M. “Travestis, negras, boricas, maricas” Revista Anfibia. 13 June 2016. http://www.revistaanfibia.com/cronica/travestis-negras-boricuas-maricas/
Singh, Maanvi. “Not Your Mother's Catholic Frescoes: Radiant Portraits Of Queer People Of Color.” NPR Code Switch. 28 May 2015.
Sheffield, R. Social Justice Struggles for Rights, Equality & Identity: The Role of LGBTQ Archives (discusses the Upstairs Lounge Fire). https://youtu.be/Lvatk4YXmSw
Stern, Mark Joseph. “There’s an Urgent Need for Blood Donors in Orlando. Most Gay Men Still Can’t Donate.” Slate, 12 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/orlando_pulse_gay_nightclub_shooting_gay_men_can_t_donate_blood.html
Tite, Philip L. “Scripting Acts of Violence: Intersectionality and the Orlando Shooting.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 13 June 2016. http://bulletin.equinoxpub.com/2016/06/scripting-acts-of-violence-intersectionality-and-the-orlando-shooting/
Uwujaren, Jarune. "How White LGBTQIA+ People Can Be More Inclusive of People of Color." Everyday Feminism, 5 February 2013.
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Project Tumblr
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/opinion/the-corrosive-politics-that-threaten-lgbt-americans.html?_r=0 (More than 200 anti-LGBT bill have been introduced in 34 states in 2016 alone)
“Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers as Translator for Victims’ Families” June 14, 2016. Heard on All Things Considered
Articles (Scholarly Press)
Allen, Jafai S. 2012. “Black/Queer/Diaspora at the Current Conjuncture.” GLQ 18(2-3): 211-248.
Boston, Nicholas, and Jan Willem Duyvendak. "People of Color Mobilization in LGBT Movements in the Netherlands and the United states." The Ashgate Research Companion to Lesbian and Gay Activism (2015): 135.
Crowder, Diane Griffin. 2007. “From the Straight Mind to Queer Theory: implications for political movement.” GLQ 13(4): 489-504
Davis, Gerald L. 1996. “’Somewhere over the Rainbow…’: Judy Garland in Neverland.” The Journal of American Folklore. 109(432): 115-128.
DiAngelo, Robin, “White Fragility” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70 http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116
Gorman, E. Michael. 1991. “Anthropological Reflections on the HIV Epidemic among Gay Men.” The Journal of Sex Research 28(2): 263-273.
Halberstam, Judith. 1997. “Mackdaddy, Superfly, Rapper: Gender, Race and Masculinity in the Drag King Scene.” Social Text 52/53: 104-131.
Hersker, Alan L. and William Leap. 1996. “Representation, Subjectivity and Ethics in Urban Gay Ethnography.” City & Society 8(1): 142-147.
Howe, Alyssa Cymene. 2001. “Queer Pilgrimage: The San Francisco homeland and identity tourism.” Cultural Anthropology 16(1): 35-61
Ilkkaracan, Pinar. "Sexual Rights: A Feminist Account from Muslim Societies." The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality 1 (2013): 197.
Irving, D. (2008) Normalized transgressions: Legitimizing the transsexual body as productive. Radical History Review, 2008(100), 38-59. doi:10.1215/01636545-2007-021
Jourian, T. J., Simmons, S. L, & Devaney, K. C. (2015). “We are not expected”: Trans* educators (re)claiming space and voice in higher education and student affairs. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 431-446.
Lorde, Audre. "Keynote Address: The Uses Of Anger." Women's Studies Quarterly 9.3 (1981): 7-10.
Manalansan, Martin. 1995. “In the Shadows of Stonewall: examining gay transnational politics and the diasporic dilemma.” GLQ 2(4): 425-438.
Ocampo, A.C., 2012. Making masculinity: Negotiations of gender presentation among Latino gay men. Latino Studies, 10(4), pp.448-472.
Orne, J., 2013. Queers in the line of fire: Goffman's stigma revisited. The Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), pp.229-253.
Roscoe, Will. 1995. “Was We’Wha a Homosexual? Native American survivance and the two-spirit tradition.” GLQ 2: 193-235.
Vaccaro, A. (2012). Campus microclimates for LGBT faculty, staff, and students: An exploration of the intersections of social identity and campus roles. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 49(4), 429-446. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2012-6473
Warner, Michael. 1999. “Normal and Normaller: Beyond Gay Marriage.” GLQ 5(2): 119-171.
Weston, Kath. 1996. “Get Thee to a Big City: Sexual imaginary and the great gay migration.” GLQ 2: 253-277.
Whitfield, Darren L., et al. "Queer is the new black? Not so much: Racial disparities in anti-LGBTQ discrimination." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 26.4 (2014): 426-440.
Winder, T.J., 2015. “Shouting it Out”: Religion and the Development of Black Gay Identities. Qualitative Sociology, 38(4), pp.375-394.
Archival Collections
The Bil Browning and Jerame Davis Papers, documenting their activism on behalf of LGBT rights in Indiana and Washington, D.C., from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Charles Beard papers at the University of West Georgia
The DC Cowboys Dance Company Records (an all-male, gay, non-profit dance company based in Washington, D.C.), from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Desh Pardesh festival fonds
Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (held at Oregon Historical Society Research Library)
Gay and Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection at Fales Library, New York University
GLBT Historical Society Archives & Museum
Gender Studies Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois University
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives (Chicago)
The Hank M. Tavera Papers at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library
The History Project: Documenting LGBTQ Boston
International Gay Information Center Collections, New York Public Library Manuscripts and Archives Division
The Joan E. Biren Queer Film Museum Collection, relating to lesbian-oriented motion pictures, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
John-Manuel Andriote Victory Deferred Collection, featuring interviews with numerous individuals involved in the AIDS crisis, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lavender Legacies Guide, Society of American Archivists (guide to LGBTQIA resources in repositories in the U.S. and Canada)
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego library collection: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/LambdaArchivesofSD
Las Vegas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, 1955-1997. MS-00251. Special
Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada. https://www.library.unlv.edu/speccol/ead/MS-00251_LVLGBT.pdf
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP)
Leather Archives and Museum (Chicago)
The Leonard P. Hirsch Federal GLOBE [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employee advocacy group for the federal government] Records, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, at the University of Southern Maine
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
The Lesbian Herstory Archives
LGBT Community Center, Bar Guides Collection,
LGBT Community Center, The Center Records Collection
LGBTQ Collections at Duke University (Includes tab with archival collections)
LGBTQ Collections at UCLA
LGBTQI Collections at the University of Washington
LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech
LGBTQ Primary Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries
LGBT Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University Libraries, Washington DC
The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives - University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections:
Manuel Ramos Otero papers at Columbia University: http://library.columbia.edu/news/libraries/2014/2014-3-12_RBML_Acquires_Ramos_Otero_Archive.html
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at Cornell University:
New York Public Library’s Digital Collections: LGBT Materials
ONE Archives
Outfest UCLA Legacy Project for LGBT Film Preservation
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Records, a lobbying and legal assistance organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender servicepersons, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Sexual Minorities Archives
The Shamrock Bar: Photographs and Interviews by Carol Burch-Brown, documenting the Shamrock Bar, Bluefield, West Virginia, a working class “gay” bar 1997-2000, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Stan Henry papers at the University of Washington http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/view?docId=HenryStan5558.xml
Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
Two-Spirited Collection - University of Winnipeg Archives
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project
Georgia State University’s LGBTQ Digital Collection
Utah Pride Center records
Johnny Townsend papers
The World AIDS Institute (WAI) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
David Nelson papers
Angels in America / written by Tony Kushner directed by Mike Nichols produced by Meryl Streep et al., 2003.
Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria / written and directed by Victor Silverman, Susan Stryker, 2005.
Tangerine / directed by Sean Baker, c. 2015.
The Times Of Harvey Milk / directed by Rob Epstein, 2004.
The Cockettes / a documentary directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman
Before Stonewall / a film by John Scagliotti, Greta Schiller & Robert Rosenberg, c. 1984.
A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story / directed by Agnieszka Holland, 2006.
Happy Together / directed by Kar-Wai Wong, 1997.
La aguja / a documentary by Carmen Oquendo Villar, 2012.
Paris is Burning / directed by Jennie Livingston, c.1990
De Colores: Lesbian & Gay Latinos: Stories of Strength, Family and Love = Lesbianas Y Gays Latinos: Historias De Fuerza, Familia Y Amor / directed by Peter Barbosa and Garrett Lenoir, 2001.
The Laramie Project / directed by Moisés Kaufman, 2012.
Mala Mala / a biographical documentary written and directed by Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, 2014.
The Matthew Shepard Story / directed by Roger Spottiswoode, 2002.
Mosquita y Mari / written and directed by Aurora Guerrero, 2012.
Elliott Loves / directed by Terracino, 2012.
Daddy and Papa / directed by Johnny Symons, 2002.
Taxi zum Klo / directed by Frank Ripploh, 1980.
Fresa y Chocolate / directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, 1994
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / directed by Stephen Elliott, 1994.
But I’m A Cheerleader / directed by Jamie Babbit, 1999.
How to Survive a Plague / directed by David France, 2012.
Boys Don’t Cry / directed by Kimberly Peirce, 1999.
Longtime Companion / directed by Norman René, 1989.
Freeheld / directed by Peter Sollett, 2015.
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP / directed by Jim Hubbard, 2012.
Pride / directed by Matthew Warchus, 2014.
Bent / directed by Sean Mathias, 1997. [about gay men and Nazi Germany]
Happy Birthday, Marsha! / directed by Reina Gossett and Sasha Wortzel, 2016.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch / directed by John Cameron Mitchell, 2001.
Beautiful Thing / directed by Hettie Macdonald, 1996.
Portrait of Jason / directed by Shirley Clarke, 1967.
Quinceañera / directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Al Nisa: Black Muslim Women in Atlanta's Gay Mecca / directed by Red Summer, 2013.
Gun Hill Road / directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green, 2011.
Southern Comfort / directed by Kate Davis, 2001
Lola und Bildikid/ directed by Kutluğ Ataman, 1999
It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school by Debra Chasnoff; Helen S Cohen; Sue Chen; Fawn Yacker; Stephen McCarthy, (Cinematographer); Shirley Thompson; Jon Herbst; Miriam Cutler; New Day Films.; Women's Educational Media, Inc.; Respect for All Project.; Groundspark (Firm); 2008.
It's still elementary : the movie and the movement
by Debra Chasnoff; Sue Chen; Johnny Symons; Helen S Cohen; Kate Stilley; Miriam Cutler; Groundspark (Firm),; Respect for All Project.; New Day Films; 2007
Queer Zine Archive Project
King, Nia. We Are Not White Lesbians: 2013.
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zine. Ecuador: 2012
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zines (Queer Scribe): http://queerscribe.com/
POC Zine Project: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/
50 Zines by Queer People of Color
Call Out Queen Zine. Juana Peralta and Roy Pérez, 2012.
The Ring of Fire Anthology / ET Russian
GamesLGBT Video Game Archive: https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/
Redshift & Portalmetal by micha cárdenas: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/redshift-and-portalmetal/index
PoetryThe Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética by Maya Chinchilla
The Songs of Antonio Botto by Antonio Botto and Josiah Blackmore
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong
“All The Dead Boys Look Like Me,” Christopher Soto
Writing the Walls Down / QTPOC-centered anthology ed. by Amir Rabiyah & Helen Klonaris
Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams
Boy with Thorn by Rickey Laurentiis
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C Corral
The New Testament by Jericho Brown
Crevasse by Nicholas Wong
Consensual Genocide by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
The Far Mosque by Kazim Ali
Bright Felon by Kazim Ali
Fata Morgana by Reginald Shepherd
Trouble the Water by Derrick Austin
Walking With Ghosts by Qwo-Li Driskill
Ceremonies by Essex Hemphill
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Nepantla: A Journal For Queer Poets of Color
[insert] boy by Danez Smith
Sad Girl Poems by Christopher Soto
i'm alive / it hurts / i love it by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
Black Lavender Milk by Angel Dominguez
Oil and Candle by Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Found Them by Francisco-Luis White
trigger by Venus Selenite
Remains: A Gathering of Bones by Dane Figueroa Edidi
Proxy by R. Erica Doyle
Head Off & Split Nikky Finney
Discipline by Dawn Lundy Martin
Patient. by Bettina Judd
Sympathetic Little Monster by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Transit by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Wanting In Arabic by Trish Salah
Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics ed. by TC Tolbert & Trace Peterson
Anybody by Ari Banias
The Heart’s Traffic by Ching-In Chen
Advice for Lovers by Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Queer Heartache by Kit Yan
Speleology by Duriel E. Harris
Dream of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones
Never Coming Home by Tyler Vile
The Last Generation by Cherrie Moraga
Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pasó por sus labios by Cherrie Moraga
Where the words end and by body begins by Amber Dawn
The Beautifully Worthless by Ali Liebegott
The Halo by C. Dale Young
Torn by C. Dale Young
Don’t Let Me Go to Sleep by Timothy Liu
The Taxidermist’s Cut by Rajiv Mohabir
Seasonal Velocity by Ryka Aioki De La Cruz
The Sum of Two Mothers by Dennis Etzel
Plays Satyricoño by Migdalia Cruz
Siempre Norteada: Always Late, Always Lost by Virginia Grise
Blu by Virginia Grise
The Bull-Jean Stories by Sharon Bridgforth
O, Earth by Casey Llewellyn
Booty Candy by Robert O'Hara
Straight As A Line by Luis Alfaro
Giving Up the Ghost by Cherríe Moraga
Short Eyes by Miguel Piñero
Wig Out by Tarell McCraney
Fur by Migdalia Cruz
Jotos del Barrio by Jesús Alonzo
Hir by Taylor Mac
The Whale by Samuel D. Hunter
Ballast by Georgette V. Kelley
Where Do We Live by Christopher Shinn
The Invention of Love by Tom Stoppard
My Brother’s a Keeper by Herukhuti
Execution of Justice by Emily Mann
Icarus Burns by Christopher Oscar Peña
The Mermaid Hour, David Valdes Greenwood
MusicDifranco, Ani. “I Know This Bar.” To the Teeth. 1999. Live recording via Moshcam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NpL5rYI5N8
Grand, Steve.
G.L.O.S.S Trans Day of Revenge released 13 june 2016
PodcastsWe Want the Airwaves / Nia King
Episode 5: Queers! / Radio Menea
Strange Fruit Podcast / WFPL
Transwaves / Trans Youth Equality Foundation
Waves Breaking / Avren Keating
The Heart / Radiotopia
The Read
Radio Ambulante: Finding the Words / Radiotopia {podcast in Spanish, transcript in English}
Throwing Shade
The BiCast / Podcast for the Bisexual Community
NPR Podcasts:
ComicsNews / Resources / Information
Autostraddle: http://www.autostraddle.com/
Bisexual Resource Center: http://www.biresource.net
The Bi-bliography: A regularly-updated database of bisexual books
Bisexual Books: Views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective.
Black and Pink: http://www.blackandpink.org/
Black Girl Dangerous: www.blackgirldangerous.org
Conscious Style Guide—talking and writing about marginalized communities: http://consciousstyleguide.com/
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston: http://citizenshipandsocialjustice.com/2015/07/10/curriculum-for-white-americans-to-educate-themselves-on-race-and-racism/
Diversity Style Guide – Helping media professionals write with accuracy and authority
Ending the Prison Industrial Complex
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement -- “Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (Familia: TQLM) is the only national organization that addresses, organizes, educates, and advocates for the issues most important to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and Latino communities.” http://familiatqlm.org/
Fuck Yeah Queer People of Color Tumblr
Fetlife: http://www.fetlife.com
GLAAD Media Reference Guide – 9th Edition
Website: http://www.glaad.org/reference
Guide (pdf): http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD%20MRG_9th.pdf
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - In Focus: Covering the Bisexual Community: http://www.glaad.org/reference/bisexual
History: Founding of the Daughters of Bilitis
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project: http://queermuslimproject.tumblr.com/
LGBT Latino Timeline: http://www.latinoglbthistory.org/lgbtq-latino-timeline
LGBT items from the National Museum of American History collections
Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement - American Experience at PBS:
Miss-Major Jay Toole Building for Social Justice: http://mmjt.org/about
Out History: Out History
Queer Migration Resource Network: http://queermigration.com/resources/
Que(e)ry Party Resource Page: http://www.queeryparty.org/resources/
Race Forward: https://www.raceforward.org/
Race Reporting Guide:
Reading Each Other, Our Selves- A Social Justice Reading List
Sacred Sexualities: http://sacredsexualities.org
Smithsonian Collections Search Center results for LGBT:
We are Orlando: http://www.weareorlando.org/
Wearing Gay History- Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-shirts: http://wearinggayhistory.com/
Wikipedia (English) LGBT Portal
Wikipedia WikiProject LGBT Studies
MemesKlion, David. “There will be attempts to pit two vulnerable communities, LGBT and Muslims, against each other. Resist them.” 12 June 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BGkBiM8tUVB/
State- and Territory-Specific ResourcesNationalLGBT Movement Advancement Project http://www.lgbtmap.org/
LGBT Movement Advancement Project - Equality Maps: http://lgbtmap.org/equality-maps
Maps of State Laws & Policies related to LGBT issues from Human Rights Center
CenterLink Member LGBT Community Center Directory http://www.lgbtcenters.org/Centers/find-a-center.aspx
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) http://muslimalliance.org/
AlabamaThe Magic City Wellness Center
2500 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
FloridaCompass Community Center, Lake Worth, FL http://www.compassglcc.com/community-center/
Equality Florida http://www.eqfl.org/
The Center Orlando
The Zebra Coalition http://zebrayouth.org/
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Central Florida, Inc. http://www.glbcc.org
GeorgiaAthens Pride
Charis Books
Columbus, GA LGBT Support Groups
Georgia Equality
The Georgia Voice
In the Life Atlanta
LGBT Atlanta - Your Official Gay Atlanta Guide
LGBT Resource Center for Southwest Georgia
Lost and Found Youth
Illinois(ALMA) Association of Latino/as Motivating Action, Asociación de Latinos para Motivar Acción http://www.almachicago.org/ (LGBTIQ Latin@ Organization)
VIDA/SIDA https://www.facebook.com/vidasida/
Chicago House and Social Service Agency, TransLife http://www.chicagohouse.org/
Project Fierce http://projectfiercechicago.org/
Invisible 2 Invincible, Asian/Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago https://www.facebook.com/i2iAPIPride/ , http://www.chicagoi2i.org/ (Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ community organization)
Trikone Chicago http://www.trikonechicago.org/ (South Asian LGBTQ community organization)
Chances Dances, queer community and collective in Chicago. Chances Dances produces parties, a dance music podcast, and a scholarship for queer artists. http://www.chancesdances.org/
IndianaIndiana Youth Group, http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/
Indiana LGBT Organizations
Indiana Transgender/Gender Variant Resources
PFLAG of Greater Worcester http://www.worcesterpflag.org/lgbt-resources.html
The Theater Offensive/True Colors Out Youth Theatre http://www.thetheateroffensive.org
New York *Ali Forney Center Services for Homeless LGBT Youth (New York)
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English)
The Audre Lorde Project
NYC Resources For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans & Gender Non-Conforming People Of Color
Brooklyn Community Pride Center (New York)
* The Center: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (NYC)
*The Door (NYC)
(212) 601-1938
Brooklyn LGBT Resources (NYC)
* Rainbow Heights Club (NYC)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
IHI (Institute for Human Identity) Therapy Center
*Make the Road NY
Bushwick, Brooklyn office: (718) 418-7690
NYCLU (New York Civil Liberties Union)
*Confirmed Spanish-speaking capacity
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
Pride Center of the Capital Region (Albany area)
The Q Center @ ACR Health (Syracuse area)
Youth groups: up to age 22
Sage Upstate (Syracuse area)
PFLAG Syracuse
Puerto Rico
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Salud LGBTTA
Comité Contra la Homofobia y el Discrimen
Centro Comunitario LGBTT Puerto Rico
COA (Colectivo Orgullo Arcoiris)
IGEA (Instituto del Género y Educación de Avanzada)
Iniciativa Comunitaria
South Carolina
Girls Rock Charleston
Girls Rock Columbia
We Are Family
TennesseeOasis Center (specifically the Just Us, TYME, and Students of Stonewall program) Mental health care available in English and Spanish
TexasALLGO - A Statewide (Texas) Queer People of Color Organization
Greater Washington, D.C.AGLA (Alexandria/Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance)
Rainbow Families DC
The DC Center
SMYAL (Sexual Minority Youth Alliance)
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance
Casa Ruby (trans-inclusive homeless shelter and advocacy, English & Spanish resources)
Whitman-Walker Health
Tacoma Rainbow Center
Equal Rights Washington
GLSEN Washington
Library/Info/Education Organizations
GLBTRT (Gay Lesbian Transgender Roundtable) of the American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/
GLBTRT’s Reviews (for all GLBTQ+ materials)
GLBTRT’s Over the Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for adults)
GLBTRT’s Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for children & teens)
GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network): http://www.glsen.org/
LAGAR (Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA): http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar#.V17X4OYrKRs
Lavendar Legacies Guide from SAA LAGAR: http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar/lavender-legacies-guide#.V17a9OIrLmg
OutTeacher: http://www.outteacher.org/
Que(e)ry Party: queeryparty.org
REFORMA: http://www.reforma.org/
Resources for K-12 School CommunitiesNavigating Orlando Tragedy in School Communities - “A short list of crisis response and emotional support resources that we hope complement your school-based support services and provide you with the guidance and reassurance you need as you navigate your way through the coming days. This resource list was created specifically for the NYC Department of Education, but can be shared with others as only a few of the bullets are NYCDOE specific.” Compiled by Jared Fox, LGBT Community Liaison, NYC DOE
NYC Department of Education Respect for All Educator Resources
Media Smarts Helping Kids Cope with Media Coverage of War and Traumatic Events
Please Talk About Orlando: A Letter to the Nervous Educator (Tolerance.org)
K-12 Lesson Plans from the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)
A variety of lessons centered on teaching respect and inclusion. Anyone who wants to work towards eliminating harmful name-calling, harassment and bullying in their school can be a part of No Name-Calling Week, whether you are a teacher, student, guidance counselor, coach, librarian or bus driver.
Scenarios: Scenarios "uses media, education, and storytelling to support young people in controlling their own narratives and to promote healthy decision making." Check out their REAL DEAL curricula and their library of youth-written films.
Teaching Tolerance - A blog "where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support." Also check out Perspectives for a Diverse America, "a literacy-based curriculum that marries anti-bias social justice content with the rigor of the Common Core State Standards."
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
www.avp.org, 24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English): 212-714-1141
The Trevor Project: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline: http://www.translifeline.org/
The Center in Orlando: http://www.thecenterorlando.org/
Live Oak (Chicago, IL) http://www.liveoakchicago.com/ (Sliding scale LGBTIQ-competent therapists, including a Spanish bilingual therapist)
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Gieseking, J. J. (2014, October 28). On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jen-jack-gieseking/on-the-closing-of-the-las_b_6057122.html
Race, Kane. Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.
Stern, Mark Joseph. "The Long, Tragic History Of Violence At LGBTQ Clubs In America". Slate Magazine. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 June 2016. Available at: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/pulse_nightclub_shooting_and_tragic_history_of_violence_at_lgbtq_clubs_in.html
“Refuge” by Keguro Macharia: https://gukira.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/refuge/
“We Came to Sweat: The Legend of Starlite.” the story of Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Dirs. Kate Kunath, Sasha Wortzel
Club Fly: http://clubfly.com/
Library & Information Studies Resources
ALA President Sari Feldman Issues Statement on Orlando
“Black Caucus of ALA Denounces ALA’s Decision to Hold 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.” March 10, 2014
Changing times: information destinations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Denver, Colorado / by Martin Garnar
“Don’t Say Gay” in the State of Tennessee: Libraries as Virtual Spaces of Resistance and Protectors of Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People / by Bharat Mehra & LaVerne Gray
Power and community: organizational and cultural LGBT responses against homophobia and promotion of inclusion values / by Eduardo da Silvo Alentejo
Reducing the Suicide Risk of LGBTQ Library Users / by Noémi Somarjai
LGBTQ Perspectives in US HistorySouthern Poverty Law Center - Teaching Tolerance
Resources from the Many Pasts collection by American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning (Graduate Center, CUNY)
History of Gun Control Policy
“The Freedom of an Armed Society” by FIRMIN DEBRABANDER - Good essay on how the presence of guns and gun violence disturb and silence our other rights, especially freedom of speech.
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond / Mark Ames
Patrick Blanchfield, “The Gun Control We Deserve”
The Low-Tech Way Guns Get Traced NPR, All Things Considered “Opponents of expanding background checks for gun sales often raise the fear that it would allow the government to create a national gun registry — a database of gun transactions. In fact, federal law already bans the creation of such a registry. And the reality of how gun sales records are accessed turns out to be surprisingly low-tech.”
Jill Lepore, “Battleground America”, The New Yorker 23 April 2012
Fact Sheet - National Tracing Center
Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler
Christopher J. Peters, What are Constitutional Rights For? The Case of the Second Amendment, 68 Okla. L. Rev. 433, 433-95 (2016) (examining the concept of constitutional authority using the Second Amendment and District of Columbia v. Heller as a framework)
Michael Waldman, The Second Amendment: A Biography. 2014
Michael Waldman, “How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment” Politico Magazine, May 19th, 2014
Notes: District of Columbia v. Heller was the 2008 Supreme Court case that struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, which had previously banned DC residents from owning certain types of handguns. This article is a deep-dive law review article examining constitutional theory and would be best suited for law students or college/AP government students.
Activism and Action Steps
Mirk, Sarah. “Here are our resources for turning sadness into action.” Bitch Media. 13 June 2016. https://bitchmedia.org/article/here-are-resources-turning-sadness-action-orlando-pulse-shooting-lgbt-gun-control
Steffen, Suzi and Adrienne Marie Brown. “A few things straight cis or trans and non-straight cis people could do today and every day to support LGBTQIA people.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/adriennemaree/posts/10157220629320314?pnref=story
Cartography“Orlando Neighborhood.” Google Maps.
- Compiled by librarians and teachers.
- A short URL you can use to share it is:bit.ly/orlandosyllabus
- Please remember as you add resources: It was Latinx night at the bar, so let’s compile as many representative resources as we can. Please bold Latinx authors and resources.
- Please retain accent marks, tildes, etc., with the appropriate authors’ names and
- If you add a new section, please format it as “Heading 2.” To add it to the TOC, click inside the table of contents, then click the “refresh” button that appears in the top right.
Table of Contents
Self Care
Scholarly Books
Popular Books (divide into subjects)
Non-Fiction Anthologies
LGBTQ+ Picture Books
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
LGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority Ethnicity
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA Literature
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
Articles (Popular Press)
Archival Collections
State- and Territory-Specific Resources
New York
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Greater Washington, D.C.
Library/Info/Education Organizations
Resources for K-12 School Communities
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Library & Information Studies Resources
LGBTQ Perspectives in US History
History of Gun Control Policy
Activism and Action Steps
Self CareAssessment for self care -
Free app for meditation in five minutes -
10 minute meditation w/ GIF to help with breathing, helps with anxiety and panic attacks- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXItOY0sLRY
After Tragedy, Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope - http://www.npr.org/2013/01/16/168563480/after-tragedy-nonbelievers-find-other-ways-to-cope
Help with tolerating intense and uncomfortable emotions such as grief & anger -
Chödrön, Pema. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult times. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.
Lipsky, Laura van Dernoot. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.
Community of compassion and hope for grieving survivors; counseling, advocacy, research, and education - http://www.missfoundation.org/
Libraries are packed with information & resources. Find one near you - https://www.worldcat.org/libraries
Blog encouraging people to prevent other people’s garbage from taking over their lives - The Law of the Garbage Truck
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Scholarly Books
Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Aching, Gerald. Masking and Power: Carnival and Popular Culture in the Caribbean. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Acosta, Katie L. Amigas Y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2013.
Aldama, Frederick L. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
----. Dancing with Ghosts: A Critical Biography of Arturo Islas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Almaguer, Tomas. "Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 3.2. (1991): 75-100.
Alwood, Edward. Straight News: Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands = La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print.
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco- 1950-1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Atkins, Gary L. Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging. 2003. University of Washington Press, 2013.
Balay, Anne. Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Steelworkers. 2014, University of North Carolina Press.
Bailey, Marlon M. Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Bausum, Ann. Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights. Viking, 2015. [A history of gay liberation and Stonewall for young adult readers.]
Beachy, Robert. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity. New York: Knopf, 2014.
Bell, David, and Gill Valentine. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London; New York: Routledge, 1994.
Berube, Allan and John D’Emilio. “The Military Lesbians During the McCarthy Years” Estelle Freedman et al., eds. The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. Print.
Brooks, Adrian. The Right Side of History: 100 Years of LGBTQ Activism , 2015. Print.
Brooks, Siobhan. "Staying in the Hood: Black Lesbian and Transgender Women and Identity Management in North Philadelphia." Journal of homosexuality (2016): 1-21.
Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. New York: Haworth Press, 2002.
Cantú, Lionel. 2009. The Sexuality of Migration: Border Crossings and Mexican Immigrant Men.
Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Castiglia, Christopher, and Christopher Reed. If Memory Serves: Gay Men, AIDS, and the Promise of the Queer Past. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1840-1940. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
Cleves, Rachel Hope. Charity and Sylvia: A Same-sex Marriage in Early America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. On Intersectionality: Essential Writings. New Press, 2016.
Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo and Martin F. Manalansan. Queer Globalizations. Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2003.
Decena, Carlos. Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Gay Men. Duke University Press, 2011.
Del Castillo, Adelaida R. and Gibrán Güido, ed. Queer in Aztlán: Chicano Male Recollections of Consciousness and Coming Out. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic, 2014.
D’Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. 1983. 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1998.
D’Emilio, John. In a New Century: Essays on Queer History, Politics, and Community Life. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2014.
D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Dews, C L. B, and Carolyn L. Law. Out in the South. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Downs, Jim. Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation. New York: Basic Books, 2016.
Duberman, Martin, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York, Penguin Books, 1989.
Duggan, Lisa. Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2000.
---. The Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2003.
Eaklor, Vicki L. Queer America: A People’s GLBT History of the United States. The New Press, 2008. New Press People’s History. [A very accessible, introductory-level textbook on the history of queer America!]
Escobar Cajamarca, Manuel Roberto, Cuerpos en resistencia: experiencias trans en Ciudad de México y Bogotá, Bogotá: Universidad Central, 2016.
Enke, Finn A. Finding the Movement: Sexuality, Contested Space, and Feminist Activism. Duke, 2007
Faderman, Lillian. The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
---. “Who Hid Lesbian History?” The New Lesbian Studies: Intro to the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman and Toni McNarion. New York:The Feminist Press, 1996.
Forrest, Katherine V., ed. Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950-1965. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2005.
Foster, Thomas A, ed. Long Before Stonewall: Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America New York: NYU Press, 2007.
Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol. 1 New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Fields, Jill. An Intimate Affair: Women Lingerie and Sexuality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
Frank, Miriam, Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America. 2014, Temple University Press.
Gallo, Marcia M. Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Gamson, Joshua. Modern Families: Stories of Extraordinary Journeys to Kinship. NYU Press, 2015.
Gieseking, Jen Jack. 2013. “Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008.” In Queer Presences and Absences, edited by Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison, 178–200. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You’ll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America. Indiana University Press, 1989.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
Graves, Karen. And they were wonderful teachers : Florida’s purge of gay and lesbian teachers. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2009.
Grier, Barbara, and Coletta Reid, eds. The Lavender Herring: Lesbian Essays from The Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grzanka, Patrick R., ed. Intersectionality: A Foundations and Frontiers Reader. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2014.
Halberstam, J. M. In A Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2005.
Halperin, David M. How to Do the History of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Hames-Garcia, Michael R, and Ernesto J. Martínez. Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Hancock, Ange-Marie. Intersectionality: An Intellectual History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hanhardt, Christina B. Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. Duke University Press, 2013.
Herek, Gregory M., and Kevin T. Berrill, editors. Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men. Sage Publications, 1992.
Herman, Judith Lewis. Trauma and recovery. Basic books, 1997.
Herring, Scott. Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism. New York: New York University Press, 2010.
Herukhuti. Conjuring Black Funk: Notes on Culture, Sexuality and Spirituality, Volume I. New York: Vintage Entity Press. 2007
Horak, Laura. Girls Will be Boys: Cross-dressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema, 1908-1934. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Jagose, Annamarie. Queer Theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
Jama, Afdhere. Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World. Oracle Releasing, 2008. Print.
Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, eds. Blacktino Queer Performance. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Johnson, E. Patrick, and Henderson, Mae G., eds. Black Queer Studies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
King, Rosamond S. Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2014.
Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq. Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. Oneworld Publications, 2010.
Kulick, Don. Travesti: Sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
La Fountain-Stokes, Lawrence. Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Lawrence, Tim, Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979 Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
Licata, Salvadore J. “The Homosexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History” Journal of Homosexuality 6, Fall/Winter 1980/81.
Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing, 1984.
---. Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1982.
Love, Heather. Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Manalansan IV, Martin F. Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Marhoefer, Laurie. Sex and the Weimar Republic: Homosexuality and the Rise of the Nazis. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Marcus, Eric. Making History; The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 –An Oral History. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Marinucci, Mimi. Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
McConnell, David. American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men. New York: Akashic Books, 2013.
McKenzie, Mia. Black Girl Dangerous: On Race, Queerness, Class, and Gender. Oakland: BGD Press, 2014.
Meeker, Martin. Contacts Desired: Gay and Lesbian Communications, 1940s -1970s. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Meyer, Doug. Violence against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender, and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J. Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J.. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Harvard University Press, 2002.
Moore, Mignon R. Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood among Black Women. University of California Press, 2011.
Morrone, Melissa, ed. Informed Agitation: Library and Information Skills in Social Justice Movements and Beyond. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2014.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity. Duke University Press, 2009.
Muñoz, José Esteban. Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics. University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2004.
Newton, Esther. Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town. , 2014. Print.
Nkabinde, Nkunzi Zandile. Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life as a Lesbian Sangoma. Jacana Media, 2009. Print.
Ochoa, Marcia. Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
Parrini Rodrigo y Alejandro Brito (coords.) La memoria y el deseo. Estudios gay y queer en México, México: PUEG, UNAM, 2014.
Pasco, C.J. Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. 2nd ed. University of California Press, 2011.
Peña, Susana. Oye Loca: From the Mariel Boatlift to Gay Cuban Miami. University of Minnesota Press.: Minneapolis, MN. 2013.
Perez, Elizabeth. Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions. New York University Press, 2016.
Plant, Richard. Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals. New York: Holt, 1986.
Poucher, Judith G. State of Defiance : Challenging the Johns Committee's Assault on Civil Liberties. 2014.
Puar, Jasbir. Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Queen, Carol. PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality. Jersey City: Cleis Press, 1997.
Quesada, U., Gomez, L., & Vidal-Ortiz, S. (Eds.). (2015). Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quiroga, José. Tropics of Desire: Interventions from Queer Latino America. New York and London: New York University Press, 2002.
Ramos, Juanita. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: an Anthology. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Rechy, John. City of Night. New York: Grove, 1963.
Reddy, Chandan. Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the US State. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. Performing Queer Latinidad: Dance, Sexuality, Politics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Robb, Graham. Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Norton, 2003.
Rodriguez, Juana M. Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces. New York: New York University Press, 2003.
---. Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. New York: New York University Press, 2014.
Rupp, Leila. A Desired Past: A Short History of Same-Sex Love in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
‐ ‐ ‐. Sapphistries: A Global History of Love Between Women. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Shaw, Adrienne. Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2015.
Shawl, Nisi, and Cynthia Ward. Writing the Other: A Practical Approach. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2005. Print.
Shultz, Jackson Wright. Trans/portraits: Voices From Transgender Communities. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2015.
Sifuentes-Jáuregui, Ben. The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2014.
Snorton, Riley C. Nobody is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
Soares, Manuela “The Purloined Ladder: Its Place in Lesbian History.” The Journal of Homosexuality , Vol. 34, No. ¾, Winter 1998: 27-49.
Somerville, Siobhan B. Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
Spade, Dean. Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of the Law. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith (Eds). Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (2nd). AK Press, 2015.
Stein, Marc. City of Sisterly and Brotherly Love: Making Lesbian and Gay History in Philadelphia, 1945-1972. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Stryker, Susan. Transgender History. Seal Press, 2008.
Tillmann, Lisa. In Solidarity : Friendship, Family, and Activism beyond Gay and Straight. Innovative Ethnographies. 2014.
Von Hoffman Nicholas. Citizen Cohn. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Walter, Cori E. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood (2011): Master of Liberal Studies Theses. Rollins College. Web. http://scholarship.rollins.edu/mls/6/
Walters, Suzanna Danuta. All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
---. The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. New York University Press, 2014.
Warner, Michael (ed.). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
Warner, Michael. The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Wilchins, R. (2014). Queer theory, gender theory: An instant primer. Bronx, NY: Magnus Books.
Woods, Gregory. Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Young, Allen, and Karla Jay, editors. Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation. 1972. Twentieth anniversary edition, New York University Press, 1992.
Popular Books (divide into subjects)AdultFictionBaldwin, James. Giovanni’s Room. 1956.
Baldwin, James. If Beale Street Could Talk: New York : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1974.
Bañales, Meliza. Life Is Wonderful, People Are Terrific. Ladybox, 2015.
Bannon, Ann. The Beebo Brinker Omnibus: Ann Bannon’s Pulp Classics. Cleis, 2015.
Barnes, Djuna. Nightwood: Faber, 2001. Print.
Barnett, LaShonda. Jam on the Vine. New York: Grove, 2015.
Bhattacharya, Susmita. The Normal State of Mind. Parthian, 2015.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York: Topside Press, 2013.
Brooks, Carellin. One Hundred Days of Rain. BookThug, 2015.
Bowes, Richard. Dust Devil on a Quiet Street. Lethe Press, 2013.
Brown, R. M. Rubyfruit Jungle. 1973.
Castillo, Ana. Loverboys. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
---. So Far From God. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993.
Chee, Alexander. Edinburgh. New York: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2001.
Capote, Truman. Other Voices, Other Rooms. (1948). New York: Vintage, 1994.
Doctor, Farzana. Stealing Nasreen, 2007.
Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex. 2002
http://thewalrus.ca/rise-of-the-gender-novel/ Casey Plett’s “gender novel”
Erdrich, Louise. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Farris, Julian E. The Sin Warriors : A Novel. Maple Shade, N.J.: Lethe Press, 2012.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand: 1993. (Available as a free PDF here: http://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)
Flagg, Fannie, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe. N.Y. : Random House, c1987.
Forster, E. M. Maurice. 1971.
Frank, Judith. All I Love and Know. New York: William Morrow, 2014
Garcia, Tristan. Hate: A Romance. Translated by Marion Duvert and Lorin Stein. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010.
Gurba, Myriam. Dahlia Season: stories & a novella. Manic D Press, 2007
Haddad, Saleem. Guapa. New York: Other Press, 2016.
Highway, Tomson. Kiss of the Fur Queen. 1999. (Aboriginal, queer.)
Humphreys, Helen, The Lost Garden, 2002.
Jackson, Naomi. The Star Side of Bird Hill. New York: Penguin, 2015.
Kaveney, Roz. Tiny Pieces of Skull. Team Angelica Publishing, 2015.
Krieger, Nick. Nina Here nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender. , 2011. Print.
Lemus, Felicia L. Like Son. New York: Akashik Books, 2007/
---. The Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003. Print.
Logan, Kirsty. The Gracekeepers. Crown Publishing, 2015.
Lowrey, Sassafras. Lost Boi. Arsenal Pulp, 2015.
Merlis, Mark. An Arrow's Flight. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print.
Negrón, Luis. Mundo Cruel. Río Piedras, P.R: La Secta de los Perros, 2010. Print.
Negrón, Luis, and Suzanne J. Levine. Mundo Cruel: Stories. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2013. Print. (English translation)
Okparanta, Chinelo. Under the Udala Trees. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015
Pickney, Darryl. Black Deutschland. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2016.
Puig, Manuel. The Kiss of the Spider Woman. 1984.
Rice-González, Charles. Chulito. 2010.
Rivera, Gabby. Juliet Takes a Breath. Riverdale, N.Y.: Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016.
Sarif, Shamim. I Can't Think Straight. London: Enlightenment, 2008.
Shraya, Vivek. She of the Mountains. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Pissing in a River. New York: Feminist Press, 2014.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin. Ithaca: Firebrand, 1994.
Syms, Shawn. Nothing Looks Familiar. Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Tartellin, Abigail. Golden Boy. Atria Books, 2013.
Torres, Justin. We the Animals. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
White, Edmund. The Beautiful Room is Empty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
White, Edmund. A Boy’s Own Story. Boston: E. P. Dutton, 1982.
Non-Fiction Acevedo, David. El Diario de Una Puta Humilde. Erizo Editorial. 2012. Print.
Arnal, Kike. Bordered Lives: Transgender Portraits from Mexico. , 2014. Print.
Connell, Catherine. School's Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom. , 2015. Print.
Diamond, K.D., Moon, Allison, eds. Girl Sex 101. Lunatic Ink, 2015.
Fausto-Sterling. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books, 2000.
Howard, John. Men Like That: A Southern Queer History. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disasters. New York: Viking, 2009.
MemoirBlanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos : A Miami Childhood. First ed. Ecco, 2014.
Cogswell, Kelly. Eating Fire: My Life As a Lesbian Avenger. , 2014. Print.
Cooper, T. Real Man Adventures. San Francisco: McSweeney’s, 2012.
Conigrave, Timothy. Holding the Man, 1995.
Conley, Garrard. Boy Erased: A Memoir. Riverhead Books, 2016.
Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws.
Hernandez, Daisy. A Cup of Water Under My Bed.
Jacques, Juliet. Trans: A Memoir. London: Verso, 2015.
McBee, Thomas Page. Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness and Becoming a Man. San Francisco: City Lights, 2015.
Mock, Janet. Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More. New York: Atria, 2014.
Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.
Moraga, Cherríe L. Loving in the War Years. South End Press, 1983 (2nd ed. 2000). *
Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home.
Road, Cristy C. Spit and Passion.
Spoon, Rae. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
Spoon, Rae & Ivan E. Coyote. Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 2014.
Wilson, Tabias. Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remebering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance.
Wojnarowicz, David. Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration.
Non-Fiction Anthologies
Conrad, Ryan, ed. Against Equality: Prisons Will Not Protect You.
Erickson-Schroth, Laura, ed. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community.
Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein, ed. That’s Revolting!: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation.
Fray Baroque and Teagan Eanelli Queer Ultraviolence: Bash Back Anthology
Boykin, Keith et al. (eds.) For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home.
Townsend, Johnny. Let the Faggots Burn : The Upstairs Lounge Fire. Bangor, Maine: BookLocker.com, 2011.
Aire Saenz, Benjamin. Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club. Cinco Puntos Press. 2012.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Workin' it! : RuPaul's guide to life, liberty, and the pursuit of style / RuPaul.
Hello, cruel world : 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws / by Kate Bornstein.
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
Shelton, Michael. Family Pride: What LGBT families should know about navigating home, school and safety in their neighborhoods.
The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Margot Canaday
Ochs, R. & Williams, H. S. Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Boston: Bisexual Resource Center. 2014.
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire edited by C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano
Klonaris, Helen & Rabiyah, Amir. Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices. Chapel Hill: Trans-Genre Press: 2016.
Queer Prison Abolition
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex edited by Eric A. Stanley & Nat Smith
Considering Hate: Violence, Goodness, and Justice in American Culture and Politics by Michael Bronski and Kay Whitlock
Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey Mogul, Andrea Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
Stonewall Book Awards List from the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table - http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/award/honored
The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender Women in Male Prison by Kristin Lyseggen and Carolyn Bond (2015)
Eisner, Shiri. Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution. 2013.
Xavier, Emanuel. Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry. Mountain View, Calif: Floricanto Press, 2008.
Beam, Cris. Transparent: Love, Family, and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers. Orlando, Fla: Harcourt, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, 2007.
Serano, Julia. Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, 2013.
Delany, Samuel. Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York: NYU P,
Delany, Samuel. The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
Blanco, Richard. The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood. 2014.
Arenas, Reinaldo. Before Night Falls. 1993.
Jennings, Kevin, ed. One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About What’s Gotten Better and What Hasn’t. Boston: Beacon Press, 2015.
Anthropy, Anna. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
Iyer, Deepa, We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future, New York: The New Press, 2015.
ChildrenLGBTQ+ Picture Books
10,000 Dresses by Max Ewert & Rex Ray
All I Want To Be Is Me by Phyllis Rothblatt
All Kinds of Families, 40th Anniversary Edition, Norma Simon, Sarah Brannen (Illustrator)
And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell, Henry Cole (Illustrator)
Call Me Tree: Llámame árbol by Maya Christina González
Daddy, Papa, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Donovan’s Big Day by Lesléa Newman & Mike Dutton
Families by Susan Kuklin
Families by Shelley Rotner
Families, Families, Families! by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan, Danamarie Hosler (Illustrator)
Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesléa Newman & Laura Cornell
Hello, Sailor by Andre Sollie, Ingrid Gordon (Illustrator)
I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings, Shelagh McNicholas (Illustrator)
In Our Mothers' House by Patricia Polacco
Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton, Dougal MacPhearson (Illustrator)
Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah Hoffman, Ian Hoffman, & Chris Case
King and King by Linda de Haan & Stern Nijland
Large Fears by Myles E. Johnson, Kendrick Daye
Made by Raffi by Craig Pomranz & Margaret Chamberlain
Meet Polkadot by Talcott Broadhead
Mommy, Mama, and Me by Lesléa Newman (board book)
Monday is One Day by Arthur A. Levine, Julian Hector (Illustrator)
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino & Isabelle Malenfant
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis & Suzanne DeSimone
A Peacock Among Pigeons by Tyler Curry and Clarione Gutierrez
Real Sisters Pretend by Megan Dowd Lambert, Nicole Tadgell (Illustrator)
Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon Coloring Book by Jacinta Bunnell
Square Zair Pair by Jase Peeples and Christine Knopp
Stella Brings the Family by Miriam B. Schiffer & Holly Clifton-Brown
This Day in June by Gayle E. Pittman & Krystina Litten
The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg
Worm loves Worm by J.J. Austrian
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, & Comics
The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister by Charlotte Agell
The Best Man by Richard Peck
Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle and Five, Six, Seven, Nate! by Tim Federle (sequel to Better Nate Than Ever)
The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Family Fletcher series by Dana Alison Levy
Gay & Lesbian History for Kids by Jerome Pohlen
George by Alex Gino
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
Husky by Justin Sayre
Kiss by Jacqueline Woodson
Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
Lumberjanes series by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, & Brooke A. Allen
The Manny Files by Christian Burch
Marco the Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
The Marvels by Brian Selznick
Misfit trilogy by James Howe
My Mixed-Up Berry Blue Summer by Jennifer Gennari
The Popularity Papers series by Amy Ignatow
Pride Celebrating Diversity & Community by Robin Stevenson
Rad American Women A-Z by Kate Schatz & Miriam Klein Stahl
See You at Harry’s by Jo Knowles
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg & Fiona Smyth
Totally Joe by James Howe
YALGBT YA Books Featuring People of Color or Minority EthnicityAnything Could Happen by Will Walton
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire
Boyfriends With Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Convict’s Candy by Damon Meadows & Jason Poole
Crash Into Me by Borris Albert
Dramarama by E. Lockhart
Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole
Dreamblood Duology (Killing Moon and Shadowed Sun) by N. K. Jemisin
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
The God Box by Alex Sanchez
God Loves Hair by Vivek Shraya
Happy Families by Tanita Davis
The House You Pass on the Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Huntress by Malinda Lo
I Am J by Cris Beam
If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
M+O 4evr by Tonya Hegamin
Money Boy by Paul Yee
Moon at Nine by Deborah Ellis
More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Necessary Hunger by Nina Revoyr
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz
On the Come Up by Hannah Weyer
Orphea Proud by Sharon Dennis Wyeth
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Proxy by Alex London
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Swimming in the Monsoon Sea by Shyam Selvadurai
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd
Books about Transgender Issues for Teens (New York Public Library)
I am J - Cris Beam
Lizard Radio - Pat Schwartz (genderfluid)
The Symptoms of Being Human - Jeff Garvin (genderfluid)
Luna by Julie Anne Peters
What We Left Behind by Robin Talley (genderfluid)
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman
Beyond Magenta: Transgendered Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Freakboy by Kristin Clark
Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen by Jazz Jenning
Lambda Literary (awards)
Rainbow Book List (The Rainbow List is a bibliography of books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content, and which are aimed at youth, birth through age 18.)
Stonewall Awards (which includes a Children’s and YA Award since 2010)
Derman-Sparks, Louise. (2016). “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books.” Teaching For Change.
LGBTQ+ Fiction (General)
Am I Blue?: Coming Out of the SIlence edited by Marion Dane Bauer'
Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Ash by Malinda Lo
A Boy Like Me by Jennie Wood
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett
All the Major Constellations by Pratima Cranse
Another Kind of Cowboy by Susan Juby
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Brooklyn Burning by Steve Brezenoff
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio
Nevada by Imogene Binnie
Bi-Normal by M.G. Higgins
Double Exposure by Bridget Birdsall
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
Far From You by Tess Sharpe
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Porcupine of Truth by Bill Konigsberg
Hold Still by Nina LaCour
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour
Ask the Passengers by A. S. King
Weetzie Bat--Francesca Lia Block
The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Changers series by T. Cooper; Alison Glock-Cooper
About a Girl by Sarah McCarry
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth
Dark Parts of the Forest by Holly Black
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Freak Show by James St. James
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Hold Me Closer: the Tiny Cooper story by David Levithan
How Beautiful the Ordinary edited by Michael Cart
It’s Our Prom (Deal with it) by Julie Anne Peters
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle
Love Drugged by James Klise
My Heartbeat by Garrett Freyman-Weyr
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman
Tessa Masterson WIll Go to Prom by Emily Franklin
Pink by Lili Wikinson
Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy by Bil Wright
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan
With or WIthout You by Brian Farrey
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi
What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
The Space Between by Michelle Teichman
South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo
Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
LGBTQ+ Non-fiction (General)Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion edited by Ryan Conrad
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out / Susan Kuklin.
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Remembering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Surivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Kicked Out by Sassafras Lowrey
LGTBQ+ Athletes Claim the Field: Striving for Equality by Kristin Cronn-Mills
LGBTQ families: Ultimate Teen Guide by Eva Apelqvist
The Letter Q: Queer Writers Notes to Their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon
OMG queer : short stories by queer youth edited by Radclyffe and Katherine E. Lynch
Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community by Robin Stevenson
Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Belge and Marke Bieschke
Rethinking Normal: A Memoir in Transition by Katie Rain Hill
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen by Arin Andrews
Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights by Ann Bausum
This Book is Gay by James Dawson
Transgender Lives: Complex Stories, Complex Voices by Kristin Cronn-Mills
Branded by the Pink Triangle by Ken Setterrington
LGBTQ+ Comics & Graphic Novels
A + e 4ever by Ilike Merey
Adrian and the Tree of Secrets by Marie Caillou-Hubert
Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
Draw the Line by Laurent Linn
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince
Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki
Kevin Keller: Welcome to Riverdale by Dan Parent
The Heart of Thomas by Moto Hagio
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson and Shannon Waters
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
Pedro and Me by Judd Winick
Scholars of LGBTQ Children’s & YA LiteratureMichelle Abate (website)
Rob Bittner (website)
Michael Cart
Thomas Crisp
Christine Jenkins (website)
Kenneth Kidd
Derritt Mason
Angel Daniel Matos (website)
Jamie Campbell Naidoo (also studies Latinx children’s literature)
Eric Tribunella
Lance Weldy
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell. Rainbow Families: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content. Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. The Heart Has Its Reasons: Young Adult Literature with Lesbian/Gay/Queer Content, 1969-2004. Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Cart, Michael and Christine A. Jenkins. Book Review: Top 250 LGBTQ Books for Teens: Coming Out, Being Out, and the Search for Community. Huron Street Press, 2015.
GLBTQ YA Book Blogs
I’m Here, I’m Queer, What The Hell Do I Read?
F Yeah Queer Teen Lit
The Gay YA Tumblr
LGBT YA Reviews
Tru Colorz
Queer YA
Boys on the Brink Blog
YA GLBT (Goodreads Group)
Latinxs Children’s & YA Literature Reading Lists & Resources
De Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children: http://decoloresreviews.blogspot.com/
Latinxs in Kid Lit: https://latinosinkidlit.com/
Pura Belpré Medal: http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell (ed). (2010). Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries.
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Literature
Out in the Library: Queer Youth Literature and Its Censors (slide presentation)
Articles (Popular Press)
Aponte, Jack. “American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say "Not in Our Names." Truthout, 14 June 2016.
Cervantes, Vincent. “Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando.” Religion Dispatches. http://religiondispatches.org/sacred-geography-a-queer-latino-theological-response-to-orlando/
Deken, Sebastian. “What I want you to talk about when you talk about the Orlando shooting.” Upworthy. http://www.upworthy.com/what-i-want-you-to-talk-about-when-you-talk-about-the-orlando-shooting
Delgado, Juliana. “Cuentamelo: An Oral History of Queer Latin Immigrants in San Francisco.” SF Weekly, 26 June 2013. http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/cuentamelo-an-oral-history-of-queer-latin-immigrants-in-san-francisco/Content?oid=2826471
Dias, Elizabeth. “The Upstairs Lounge Fire: The Little Known Story of the Largest Killing of Gays in US History.” Time, 21 June 2013.
Dowd, Elle. "Biphobia and the Pulse Massacre." Medium. 13 June 2016. https://medium.com/@elledowd/biphobia-and-the-pulse-massacre-add1dd9b27be#.kv1z4evqz
Flores, Veronica Bayettl. “The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robbed The Queer Latinx Community Of A Sanctuary.” Remezcla, 13 June 2016. http://remezcla.com/features/music/pulse-nightclub-sanctuary/
Kim, Richard. “Please Don’t Stop the Music.” The Nation, 12 June 2016. http://www.thenation.com/article/please-dont-stop-the-music/
Kysia, Alison. "A People's History of Muslims in the United States." Zinn Education Project A People’s History of Muslims in the United States. 07 Apr. 2014.
Kost, Ryan. “In ‘The Q-Sides,’ queer Latinos find place in lowrider culture.” SF Weekly, 19 June 2015. http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/In-The-Q-Sides-queer-Latinos-find-place-6324302.php
Lopez, Alan Pelaez, Bea Esparanza Fonseca, Jorge Gutierrez, Jennicet Gutierrez, and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. “Trans and Queer Latinxs Respond to #PulseOrlando Shooting.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/Familiatqlm/videos/894654677347323/?pnref=story
Noyola, Isa and Amy Goodman. “Activist: Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response.” 14 June 2016. http://www.democracynow.org/2016/6/14/activist_latinx_lgbtq_community_its_stories
One+Love Editorial Staff. “Dr. Herukhuti on Sexual Imperialism, Homonormativity, & Bi-Erasure.” One+Love. 10 June 2014.
Onion, Rebecca. “What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists.” Slate. 15 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/06/what_gun_control_advocates_can_learn_from_the_abolitionists_who_helped_end.html
Pérez, Roy. “Mark Aguhar’s Critical Flippancy.” Bully Bloggers. 4 August 2012. https://bullybloggers.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mark-aguhars-critical-flippancy/
Pierce, Joseph M. “Travestis, negras, boricas, maricas” Revista Anfibia. 13 June 2016. http://www.revistaanfibia.com/cronica/travestis-negras-boricuas-maricas/
Singh, Maanvi. “Not Your Mother's Catholic Frescoes: Radiant Portraits Of Queer People Of Color.” NPR Code Switch. 28 May 2015.
Sheffield, R. Social Justice Struggles for Rights, Equality & Identity: The Role of LGBTQ Archives (discusses the Upstairs Lounge Fire). https://youtu.be/Lvatk4YXmSw
Stern, Mark Joseph. “There’s an Urgent Need for Blood Donors in Orlando. Most Gay Men Still Can’t Donate.” Slate, 12 June 2016. http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/orlando_pulse_gay_nightclub_shooting_gay_men_can_t_donate_blood.html
Tite, Philip L. “Scripting Acts of Violence: Intersectionality and the Orlando Shooting.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 13 June 2016. http://bulletin.equinoxpub.com/2016/06/scripting-acts-of-violence-intersectionality-and-the-orlando-shooting/
Uwujaren, Jarune. "How White LGBTQIA+ People Can Be More Inclusive of People of Color." Everyday Feminism, 5 February 2013.
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Project Tumblr
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/opinion/the-corrosive-politics-that-threaten-lgbt-americans.html?_r=0 (More than 200 anti-LGBT bill have been introduced in 34 states in 2016 alone)
“Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers as Translator for Victims’ Families” June 14, 2016. Heard on All Things Considered
Articles (Scholarly Press)
Allen, Jafai S. 2012. “Black/Queer/Diaspora at the Current Conjuncture.” GLQ 18(2-3): 211-248.
Boston, Nicholas, and Jan Willem Duyvendak. "People of Color Mobilization in LGBT Movements in the Netherlands and the United states." The Ashgate Research Companion to Lesbian and Gay Activism (2015): 135.
Crowder, Diane Griffin. 2007. “From the Straight Mind to Queer Theory: implications for political movement.” GLQ 13(4): 489-504
Davis, Gerald L. 1996. “’Somewhere over the Rainbow…’: Judy Garland in Neverland.” The Journal of American Folklore. 109(432): 115-128.
DiAngelo, Robin, “White Fragility” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70 http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116
Gorman, E. Michael. 1991. “Anthropological Reflections on the HIV Epidemic among Gay Men.” The Journal of Sex Research 28(2): 263-273.
Halberstam, Judith. 1997. “Mackdaddy, Superfly, Rapper: Gender, Race and Masculinity in the Drag King Scene.” Social Text 52/53: 104-131.
Hersker, Alan L. and William Leap. 1996. “Representation, Subjectivity and Ethics in Urban Gay Ethnography.” City & Society 8(1): 142-147.
Howe, Alyssa Cymene. 2001. “Queer Pilgrimage: The San Francisco homeland and identity tourism.” Cultural Anthropology 16(1): 35-61
Ilkkaracan, Pinar. "Sexual Rights: A Feminist Account from Muslim Societies." The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality 1 (2013): 197.
Irving, D. (2008) Normalized transgressions: Legitimizing the transsexual body as productive. Radical History Review, 2008(100), 38-59. doi:10.1215/01636545-2007-021
Jourian, T. J., Simmons, S. L, & Devaney, K. C. (2015). “We are not expected”: Trans* educators (re)claiming space and voice in higher education and student affairs. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 431-446.
Lorde, Audre. "Keynote Address: The Uses Of Anger." Women's Studies Quarterly 9.3 (1981): 7-10.
Manalansan, Martin. 1995. “In the Shadows of Stonewall: examining gay transnational politics and the diasporic dilemma.” GLQ 2(4): 425-438.
Ocampo, A.C., 2012. Making masculinity: Negotiations of gender presentation among Latino gay men. Latino Studies, 10(4), pp.448-472.
Orne, J., 2013. Queers in the line of fire: Goffman's stigma revisited. The Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), pp.229-253.
Roscoe, Will. 1995. “Was We’Wha a Homosexual? Native American survivance and the two-spirit tradition.” GLQ 2: 193-235.
Vaccaro, A. (2012). Campus microclimates for LGBT faculty, staff, and students: An exploration of the intersections of social identity and campus roles. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 49(4), 429-446. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2012-6473
Warner, Michael. 1999. “Normal and Normaller: Beyond Gay Marriage.” GLQ 5(2): 119-171.
Weston, Kath. 1996. “Get Thee to a Big City: Sexual imaginary and the great gay migration.” GLQ 2: 253-277.
Whitfield, Darren L., et al. "Queer is the new black? Not so much: Racial disparities in anti-LGBTQ discrimination." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 26.4 (2014): 426-440.
Winder, T.J., 2015. “Shouting it Out”: Religion and the Development of Black Gay Identities. Qualitative Sociology, 38(4), pp.375-394.
Archival Collections
The Bil Browning and Jerame Davis Papers, documenting their activism on behalf of LGBT rights in Indiana and Washington, D.C., from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Charles Beard papers at the University of West Georgia
The DC Cowboys Dance Company Records (an all-male, gay, non-profit dance company based in Washington, D.C.), from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Desh Pardesh festival fonds
Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (held at Oregon Historical Society Research Library)
Gay and Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection at Fales Library, New York University
GLBT Historical Society Archives & Museum
Gender Studies Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections, Northern Illinois University
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives (Chicago)
The Hank M. Tavera Papers at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library
The History Project: Documenting LGBTQ Boston
International Gay Information Center Collections, New York Public Library Manuscripts and Archives Division
The Joan E. Biren Queer Film Museum Collection, relating to lesbian-oriented motion pictures, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
John-Manuel Andriote Victory Deferred Collection, featuring interviews with numerous individuals involved in the AIDS crisis, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lavender Legacies Guide, Society of American Archivists (guide to LGBTQIA resources in repositories in the U.S. and Canada)
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego library collection: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/LambdaArchivesofSD
Las Vegas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, 1955-1997. MS-00251. Special
Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada. https://www.library.unlv.edu/speccol/ead/MS-00251_LVLGBT.pdf
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP)
Leather Archives and Museum (Chicago)
The Leonard P. Hirsch Federal GLOBE [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employee advocacy group for the federal government] Records, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, at the University of Southern Maine
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
The Lesbian Herstory Archives
LGBT Community Center, Bar Guides Collection,
LGBT Community Center, The Center Records Collection
LGBTQ Collections at Duke University (Includes tab with archival collections)
LGBTQ Collections at UCLA
LGBTQI Collections at the University of Washington
LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech
LGBTQ Primary Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries
LGBT Resources at the Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University Libraries, Washington DC
The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives - University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections:
Manuel Ramos Otero papers at Columbia University: http://library.columbia.edu/news/libraries/2014/2014-3-12_RBML_Acquires_Ramos_Otero_Archive.html
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at Cornell University:
New York Public Library’s Digital Collections: LGBT Materials
ONE Archives
Outfest UCLA Legacy Project for LGBT Film Preservation
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Records, a lobbying and legal assistance organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender servicepersons, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Sexual Minorities Archives
The Shamrock Bar: Photographs and Interviews by Carol Burch-Brown, documenting the Shamrock Bar, Bluefield, West Virginia, a working class “gay” bar 1997-2000, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Stan Henry papers at the University of Washington http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/view?docId=HenryStan5558.xml
Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
Two-Spirited Collection - University of Winnipeg Archives
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project
Georgia State University’s LGBTQ Digital Collection
Utah Pride Center records
Johnny Townsend papers
The World AIDS Institute (WAI) Collection, from the Archives Center, National Museum of American History
David Nelson papers
Angels in America / written by Tony Kushner directed by Mike Nichols produced by Meryl Streep et al., 2003.
Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria / written and directed by Victor Silverman, Susan Stryker, 2005.
Tangerine / directed by Sean Baker, c. 2015.
The Times Of Harvey Milk / directed by Rob Epstein, 2004.
The Cockettes / a documentary directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman
Before Stonewall / a film by John Scagliotti, Greta Schiller & Robert Rosenberg, c. 1984.
A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story / directed by Agnieszka Holland, 2006.
Happy Together / directed by Kar-Wai Wong, 1997.
La aguja / a documentary by Carmen Oquendo Villar, 2012.
Paris is Burning / directed by Jennie Livingston, c.1990
De Colores: Lesbian & Gay Latinos: Stories of Strength, Family and Love = Lesbianas Y Gays Latinos: Historias De Fuerza, Familia Y Amor / directed by Peter Barbosa and Garrett Lenoir, 2001.
The Laramie Project / directed by Moisés Kaufman, 2012.
Mala Mala / a biographical documentary written and directed by Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, 2014.
The Matthew Shepard Story / directed by Roger Spottiswoode, 2002.
Mosquita y Mari / written and directed by Aurora Guerrero, 2012.
Elliott Loves / directed by Terracino, 2012.
Daddy and Papa / directed by Johnny Symons, 2002.
Taxi zum Klo / directed by Frank Ripploh, 1980.
Fresa y Chocolate / directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, 1994
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / directed by Stephen Elliott, 1994.
But I’m A Cheerleader / directed by Jamie Babbit, 1999.
How to Survive a Plague / directed by David France, 2012.
Boys Don’t Cry / directed by Kimberly Peirce, 1999.
Longtime Companion / directed by Norman René, 1989.
Freeheld / directed by Peter Sollett, 2015.
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP / directed by Jim Hubbard, 2012.
Pride / directed by Matthew Warchus, 2014.
Bent / directed by Sean Mathias, 1997. [about gay men and Nazi Germany]
Happy Birthday, Marsha! / directed by Reina Gossett and Sasha Wortzel, 2016.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch / directed by John Cameron Mitchell, 2001.
Beautiful Thing / directed by Hettie Macdonald, 1996.
Portrait of Jason / directed by Shirley Clarke, 1967.
Quinceañera / directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Al Nisa: Black Muslim Women in Atlanta's Gay Mecca / directed by Red Summer, 2013.
Gun Hill Road / directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green, 2011.
Southern Comfort / directed by Kate Davis, 2001
Lola und Bildikid/ directed by Kutluğ Ataman, 1999
It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school by Debra Chasnoff; Helen S Cohen; Sue Chen; Fawn Yacker; Stephen McCarthy, (Cinematographer); Shirley Thompson; Jon Herbst; Miriam Cutler; New Day Films.; Women's Educational Media, Inc.; Respect for All Project.; Groundspark (Firm); 2008.
It's still elementary : the movie and the movement
by Debra Chasnoff; Sue Chen; Johnny Symons; Helen S Cohen; Kate Stilley; Miriam Cutler; Groundspark (Firm),; Respect for All Project.; New Day Films; 2007
Queer Zine Archive Project
King, Nia. We Are Not White Lesbians: 2013.
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zine. Ecuador: 2012
Baker, Miyuki. International Queer Art & Activism Zines (Queer Scribe): http://queerscribe.com/
POC Zine Project: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/
50 Zines by Queer People of Color
Call Out Queen Zine. Juana Peralta and Roy Pérez, 2012.
The Ring of Fire Anthology / ET Russian
GamesLGBT Video Game Archive: https://lgbtqgamearchive.com/
Redshift & Portalmetal by micha cárdenas: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/redshift-and-portalmetal/index
PoetryThe Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética by Maya Chinchilla
The Songs of Antonio Botto by Antonio Botto and Josiah Blackmore
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong
“All The Dead Boys Look Like Me,” Christopher Soto
Writing the Walls Down / QTPOC-centered anthology ed. by Amir Rabiyah & Helen Klonaris
Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams
Boy with Thorn by Rickey Laurentiis
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C Corral
The New Testament by Jericho Brown
Crevasse by Nicholas Wong
Consensual Genocide by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
The Far Mosque by Kazim Ali
Bright Felon by Kazim Ali
Fata Morgana by Reginald Shepherd
Trouble the Water by Derrick Austin
Walking With Ghosts by Qwo-Li Driskill
Ceremonies by Essex Hemphill
Godless Circumcisions: A Recollecting & Re-membering of Blackness, Queerness & Flows of Survivance by Tabias Olajuawon Wilson
Nepantla: A Journal For Queer Poets of Color
[insert] boy by Danez Smith
Sad Girl Poems by Christopher Soto
i'm alive / it hurts / i love it by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
Black Lavender Milk by Angel Dominguez
Oil and Candle by Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Found Them by Francisco-Luis White
trigger by Venus Selenite
Remains: A Gathering of Bones by Dane Figueroa Edidi
Proxy by R. Erica Doyle
Head Off & Split Nikky Finney
Discipline by Dawn Lundy Martin
Patient. by Bettina Judd
Sympathetic Little Monster by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Transit by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Wanting In Arabic by Trish Salah
Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics ed. by TC Tolbert & Trace Peterson
Anybody by Ari Banias
The Heart’s Traffic by Ching-In Chen
Advice for Lovers by Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Queer Heartache by Kit Yan
Speleology by Duriel E. Harris
Dream of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones
Never Coming Home by Tyler Vile
The Last Generation by Cherrie Moraga
Loving in the War Years: Lo que nunca pasó por sus labios by Cherrie Moraga
Where the words end and by body begins by Amber Dawn
The Beautifully Worthless by Ali Liebegott
The Halo by C. Dale Young
Torn by C. Dale Young
Don’t Let Me Go to Sleep by Timothy Liu
The Taxidermist’s Cut by Rajiv Mohabir
Seasonal Velocity by Ryka Aioki De La Cruz
The Sum of Two Mothers by Dennis Etzel
Plays Satyricoño by Migdalia Cruz
Siempre Norteada: Always Late, Always Lost by Virginia Grise
Blu by Virginia Grise
The Bull-Jean Stories by Sharon Bridgforth
O, Earth by Casey Llewellyn
Booty Candy by Robert O'Hara
Straight As A Line by Luis Alfaro
Giving Up the Ghost by Cherríe Moraga
Short Eyes by Miguel Piñero
Wig Out by Tarell McCraney
Fur by Migdalia Cruz
Jotos del Barrio by Jesús Alonzo
Hir by Taylor Mac
The Whale by Samuel D. Hunter
Ballast by Georgette V. Kelley
Where Do We Live by Christopher Shinn
The Invention of Love by Tom Stoppard
My Brother’s a Keeper by Herukhuti
Execution of Justice by Emily Mann
Icarus Burns by Christopher Oscar Peña
The Mermaid Hour, David Valdes Greenwood
MusicDifranco, Ani. “I Know This Bar.” To the Teeth. 1999. Live recording via Moshcam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NpL5rYI5N8
Grand, Steve.
G.L.O.S.S Trans Day of Revenge released 13 june 2016
PodcastsWe Want the Airwaves / Nia King
Episode 5: Queers! / Radio Menea
Strange Fruit Podcast / WFPL
Transwaves / Trans Youth Equality Foundation
Waves Breaking / Avren Keating
The Heart / Radiotopia
The Read
Radio Ambulante: Finding the Words / Radiotopia {podcast in Spanish, transcript in English}
Throwing Shade
The BiCast / Podcast for the Bisexual Community
NPR Podcasts:
- LISTEN: Victim, Doctors Describe 'War Zone' Following Shootings In Orlando
- Politics Podcast: Trump And Clinton Respond To Orlando Massacre
- Orlando Shooting Survivor Volunteers As Translator For Victims' Families
- Orlando Shooting: The Latest Attack Against The LGBTQ Community
ComicsNews / Resources / Information
- Gay League - news and clearinghouse website
- Queer Cartoonists Database - run by cartoonist MariNaomi
- Geeks Out - www.geeksout.org
- LGBT Comics, By The Letters - https://www.richlandlibrary.com/recommend/lgbt-comics-letters
- Impressive list of LGBT representation in comics
- Dykes to Watch Out For / Alison Bechdel
- Fun Home / by Alison Bechdel
- Fires Above Hyperion / Patrick Atangan
- I Love This Part / Tillie Walden
- Love and Rockets (Locas stories) / Jaime Hernandez
- Lumberjanes by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis and Noelle Stevenson
- If This Be Sin / Hazel Newlevant
- No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics / edited by Justin Hall.
- Young Bottoms in Love / edited by Tim Fish
- Beyond: a Queer Sci-fi/Fantasy Anthology
- Stitches / David Small
- Stuck Rubber Baby / Howard Cruse
- The Complete Wendel / Howard Cruse
- 100 Crushes / Elisha Lim
- Pregnant Butch / AK Summers
- Blue is the Warmest Color / Julie Maroh
- Wet Moon / by Sophie Campbell
- Archives of work by Joamette Gil
- Spit and Passion by Cristy C. Road
- Snapshots of a Girl by Beldan Sezen
- QU33R by Robert Kirby (ed.)
- The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
- Most titles by Ariel Schrag
- Antique Bakery by Fumi Yoshinaga
- Calling Dr. Laura by Nicole J. Georges
- Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic
- The Infinite Loop by Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier
- Wandering Son by Shimura Takako
- Flutter by Jennie Wood
- Wuvable Oaf by Ed Luce
- The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by EK Weaver
- Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It edited by Anne Ishii, Graham Kolbeins, Chip Kidd
- Queerville by Tom Bouden
- My Brain Hurts by Liz Baillie
- Kyle’s Bed & Breakfast / Greg Fox
- Batwoman: Elegy / Greg Rucka, J.H. Williams III
- Batwoman New 52 Series / J.H. Williams III et al
- Anything that Loves (anthology)
- Lots of titles from Northwest Press
Autostraddle: http://www.autostraddle.com/
Bisexual Resource Center: http://www.biresource.net
The Bi-bliography: A regularly-updated database of bisexual books
Bisexual Books: Views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective.
Black and Pink: http://www.blackandpink.org/
Black Girl Dangerous: www.blackgirldangerous.org
Conscious Style Guide—talking and writing about marginalized communities: http://consciousstyleguide.com/
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston: http://citizenshipandsocialjustice.com/2015/07/10/curriculum-for-white-americans-to-educate-themselves-on-race-and-racism/
Diversity Style Guide – Helping media professionals write with accuracy and authority
Ending the Prison Industrial Complex
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement -- “Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (Familia: TQLM) is the only national organization that addresses, organizes, educates, and advocates for the issues most important to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and Latino communities.” http://familiatqlm.org/
Fuck Yeah Queer People of Color Tumblr
Fetlife: http://www.fetlife.com
GLAAD Media Reference Guide – 9th Edition
Website: http://www.glaad.org/reference
Guide (pdf): http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD%20MRG_9th.pdf
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - In Focus: Covering the Bisexual Community: http://www.glaad.org/reference/bisexual
History: Founding of the Daughters of Bilitis
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project: http://queermuslimproject.tumblr.com/
LGBT Latino Timeline: http://www.latinoglbthistory.org/lgbtq-latino-timeline
LGBT items from the National Museum of American History collections
Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement - American Experience at PBS:
Miss-Major Jay Toole Building for Social Justice: http://mmjt.org/about
Out History: Out History
Queer Migration Resource Network: http://queermigration.com/resources/
Que(e)ry Party Resource Page: http://www.queeryparty.org/resources/
Race Forward: https://www.raceforward.org/
Race Reporting Guide:
Reading Each Other, Our Selves- A Social Justice Reading List
Sacred Sexualities: http://sacredsexualities.org
Smithsonian Collections Search Center results for LGBT:
We are Orlando: http://www.weareorlando.org/
Wearing Gay History- Digital Archive of Historical LGBT T-shirts: http://wearinggayhistory.com/
Wikipedia (English) LGBT Portal
Wikipedia WikiProject LGBT Studies
MemesKlion, David. “There will be attempts to pit two vulnerable communities, LGBT and Muslims, against each other. Resist them.” 12 June 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BGkBiM8tUVB/
State- and Territory-Specific ResourcesNationalLGBT Movement Advancement Project http://www.lgbtmap.org/
LGBT Movement Advancement Project - Equality Maps: http://lgbtmap.org/equality-maps
Maps of State Laws & Policies related to LGBT issues from Human Rights Center
CenterLink Member LGBT Community Center Directory http://www.lgbtcenters.org/Centers/find-a-center.aspx
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) http://www.nqapia.org/wpp/
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) http://muslimalliance.org/
AlabamaThe Magic City Wellness Center
2500 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
FloridaCompass Community Center, Lake Worth, FL http://www.compassglcc.com/community-center/
Equality Florida http://www.eqfl.org/
The Center Orlando
The Zebra Coalition http://zebrayouth.org/
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Central Florida, Inc. http://www.glbcc.org
GeorgiaAthens Pride
Charis Books
Columbus, GA LGBT Support Groups
Georgia Equality
The Georgia Voice
In the Life Atlanta
LGBT Atlanta - Your Official Gay Atlanta Guide
LGBT Resource Center for Southwest Georgia
Lost and Found Youth
Illinois(ALMA) Association of Latino/as Motivating Action, Asociación de Latinos para Motivar Acción http://www.almachicago.org/ (LGBTIQ Latin@ Organization)
VIDA/SIDA https://www.facebook.com/vidasida/
Chicago House and Social Service Agency, TransLife http://www.chicagohouse.org/
Project Fierce http://projectfiercechicago.org/
Invisible 2 Invincible, Asian/Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago https://www.facebook.com/i2iAPIPride/ , http://www.chicagoi2i.org/ (Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ community organization)
Trikone Chicago http://www.trikonechicago.org/ (South Asian LGBTQ community organization)
Chances Dances, queer community and collective in Chicago. Chances Dances produces parties, a dance music podcast, and a scholarship for queer artists. http://www.chancesdances.org/
IndianaIndiana Youth Group, http://www.indianayouthgroup.org/
Indiana LGBT Organizations
- South Bend - www.michianaglbtcenter.org
- Bloomington - www.bloomingtonpride.org
- Bloomington - Prism Youth Community
- Evansville - www.tsagl.org
- Lafayette - www.pridelafayette.org
- Spencer - www.sites.google.com/site/ruralpride
- Fort Wayne - www.fwpride.org
- Columbus - www.pridealliancecolumbus.org
- North West Indiana - www.outaboutnwi.com
- Indianapolis - www.indyprideinc.com
Indiana Transgender/Gender Variant Resources
- www.indianatransgendernetwork.com
- www.INTRAA.org- Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Alliance
- www.indyboyz.org
- www.indygirlz.org
- http://libguides.dbq.edu/LGBTQ (University of Dubuque’s LGBTQ resource guide with local and state-wide resources)
- http://csil.uiowa.edu/multicultural/lgbtrc/ (University of Iowa’s resource center)
- http://www.uilgbtqclinic.com/ (University of Iowa’s LGBTQ Clinic)
- http://www.lgbtss.dso.iastate.edu/library/education (Iowa State University’s resource page)
- http://www.pride.oneiowa.org/
- http://oneiowa.org/
- http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/06/13/481859852/what-queer-latinos-are-saying-about-the-orlando-shooting# (IA Public Radio Queer Latinx reactions)
PFLAG of Greater Worcester http://www.worcesterpflag.org/lgbt-resources.html
The Theater Offensive/True Colors Out Youth Theatre http://www.thetheateroffensive.org
New York *Ali Forney Center Services for Homeless LGBT Youth (New York)
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English)
The Audre Lorde Project
NYC Resources For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans & Gender Non-Conforming People Of Color
Brooklyn Community Pride Center (New York)
* The Center: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (NYC)
*The Door (NYC)
(212) 601-1938
Brooklyn LGBT Resources (NYC)
* Rainbow Heights Club (NYC)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
IHI (Institute for Human Identity) Therapy Center
*Make the Road NY
Bushwick, Brooklyn office: (718) 418-7690
NYCLU (New York Civil Liberties Union)
*Confirmed Spanish-speaking capacity
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
Pride Center of the Capital Region (Albany area)
The Q Center @ ACR Health (Syracuse area)
Youth groups: up to age 22
Sage Upstate (Syracuse area)
PFLAG Syracuse
Puerto Rico
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Salud LGBTTA
Comité Contra la Homofobia y el Discrimen
Centro Comunitario LGBTT Puerto Rico
COA (Colectivo Orgullo Arcoiris)
IGEA (Instituto del Género y Educación de Avanzada)
Iniciativa Comunitaria
South Carolina
Girls Rock Charleston
Girls Rock Columbia
We Are Family
TennesseeOasis Center (specifically the Just Us, TYME, and Students of Stonewall program) Mental health care available in English and Spanish
TexasALLGO - A Statewide (Texas) Queer People of Color Organization
Greater Washington, D.C.AGLA (Alexandria/Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance)
Rainbow Families DC
The DC Center
SMYAL (Sexual Minority Youth Alliance)
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance
Casa Ruby (trans-inclusive homeless shelter and advocacy, English & Spanish resources)
Whitman-Walker Health
Tacoma Rainbow Center
Equal Rights Washington
GLSEN Washington
Library/Info/Education Organizations
GLBTRT (Gay Lesbian Transgender Roundtable) of the American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/glbtrt/
GLBTRT’s Reviews (for all GLBTQ+ materials)
GLBTRT’s Over the Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for adults)
GLBTRT’s Rainbow Books (best GLBTQ+ books for children & teens)
GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network): http://www.glsen.org/
LAGAR (Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA): http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar#.V17X4OYrKRs
Lavendar Legacies Guide from SAA LAGAR: http://www2.archivists.org/groups/lesbian-and-gay-archives-roundtable-lagar/lavender-legacies-guide#.V17a9OIrLmg
OutTeacher: http://www.outteacher.org/
Que(e)ry Party: queeryparty.org
REFORMA: http://www.reforma.org/
Resources for K-12 School CommunitiesNavigating Orlando Tragedy in School Communities - “A short list of crisis response and emotional support resources that we hope complement your school-based support services and provide you with the guidance and reassurance you need as you navigate your way through the coming days. This resource list was created specifically for the NYC Department of Education, but can be shared with others as only a few of the bullets are NYCDOE specific.” Compiled by Jared Fox, LGBT Community Liaison, NYC DOE
NYC Department of Education Respect for All Educator Resources
Media Smarts Helping Kids Cope with Media Coverage of War and Traumatic Events
Please Talk About Orlando: A Letter to the Nervous Educator (Tolerance.org)
K-12 Lesson Plans from the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)
A variety of lessons centered on teaching respect and inclusion. Anyone who wants to work towards eliminating harmful name-calling, harassment and bullying in their school can be a part of No Name-Calling Week, whether you are a teacher, student, guidance counselor, coach, librarian or bus driver.
Scenarios: Scenarios "uses media, education, and storytelling to support young people in controlling their own narratives and to promote healthy decision making." Check out their REAL DEAL curricula and their library of youth-written films.
Teaching Tolerance - A blog "where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support." Also check out Perspectives for a Diverse America, "a literacy-based curriculum that marries anti-bias social justice content with the rigor of the Common Core State Standards."
Mental Health and Sexuality Resources and Advocacy
*Anti-Violence Project (NYC)
www.avp.org, 24/7 crisis hotline (bilingual, Spanish/English): 212-714-1141
The Trevor Project: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline: http://www.translifeline.org/
The Center in Orlando: http://www.thecenterorlando.org/
Live Oak (Chicago, IL) http://www.liveoakchicago.com/ (Sliding scale LGBTIQ-competent therapists, including a Spanish bilingual therapist)
GLBT hotline: 888-843-4564
Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
San Francisco Peer Mental Health Warm line: 855-845-7415
American Trauma Society: 800-556-7890
Grief Recovery Helpline: 800-445-4808
National Institute of Mental Health Depression & Panic Disorder Hotline: 800-421-4211
National 24/7 Suicide Hotlines:
*1 (800) Suicida or 1 (877) 784-2432 (Spanish)
1 (800) SUICIDE or 1 (800) 784-2433
1 (800) 273-TALK or 1 (800) 273-8255
1 (800) 888-784-2433
1(800) 799-4889 for hearing impaired
American Psychiatric Association: Information and referrals to psychiatrists in your area- www.psych.org 1-888-852-8330
American Psychological Association: information and referrals to psychologists in your area- www.apa.org helping.apa.org 1-800-964-2000
National Association of Social Workers: information and referrals to social workers in your area- www.socialworker.org 1-800-638-8799
Gay Bars and Nightlife
Gieseking, J. J. (2014, October 28). On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jen-jack-gieseking/on-the-closing-of-the-las_b_6057122.html
Race, Kane. Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.
Stern, Mark Joseph. "The Long, Tragic History Of Violence At LGBTQ Clubs In America". Slate Magazine. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 June 2016. Available at: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/12/pulse_nightclub_shooting_and_tragic_history_of_violence_at_lgbtq_clubs_in.html
“Refuge” by Keguro Macharia: https://gukira.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/refuge/
“We Came to Sweat: The Legend of Starlite.” the story of Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Dirs. Kate Kunath, Sasha Wortzel
Club Fly: http://clubfly.com/
Library & Information Studies Resources
ALA President Sari Feldman Issues Statement on Orlando
“Black Caucus of ALA Denounces ALA’s Decision to Hold 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.” March 10, 2014
Changing times: information destinations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Denver, Colorado / by Martin Garnar
“Don’t Say Gay” in the State of Tennessee: Libraries as Virtual Spaces of Resistance and Protectors of Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People / by Bharat Mehra & LaVerne Gray
Power and community: organizational and cultural LGBT responses against homophobia and promotion of inclusion values / by Eduardo da Silvo Alentejo
Reducing the Suicide Risk of LGBTQ Library Users / by Noémi Somarjai
LGBTQ Perspectives in US HistorySouthern Poverty Law Center - Teaching Tolerance
Resources from the Many Pasts collection by American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning (Graduate Center, CUNY)
History of Gun Control Policy
“The Freedom of an Armed Society” by FIRMIN DEBRABANDER - Good essay on how the presence of guns and gun violence disturb and silence our other rights, especially freedom of speech.
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond / Mark Ames
Patrick Blanchfield, “The Gun Control We Deserve”
The Low-Tech Way Guns Get Traced NPR, All Things Considered “Opponents of expanding background checks for gun sales often raise the fear that it would allow the government to create a national gun registry — a database of gun transactions. In fact, federal law already bans the creation of such a registry. And the reality of how gun sales records are accessed turns out to be surprisingly low-tech.”
Jill Lepore, “Battleground America”, The New Yorker 23 April 2012
Fact Sheet - National Tracing Center
Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler
Christopher J. Peters, What are Constitutional Rights For? The Case of the Second Amendment, 68 Okla. L. Rev. 433, 433-95 (2016) (examining the concept of constitutional authority using the Second Amendment and District of Columbia v. Heller as a framework)
Michael Waldman, The Second Amendment: A Biography. 2014
Michael Waldman, “How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment” Politico Magazine, May 19th, 2014
Notes: District of Columbia v. Heller was the 2008 Supreme Court case that struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, which had previously banned DC residents from owning certain types of handguns. This article is a deep-dive law review article examining constitutional theory and would be best suited for law students or college/AP government students.
Activism and Action Steps
Mirk, Sarah. “Here are our resources for turning sadness into action.” Bitch Media. 13 June 2016. https://bitchmedia.org/article/here-are-resources-turning-sadness-action-orlando-pulse-shooting-lgbt-gun-control
Steffen, Suzi and Adrienne Marie Brown. “A few things straight cis or trans and non-straight cis people could do today and every day to support LGBTQIA people.” 12 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/adriennemaree/posts/10157220629320314?pnref=story
Cartography“Orlando Neighborhood.” Google Maps.
I wrote an Autobiography once.
This website is a sort of maze of historical occurances and objectives ordered aesthetically rather then factually.
Timo Tuhkanen Composer, from here you can reach
the site exclusively dedicated to the paper score music
with downloadable pdf scores. (under construction).
Interests: Musica Povera, Archeology of ideas,
Semantic Environments, Online
Typology of Language Objects
Datagory (allegory as data)
Fractonal, Xenharmonic
ACUTETHICS blog (new) SAD sound art day (new)
A listening room listening to music, Pteron Press books and magazine, Rhizome.org profile.